59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: How to sponsor Domestic Workers (Housemaid/Baby-Sitter/Servant etc.) from Nepal

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to sponsor Domestic Workers (Housemaid/Baby-Sitter/Servant etc.) from Nepal

1. For the housemaids/Baby-Sitters/Servants who arrived in the UAE up to 06 June 2011:
  • A completed Application Form for Attestation of Demand Letter for Domestic Worker
  • Bio-page and visa page of the Passport of the employee preferably in a single page – 2 copies
  • A copy of the previous visa page of the employee if the currently visa was renewed after 6 June 2011
  • A copy of departure (from UAE) and arrival (in Nepal) stamps of the immigration offices of both the countries, if your domestic worker is in Nepal
  • A copy of Passport of the Sponsor and for non-Emirati Sponsor also a copy of visa page
  • A copy of the medical insurance card of the employee
  • Employment Contract (certified by the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs of the UAE) and its two copies
  • Minimum basic salary for the domestic employee including housemaid or servant is AED 900.00. Please submit a written undertaking addressing to the Embassy that you will provide AED 900.00 as basic salary besides food and accommodation to the employee if the basic salary appears less than that in the said Contract.
2. For the housemaids/ Baby-Sitters/Servants who arrived/or will arrive in the UAE 7 June 2011 onwards

  •     A completed Application Form for Attestation of Demand Letter for Domestic Worker
  •     Guarantee and Undertaking Letter – 1 copy
  •     Police report of the Sponsor/Employer – 1 copy
  •     A salary certificate of the sponsor (sponsors having less than AED 10,000.00 monthly salary excluding the cost of accommodation will not qualify to employ Housemaid; sponsor can also enclose a salary certificate of his/her spouse in cases the salary is less than 10,000.00) issued by his/her employer agency – 1 copy (each)
  •     Certified copy of the tenancy contract or house ownership certificate, as applicable – 1 copy (the original certificate should also be shown if the Contract is not certified)
  •     Copy of the Sponsor's passport – 1 copy
  •     Copy of the Sponsor’s residence visa (for non-Emirati sponsors) – 1 copy
  •     Copy of the ID cards – 1 copy
  •     Copies of passport, visa, ID (as applicable) of the sponsor's spouse – 1 copy each
  •     Copy of the sponsor's marriage certificate – 1 copy
  •     Original Entry Visa (of the designated housemaid) and its copies – 2 copies
  •     Copy of the Passport of the housemaid – 1 copy
  •     Copies of ID, passport or citizenship certificate of the Nepalese national/s with full mailing address including phone numbers and email who recommended the domestic Employee to the Sponsor/Employer—1 copy each
  •     Employment Contract – 2 sets (4 pages in each in the given format) basic salary should be at least AED 900.00
    Please download the forms and other required documents from the "Download" section of this website or click here to download now.
    Please don’t sign the required documents until/unless the Embassy advises to do so (you need to sign them in presence of an Embassy official).
    Also note that the sponsor should come to the Embassy in person to sign the documents.
    Arranging these documents in the given order will facilitate us towards expediting the attestation process by avoiding possible delays.
    After we check your documents, we ask you to submit these documents along with refundable AED 5000.00 as security deposit (for the new domestic workers only) and AED 300.00 as service charge (non-refundable).
    After the attestation, the contract and a copy of the visa attested (originals) will have to be sent by the sponsor to the employee in Nepal to apply for obtaining Foreign Employment Permit from the Department of Foreign Employment, Kathmandu.
    If all the documents are ready, it will normally take a day to complete the attestation procedure at the Embassy.
    For refunding the deposited amounts, please i) ask the employee to call the Embassy during the working hours or send us an email mentioning her contact number ii) visit the Embassy with a written request by enclosing the copies of your employee's visa cancellation paper and exit paper (Please read the details in the Guarantee and Undertaking Letter and the Contract) or send your authorized representative with the said documents.

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