59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: Dubai Labour law- Workers' rights and limited contracts

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dubai Labour law- Workers' rights and limited contracts

Question ---- I worked at a company for more than three years on a contract for limited period. One month ago, I submitted my resignation after I received another job opportunity. But the employer did not allow me to join the new firm. He refused to give me my end-of-service gratuity. He then deducted 45 days’ salary for breaking the limited contract. He said the Labour Law does not entitle me to any end-of-service amount and that he may prevent me from transferring to another sponsor. Please clarify my right as per the law, and whether I am not entitled to any compensation, and whether I may not transfer to a new company. Note that I have been with the current employer for more than three years, and that in accordance with the Labour Law I am not required to obtain a no-objection certificate for transfer of sponsorship. Please advise. Many thanks.
I would like to clarify to the questioner that the Labour Law does not entitle a worker who was working under contract for limited period to claim end-of-service if the worker himself broke the contract. But the worker shall compensate the employer an amount equivalent to 45 days’ salary if the employer can prove the damages. The worker is, as per the Labour Law, entitled only to due pay, which the worker did not obtain. As for a transfer to a new sponsor, the employer might request the Ministry of Labour to impose a one-year ban on the questioner on grounds that the questioner broke the employment contract, which is for a limited period, and which caused damages to the employer. Therefore, I advise the questioner to seek to resolve this matter amicably with the employer so that he can transfer to a new sponsor.
Questions answered by Advocate Mohammad Ebrahim Al Shaiba of Al Bahar Advocates and Legal Consultants
Please note we are adding few frequently asked questions to avoid the confusion of the parties
Termination of Employment Contract in UAE – Frequently asked Questions
First: cancellation of the limited contract by employer:
4. My contract is a limited contract and the employer dismissed me without a legal reason, am I entitled to compensation for the injustice dismissal? … Article (115) :

If the employer dismissed you and revoked the contract without the reasons provided in the article ( 120) , he shall compensate the worker by a pay of (3) months or the period remained from the contract , whichever is shorter … unless otherwise provided by the contract.

* Example: a worker with limited contract started from 10/1/ 2005 and expires on 9/1/ 2008 … and the employer dismissed him without a reason or justification in 3/2/2007 .. here, the worker is entitled for a compensation against the injustice dismissal , payment for ( 3) months.

* Example: a worker with a limited contract started from 10/ 1/ 2004 and expires on 9/ 1/ 2007 .. the employer dismissed him without a reason or justification in 3/12/ 2006 .. here, the employer shall compensate the worker for the injustice dismissal for the remaining period of the contract. Namely, he was dismissed in 3/12/2006 before his contract expires in 9/1/ 2007 .. so the remaining period as from date of dismissal to the date of expiry of the contract is = (37) days … and it is the period for which the worker is entitled for compensation by the employer .. ( this is the explanation for phrase of " the remaining period from the contract).
5. Is the compensation for injustice dismissal calculated on the basic salary or the total salary?
Compensation is calculated on the total salary received by the worker According to the article (115) in which it is mentioned the word (remuneration) … and the remuneration is provided for by the labor law, … article (1). (Remuneration):

" All payments made to the worker on a yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, piece work, or production or commission basis. Remuneration shall include raise of living and include as well any grant given to the worker as a reward for his honesty or efficiency if such amounts are provided for in the contract of employment or in the internal regulations of the establishment or have been granted by custom or common practice to such extent that the workers of the establishment regard them as part of their remuneration and not as donations”

Second: Revocation Of The Limited Contract Of Association

6. My contract is a limited contract and I submitted my resignation before my contract expires, shall I pay a compensation to the employer for revocation of the contract? … article (116):

Where the contract is broken by the worker before the limited time. Worker should by 45 day from his total salary or the residual period of the contract whichever is shorter

7. I worked with the employer for two years and my contract is limited by (3) years and I obtained a work opportunity at another place …. Is the employer entitled to deduct (45) from my dues for non- completion of the contract of employment?

According to What has been mentioned into these questions:

In all cases and according to the article (116): If the contract of the worker is with a limited period and he submitted his resignation before expiry of the contract without the reasons provided for in article (121)., the worker shall compensate the employer for What he has sustained from damage sue to revocation of the contract through compensating the employer by half of remuneration of the last three months or the remaining period from the contract , or whichever closer , unless otherwise provided for by the contract.

* Example: a worker with a limited period contract for (3) years .. he worker two years and ( 11) months … and he submitted his resignation , here, he shall compensate the employer by a half of remuneration of the last three months or the remaining period from the contract , or whichever closer from them , unless otherwise provided for in the contract.

8. My contract is a limited and it has not been expired yet , may I submit my resignation and serve for one month of notice ?
As for the limited contracts, there is no one month of notice … because the one month notice is for the unlimited contract -therefore , the worker shall compensate the employer by a half of remuneration of the last three months or the remaining period from the contract , or whichever closer from them , unless otherwise provided for in the contract.
* Example: a limited contract started from 4/3/2005 and expires on 3/ 3/ 2008 , and the worker submitted his resignation in 5/6/ 2006 - here, the worker shall compensate the employer by a half of remuneration of the last three months or the remaining period from the contract , or whichever closer from them , unless otherwise provided for in the contract.
9. I submitted my resignation before ( 6) months from expiry of my limited contract and the employer wants to deduct a remuneration of 45) days , is he entitled for so ?

As per the article (116) from the labor law … the employer is entitled to deduct from the total remuneration - due to your revocation of your contract of employment with no reason

10. a worker with limited contract which will be expired after one year, submitted his resignation due to his personal circumstances : ( family problems at his home country) or ( he obtained another job) shall he pay the compensation amount ?

Yes, the employer is entitled to demand the worker for the compensation amount, because these are personal matters
11. How the compensation is calculated, on the basic or total salary?
It is calculated on the last remuneration received by the worker.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I worked in a company for 8 months,the company terminated my contract.i requested the company to give my an NOC so that i can look for another job as i have family to support,but they refuse to give they said its a company policy that they are not giving NOC,my question is,it there any law that a company will not give NOC?please help..

Anonymous said...

is there any law which supports that for example, a sales person who doesnt achieve his target,will not get the full salary?...

Anonymous said...

I am working in private company here in Dubai. Now i have better offer in Govt Sector.So what is the procedure to either i cancel my Visa "or" Transfer.
and one more question if i cancel my Visa with NOC then the Labour will bend me for Six Month.
Thanks in advance.


Anonymous said...

I am working in a private company in dubai. I have already completed my one year contract and now I am on notice period on resignation. I need to check that am I entitled to get my vocation during the notice period.
also am I entitled to get my full salary in final settelement (Basic+allowances) or not.

Anonymous said...

I am working for 3 years in a private company in Dubai and I want to resign on the expiration of my visa then transfer to my husband sponsorship. I have already found another company to work for and they are willing to give a me a labour contract. But as I spoke to the other employees who are in husband sporsonship the company is giving them a laminated labour card copy and the original was kept with the employer. I would like to know is it possible for one company to keep the original labour card of the employee even they are having their own sponsorship?

Unknown said...

I am in limited contract. I been working for 2 years then my employer terminated my contract with 30 days notice as is mentioned in my contract. Just want to know if I am entitled to receive 3 months as mentioned in article 115.

Anonymous said...

I have 2 questions:
1) I worked in a company for 8 months,the company terminated my contract.i requested the company to give my an NOC so that i can look for another job as i have family to support,but they refuse to give they said its a company policy that they are not giving NOC,my question is,it there any law that a company will not give NOC?please help..

April 28, 2010 9:09 AM

2)is there any law which supports that for example, a sales person who doesnt achieve his target,will not get the full salary?...

May 3, 2010 5:32 AM

Can I have answers for those 2 questions, as here I didn't find an answer.
Please help me!

Anonymous said...

im jake

i have a question in my private company LLC
im working now almost 2yrs,and the company the have new emplementation to deduct my salary in allowances,in he want me to sign to that new agreement,but i refused to sign,and i dont know what will happen to me here in dubai,,,pls answer my question,,,thanks

Anonymous said...

i was working for a company for 6 years and 2 mos, i just renew my contract last march 2010, i just want to ask when can i ask my employer for a resignation and if they have the right to give me a ban even though i finished my 2 contract, ang if there is ban, can i pay for the ban? how much will it cost.
many thank's GOD BLESS

Anonymous said...

i just had a question to ask. i was working for a company for more than 2 years now. I am on a limited contract which is going to expire by little early next year 2011.i am planning to change my job for they are not giving me that good increment which i think i deserve.would it be possible that my company would give me an NOC & i can transfer job & no ban???..thanks and hoping for the soonest response..

Anonymous said...

I finished my 3 years contract with a company. My contract is unlimited. Now i want to look for a new company. My previous employer will not give me NOC. As per new rulings, if you finished 3 years contract-unlimited,then I don't need NOC. But my question is, what is the basis for finishing 3 years contract, is it the labour card expiry date or residence visa expiry date? thanks & hoping for soonest response...

Anonymous said...

I am in limited contract. I been working for 2 years & 4 months, then my employer terminated my contract with 30 days notice as is mentioned in my contract. Just want to know if I am entitled to receive 3 months salary as mentioned in article 115.

Anonymous said...

hi can anyone pls help me.. I am new here inDubai I came here in a tourist visa, was able to find a job which i thought really good but wasnt.. The owner have a partner and it was the partner who hiredme and have agreed on the salary. the owner of the company is the sponsor of my visa. now he kicked out his partner out of the company and he doesnt want me to work in the comapny now.. My dillemma is, I never asked to be in between their problems, they never spent a single fils for my expenses and if my visa gets cancelled i will be banned for 6 months. It isn't me who never wanted to work, it is the sponsor who doesnt want me to work now can I do about this... pls help.. my email add is shean.demayo@live.com

Anonymous said...

hi iam working for a second hand furniture company .iam a sales man and my salary in agreement is 4000 dhs and iam not yet got 2000dhs in 11 months and he is cancelling me plz can u help me wat to do with this case can i have my full salary or no plz feed me back

Anonymous said...

Hi sir/madam have a niceday!Im Rickmond from the staff of Sunrise Organizing Parties.I would like to ask some question regarding this following?First is the status of our contract to our company in Sunrise Organizing Parties?The situition of our company is goes like this,our salary before they pay for us 1,200dhs. and then after few months,they change us to per function,taht we could us no work /no pay and this regulation effective last month of april they give us only 600dhs.Because,that they said that is our basic salary,but mostly of our duties by day are more than 9 hours,and we have also overtime,that our company not paid us.And rather than that?therell will be no fix date or exact date to be conducted our monthly salary.And we ask for our right to know about salary they will be getting angry for us.Or else they says that canceled to there company or charge for absconding.Sir/madam,what is this absconding?Second is about the status of our visa?If we would like to cancel our visa to their company.we will pay or not?How much can we pay?If our company will like to canceled us?What will happened?I hope sir/madam that we will wait to your good responce for this question....Godbless and more power to you...thank you very much again!!!

Anonymous said...

Need help for this situation; I’m employed in design consultant firm having a 3 years residence visa, but in my signed contract (the yellow sheet) say that it is limited from September 2009 until October 2010.So, I have 1 year limited contract. Then my concern is, when I finish this contract and I don’t want to renew it, is it possible for me to join in a new company without prohibition while my visa in previous firm is still valid? In this case, what is the status of my visa? Am I transferable visa? Do I have a BAN in joining new company or Ban in Ministry of Labor? Thank you!

Anonymous said...

dear sir/madam.less than two months my residence visa will expire.so pls kindly give a suggestion can i sponsor to my spouse.yes or no.

mario said...

good day to you...

I am Mario, Can you help me answer my questions?

I was previously connected with one of the company in Dubai last 2007, The type of visa that I have is a residence visa. After a year of working in a company I went hometown for a 1 month vacation, during vacation its so happen that I am sick, I have a hypertension and my doctor advised me to rest at least 2 months, so I decided not to go back to dubai because im afraid what will happen to me so I decided to submit a resignation letter but my employer doesn't allow me to resign even if i faxed to him the medical certificate that I have, he told me that they're going to file a case against me re breach of contract, my question is why is he filing a case against me when infact my reason is reasonable enough because that's regarding my health? Another question my residence visa will expire this coming december 2010. If I have an offer again in Dubai, Am i still allowed to work in Dubai after december 2010? My health is o now.

Thank you for your favorable response.

Thank you and more power

Anonymous said...

Am working for a company in dubai , but am on husband sponsorship.The company had promised to provide the labor permit(no visa) but even after 8 months, they have not.I want to leave the company now and they are deducting my salary for 15 days leave that i took.Since i have completed more than 6 months, am i eligible for atleast 15 days paid leave or the company has rights to deduct that amount now??

Anonymous said...

am working for a company in dubai "millennium rent a car " as a driver from last 2 year i m working with him,last month i came for vacation to pakistan ....respected sir my company sponsor didnt get leave salary+air ticket to me.they said we have no policy to give u air ticket and annual leave .

Anonymous said...

i was terminated by my company last july 24, 2010. and they force me to sign all the documents and not allow me to read it..and they say that they will not give me my salary and end of srvice because i suppose to pay them 6000dhs because i didnt finish the contract..what will i do..

Anonymous said...

i worked in my company for 1 year and 8 months then i went for vacation but i didnt come back, i stayed in the philippines for 10 months then i came for visit visa,but while they were processing my employment visa we came to know that my labor card not yet canceled,i asked them to cancel but they always say"yes we will cancel but stil they dont do and they even gave NOC until now its not cancel, my visit visa will finished and i have to exit,my labor card will expire on september 23 will that be authomaticaaly cancelled even if the company will not process the cancellation in the labor?and my residence visa also authomaticaaly will be cancell because im out of the country more than 6 months?i wanted to comeback after expiration of my labor card will that be possible?pls i need your advice.thanks

Anonymous said...

Im one of the concern citizen here in dubai.Kindly check the hermitage building located beside karama post office.Even if it's ramadan time there are some office that is still giving long hours to their employees.These offices has been doing this every year.They are not respecting this holy event of muslims.And the people working are suffering.please give attention to this matter at the earliest.

Anonymous said...

I am architect company had terminate my contract after 2yrs and 7month and also cancelled the visa there is a ban of six month from labour dept. sir i want to know that ban can be lifted from labour dept.and there is need for NOC from old company because visa is already cancelled and when i can join the the new company. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

i am working in RAK BANK for more than a year but when i ask him for 1 month vacation in a year they dont give me that,and saying about target,but according to the contract the yearly vacations for 1 month are there,and also they take a signatur from me in local leave form and said me to come in office and work in your vacation....plz suggest

Unknown said...

if i want to fight for rights what are my rights?

Anonymous said...

Hi I just want to know , i got terminated 2 months back , and until now , i didn't find any job to replace it, they told me they will give a time to find a job, usually how long they can give me leeway's on this, or it depend on my previous company if ever they want to cancel it?

Anonymous said...

As per the UAE law, The maximum normal working hours for adult workers shall be eight hours in the day, 48 hours in the week. Can you please confirm if this 8hrs is including lunch break.

Unknown said...

salam my name is Muhammad Bilal Hussain and i come in uae 2003 at work visa with sadaf hajj & Umrah located Abu dhabi , Al Ain , Dubai after my slary 1200 Dhs after 2 year 2005 i asked to my ownr (arbab) to increase my salay but he cancleed my visa and stamp HIRMAN DAIM was stmped by immigration due to ths reason i cnt enter in uae plz help me if possible .......
i come 2 time at visit but deport from air port what is ths there in no law for poor person plz give me justice......
my cell no 00923333749838

Unknown said...


I am working in private firm and my contract is unlimited. i completed in 2 years and as per my company if i resign now they said they will not give me NOC. Is there any way i can have NOC?

Anonymous said...

My friend is working as a teacher but wants to leave Dubai. She has a two year contract but wants to leave after her first year. She has been told she cannot have an exit permit. Is this legal? Are there any routes we can take?

Anonymous said...

I am currently on a husband visa and got a job here in abu dhabi but my work will be in ajman. the employer told me that i have to transfer my visa status from husband to company visa as part of their company rules. i would like to ask, being on a husband sponsorship, is it not a privilege of a wife to have an option to whether transfer her visa status or not? if i decline to transfer my visa, will this mean that i will not get a labour card?

Anonymous said...

I have joined a company in Jabal ali Free Zone, 2 months ago. Due to health reasons i have resigned my job and the company is insisting me to pay the visa charges and my return ticket charges.Is it the rules of UAE Labor Law?

Unknown said...

I have joined a company in Jabal ali Free Zone, 2 months ago. Due to health reasons i have resigned my job and the company is insisting me to pay the visa charges and my return ticket charges.Is it the rules of UAE Labor Law?

Anonymous said...

i am working

Anonymous said...

hi sir i am working ia samra jewellery in dmcc
visa not in dmcc visa visa gold souk visa i am and my friend all now working in dmcc free zone
is the rules of uae labor law visa

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!.. Can someone help me, I was working before with one construction company for 1 year and 7mons, but when the crisis came, i got terminated but they give me a lot of time to find a new job and company to work with. And then I find this new company that I’ve been working now for 4mons. I already have a new visa and PATAKA with this new company but yesterday I was informed by one of the manager that they were terminating me for “poor performance” reason. They also told me that im in probationary period so they can terminate me anytime. They give me 30days to find a new company to work with, but what if I want to go home and cancel my visa to them, am I entitled as per labour to have a plane ticket going back to my home country that be provided by them and am I also entitled of 1mon salary?.. thanks!

Anonymous said...

Please advise my friend on what to do..she work as cashier in their company for three years now her visa/contract is finish, she is asking her gratuity and annual leave. Now her employer is blackmailing her telling her that she stole something from the shop that's why he is not entitled for the benefits. This thing happened May 2009 and only now her employer is informing her about her fault.Although the employer didnt give for her salary that month without informing her violation. Is there any chance for the employer to use this violation so the employer will not pay the employee for her benefits? Is there any fine for the employee if found that she violates the law?

Anonymous said...

We are working for one hotel we file a case because the employer doesnt pay us for our salary for the last 5 five months starting june now the case is prolonged already we want to ask to judiciary to order to our employer to pay our damages not only our salary but damages that they us is it possible? is anybody can answer my question

Anonymous said...

I would like to know if i can resign in my annual leave , i finished 2 years of my conract and in home country now

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

i had been worked in 5 month and 25days in one company in dubai now i am terminated from my company 9 days ago i have 3 years contract. till now they did not give me any response so that i want to answer and i want know about labor law of dubai so kindly tell me proper procedure what i will get from my company like salary /ticket/3 month advance salary for terminated it have this in dubai labor law it is possible to get this right and how many month band in dubai? i want to work another company with good response again so i need help ...........!

Anonymous said...

have a question, i finished my 3 years limited contract from previous company, got an NOC even not require but still i got an automatic 5000dhs labour ban, is it justifiable? i have no bad record in dubai and finished my contract,is any one can help to answer my querries?.. thanks in advance

Sonukatha said...

Please go through the frequently asked question and answers in the same post

vilas said...

I am working in dubai. my contract is a limited contract. My contract started in March 2009. In Jan 2010 after I got promotion I requested for a change in my position and salary status in my contract so that I could bring my family to Dubai. My company changed it accordingly but in the changed contract the duration of the contract has also been changed i.e contract starts from Jan 2010 and is limited till jan 2013.But in my visa the duration has not been changed and there is only a stamp which says 'only change in profession'. Now my doubt is whether my contact duration will prevail or my visa duration will prevail. I would be highly obliged if some on could help me with answers

Yaseen said...

I ma working with limited contract and it is completing May 2011, My Question what is right way to move new so I can get end service gratuity and I no need to compensate to employer because my visa going to finish.

Yaseen said...

Please provide me guidance regarding how to change my new job without job ban or any other penalty payable to sponsor when completing limited period contract with current employer

Anonymous said...

Iam newly join a company in dubai.nw already 5 month iam working there.My contract is limited per 3 years.if i want to resign before 3 years i have to pay some charges for the company?

Anonymous said...


i am working with the company from last 31 months and my visa is near to expire i want to change the job because i have not got any increament from last three years almonst but i wants to know that if i resign, is there ban for 6 mont or not. pls some one reply to me on khw.shaikh@gmail.com beacuse i heard that from 1 jan 2011 there will be no ban nothing..... pls

Anonymous said...

can anyone help me answer my questions?I was working for 11 months(unlimited contract) and cancelled by my employer just recently, but did not give me a termination letter or NOC for they told me new law doesnt require that anymore.But the new company who wants to hire told me termination letter is necessary to proceed to a new employment visa.So i decided to just exit the country.My question is how many months is my labor ban and how long is the duration of my exit before i can go back here in uae in visit visa ?

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir ,I am an employee of a gas company in UAE, when I joined the company before 1 year,they have taken sighnature from me on an agreement in which mentioned the following terms and conditionsons:(it was an internal agreement).

1- In the event that the employee wants to terminate his contract before 3 years time, the employee is required to compulsate the employer for any prejudice that the employer has sustained, The amount of compulsation willl be 2,500 USD.

2- The employee is required to a notice period of 60 days for the smooth turnover of his function to incumbent.

Sir I want to know that

1- In the presence of UAE Labour Law this agreement is applicable or not,

2- Even I give 60 days notice then also I have to pay this compensation amount of 2,500 USD.



Anonymous said...

i am working in a private company with 3 years contract, after 2 years and 4 months of service i render my resignation to transfer to government office.I'll file a one month notice on Jan 1, 2011 and my last working day on Jan 31,2011 and did signed by my operation engineer with the knowledge also of my line manager,but on Jan 23 the sector manager told me if I'm really sure to my decision i should "file again" to Feb 1, 2011.My question is as per labor law is this right that he disregard my first notice due to above reason or i'll shall continue and finish my one month notice..pls help

thank you,

Anonymous said...

What happens if a person leaves UAE with a limited contract without visa cancellation and then wants to join a new company

Anonymous said...

Regarding ban and non-objection certificate: Is Customer Service Representstive Position considered as a skilled and professional, semi-professional or Unskilled job by Dubai Labour law?

Anonymous said...

I was hired last january 18, 2011 as secretary in one of the company here in abu dhabi, they gave me an offer letter, and adviced me to wait for my working visa but up tho this date, January 30, 2011 i have not receive it yet... how many days to process working visa? and what does an offer letter guarantees me? and what should i do coz my visa is expiring on feb 7 already?

Anonymous said...

I was hired on Feb09 I quit the Job on Oct10 because my current employer insisted me to work for night shifts or to quit the Job as I am a lady I was not comfortable to work in night so I had to quit the Job. I got a new offer only in the end of December month, now my new visa is in process and the current employer is telling me to pay AED5000 and plus I have to pay additional charges it seems its becos I have a band and they said that the Immigration is not accepting NOC to wave off. I really dont know what to do I didnt have any intension to leave the previous employer. I want to know is the charges is really applicable and IS THE CHARGES ARE REALLY VERY HIGH

Anonymous said...

i replaced one visa. after i checked in application status of replaced visa. the answer is transaction processed.after that what i will do?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Im came to Dubai on visit visa! one of company offered me a job & they gave me a under signed offer letter to me & asked me to go back to my country till they send me the Visa & flight tickets. They have mentioned their offer letter they are responsible for arranging my visa! but they never come back to me & i have been wait 01 & half months.After i made my visa & tickets in myself & return to the Dubai! Can i take an legal action against the Company & can i apply for compensation? Please advise me!

Unknown said...

Hi. I was employed just this Feb. 12, 2011 and now I'm thinking of leaving the company for some reasons. My question is,what will be the consequences if I will resign? My contract is for 2 years and I have a 6 months probation period. They have also provided me with the Employment visa already but I don't have my residence visa or even my labour card yet. How much should I pay for the damages if ever? Please help me. I don't know what to do. I just realized as days passing by that this job is not for me. I can't handle things this way especially when my boss gets mad and shouts at me. and he gives me all the works even those work that is not entitled for my position. please help me. I barely need it now. I just want to leave and find a better job. thanks.

Anonymous said...

i m working with a company for the last ten months.They give me offer latter and after two months of that job i canceled my visa.Now they are not giving me visa and they didn't give me salary from the last four months.Suggest me what i can do to get my salary.can i do case on them.

Anonymous said...

Slap your boss on his face and immediately you'll be terminated and you will have a good exit immediately as per Article 120 of the UAE Labour Laws. Try it 'll work wonders.

Anonymous said...

i am working in a company from 11 months i have limited contract for 3years, i am post graduate my salary is 1700 when they interiview me that time they said after six months we give you 5000 but they are telling me different story now, i want to resign they are saying if you resign you have to pay 17000 AED sir is that any law we have to pay this much of amount, at the time of interview they said we provid you driving liecence, i got licence, and after six months your salary will be 5000 now 11 months gone they did not increase my salary, i want leave the company because i management post graduate i doing work as valet parking associate they cheat me sir please tell me what is the procesure to resign.

Anonymous said...

hi good day sir,i recently resigned to my company i have a 3 yr.contract and unfortunately i had to resign after 8 months,now my company wants me to pay the 45 days and the airline ticket that they spend in order to bring me here in dubai,do they have the right to charge me with the airline ticket also?thanks

Unknown said...

i joined a jewellery shop as an a/c with 2 year limited contract in jan2011. they are making me work 14 hrs all days in a week and 8hrs on fridays too. i have decided to resign. how to go abt it? am i liable to pay compensation? somebody please help...please give ur valuable suggestion on daksh_in@yahoo.com.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am working with a company in JAFZA and have been recently recruited by DMCC company in JLT. I have famliy (wife & Mother) under my sponsership. Does the cancellation of visa is easy process OR transfer of visa is easy process (because both the comapnies are a freezone co) and will my wife & mother visa get cancelled?? What is the minimum salary to obtain visa for wife & mother as per DMCC rules??? Please guide.

Anonymous said...

hi! I'm working in a company and my contract is 3 years. I been working now for 1 year and 2 months. It is possible to resign now? if ever i resign, who will be pay my cancellation the company or me?If the company will pay my cancellation if there any article in the law will support me?..please help me.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine had joined a company where he did not sign a contract yet, but had to travel for the visa change process after a month of joining. He stayed in his home country for 2 months and kept asking when his visa will be issued but the company gave no response, finally he came back on a visit visa and went to the company where they said to resume work the visa will be issued. Meanwhile he hadapplied for other jobs and he got a job so he left his previous company and joined the new company but till then the visa was issued but not stamped on his passport, now he is requesting his old employer to cancel the visa as he doses not wants to continue with them but they are resusing to do so they asked for a fee of 15000 dhs which he is ready to pay but they are just delaying for no reason his visit visa is expiring on 11th april after 2 months his new company cannot issue him a visa.
He went to the labour office and they asked him to pay the amount which he is agreeing to but the PRO is delaying the process by not appearing at the lanour office.
Please advice what can be done his new company is dubai Jebel Ali Free Zone, can he further exrtend his visit visa, or is there any easier way to get the previous visa cancelled.
Really looking forward for a response.
He is really tensed please help on this regard.

Anonymous said...

There is one Company in Burdubai named KINNARPS. this company is not giving Health Insurance, not paying overtime & not giving any declared holidays to their employees working in their SITE Projects. kindly help these laborers. Thank you very much to the the Ministry of Labor. below is the address of the company.
Kinnarps Project Solutions LLC
4th Floor, Al Bawadi Building, Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Road (Trade Centre Road)
Bur Dubai, Dubai
Landmark: Beside BurJuman Centre
P.O.Box: 111727, Dubai
Tel: +971 4 3595501

Anonymous said...

sir iam shabbir ahmed iam newly in uae just one month finish, i have a personal problem in my home in india ,as per company rules i want to pay 5000AED how is it possible please give me any suggestion or call me +971502128434

Anne said...

Sir,i filed my resignation on 31st of March 2011 or End of Contract notice.According to the UAE law that we gonna have a month notice before the cancellation period but our employer cancelled my visa earlier than my one month notice ends.Sir,do i have to finish my 1 month notice or i won't work anymore because they already cancelled my visa.Sir,they will give us the xerox copy of our cancellation form and they will not give us our original passport.Sir,what im gonna do this time please help me i need to hear from you as soon as possible.(unlimited contract)i already finished the 3 years contract.

Anonymous said...


I just want to ask if it's true If I will finish my 3 years contract and renew for another two years but what if I decide not to finish the another 2 years i will not receive any graduity from my company .

Anonymous said...

You should definitely read my article,

It provides details and procedures you need to follow.


kumar said...

sir,iam santhanakrishnan iam working 11month in dubai(DIP).i have problem home in india.iwant go to cancellation.in my company ask me visa fees 6000dhs.what is the proper uae rule pls give me suggestion(055-2477565)kumar.jaya.jaya29@gmail.com

sonu said...

Dear Sir,

I am working in a LLC as accounts clerk and completed 04 Years on limited Contact.
Last year it was renewed from 15 March 2010 - 14 March 2013 for 03 Years. I submited by resignation by e mail on 26th March '11(from out side country) and given in writing on 04th of April after reached to UAE. They informed in it will be calculated from 04 April for 30 days time. When I requested to releave me on 4th May they are compelling me to work till 10th of May and they are holding my salary till tht day. When I asked about my gratuaty they said as per UAE Labour Law.

How Much I can claim as my gratuty as far as I ma breaking my limited contract, which completed 4 years? Can they hold anything from my current salary?

Kindly advice me at the earliest on 055- 7025498 or sonupdaniel@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

To whom it may concern, I am going to file a resignation but i am just 1 month working here in dubai,is it possible for the employer accept my resignation? what is the requirements aside paying 5000aed?how can i assure that the company or my employer won't give anything against me.i mean if he will just accept then afterwards he will not given any good clearances for me.. I am just worried about that.many rumors i heard about it.please give some suggestions or replies for these. thanks.

Anonymous said...

hi how are you? im living in dubai running for four years but im still not listened what i've heard to my friends. they told me if you live in dubai you must live in the room with all person is legal in dubai, it means if me and my husband go for bedspace, partition, even in room we need to know if they are all working in legal in dubai and they have all visa, labour card even now the emirates card. you know i dont know what should i do because now if i report to the police or not.i will tell you my story,,,,, we are living in al muteena road near in west zone supermarket name of the building is BIN KAMEL BUILDING..,,in our flat theres a lot of filipino living, theres a three rooms in one flat, the first rooms they divide in partition even they know is not allowed to put the partition they make a partition, in this room our land lady who is the one who handle the flat we know her name as a BHEM FRANCA and CATHY ROYALES somebody told us they don't have any visa that requires here in dubai,, the partition is divide by four, in first partition our landlady staying there with another lady we know her name as ANGEL without visa they are only going for part time,as far as i know if you don't have any visa you are not allowed to stay here in dubai, the second partition one filipina we know her name as DING also staying there but i don't know her status about her visa, the third partition one filipina also staying there,we know her name as J.LO as far as i know she buy her own visa and she work as a paying lady it means she go for disco to catch the customer to make a money, she has a indian boyfriend and some of the time her boyfriend staying in our flat and our land lady she allowed it,even she know that is not allowed, and the fourth partition one filipina staying there also but i don't know exactly her status about her visa, we know her name as KIM and her boyfriend LEE she work also same like TO J.LO she has a korean boyfriend but the situation is different this korean staying together with KIM with out any marriage paper. in the second room theres a filipina also they don't have a legal work here in dubai as i know her name is EMILY but i dont know the other one, with this room there has a couple there and one single man they are afraid also, in the third room one filipina single only living there as illegal i know her name as ALINE LEONIDO i don't know exactly her status in visa. So now i will tell you the situation, me and my husband want to change the room because of the situation that i told you,you know what happen i told to my husband why we change the room we are legal here and who is the one who need to live the house that all illegal people, so we decided to talk to the land lady may 13, 2011 we told her we didin't change the room she answered us "no you need to live this house because somebody taken your place and she give me a deposit", i tell her now is only 12th of may its possible to change our mind, she said no you need to live end of this month i said ok, the problem is why they want me and my husband live that house even she know who is illegal in here in our flat. can you help me to remove them to the house all the name that i told you.....before end of this month....because last week somebody make doorbell in our flat you know what they make they did'nt open the door and they switch off the lights, I ask to the land lady what happen she said no need you open the door i ask why, we don't know what happen that time that's why can you help us to remove them to our flat. THANK YOU VERY MUCH I hope you help us,,,,,

Anonymous said...

I don't want to involve them but i want a peace and legal house please help us.....

Anonymous said...

Are you interested in a personal/business loan? If yes, email us at alexloanoffer@hotmail.com with the information below to enable us to proceed further:

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Mr Alex Smith.

Anonymous said...

If a person under 3 years limited contract completes his term and does not wish to renew/extend his contract:
1. Is he entitled for gratuity?
2. Should the company provide him a ticket when his new employer is unable to provide a new visa in time after the 30 days grace period lapses?

Anonymous said...

You are entitled for gratuity according to UAE law and the air ticket included in it


Anonymous said...

i am working with company since august2008 to may 2011 my visa is going to finished on 22/9/2011 but company suddenly called me 4 month before finish my visa and suddenly telling me i will be finished from company from the end of june 2011.if i go back to country , can i claim my remaining month's compensation.still i have 4 month to finish my visa. please give me advice......

Anonymous said...

Dear If you are working with limited contract and If the employer dismissed you and revoked the contract without the reasons provided in the article ( 120) , he shall compensate the worker by a pay of (3) months or the period remained from the contract , whichever is shorter … unless otherwise provided by the contract

Anonymous said...

I work in a freezone co. here in dubai.i got a police case because of bank problems.my visa expired last april 22, 2011.I have solved my problems w/ my banks and my name was cleared in immigration but then my company has submitted an Absconding case in t-com in knowledge village.my company tells me that I'll be the one to pay the fine of 7000 dirhams in order to pull out the absconding case..I just want to ask if do I really need to pay that amount even i am not the one who submit it or shld. it be my company who submitted the case?

Anonymous said...

Dear, you can approch the free Zone legal department and request for help

pradeep said...

I am working in a JAFZA company for the past 5 years.I wanted to know how the end of settlement is calculated if the company terminates my service on 1/6/2011.I joined the company on 22/6/2011 and completed my first visa on 15/8/2009 after wards the comapny renewed my JAFZA visa for another three years and now the company gave me an end of settlement paper where by the company has calculated 59.6Days gratuity .I wanted to know whether this calculation is right or wrong.How many days gratuity I will be eligible for the first three days and after that.Please let me know

Anonymous said...

if you are completed 5 years you are entitled to get 21 days benifit for each year. For getting clarification you can approch leagal department Jaza, they will calculate your actual benifit and give you guidlines free of cost

hamdan said...

my company do illegal practices.
and they dont give us overtime and deduct the late time multiplied by three.
plus they forced us to sign for paying 8 thousands if leaving the job.
Im afraid if I complain they cancel me and take the 8000 from me while banning me from working in the UAE.
what if I find another job?
can I switch?
I didnt complete 2 years yet.
Im confused

Anonymous said...

Dear all, I joined April 2011 as Professional Auditor on LIMITED CONTRACT. I am on Dubai Visa. Currently I am getting good jobs in free zones and in Dubai. Can I resign and no action would be taken by my curent employer if I broke the Law? I met one friend, he advised me after Jan 2011 rules have been changed and you will not be considered for ban anymore and your skills are professional.

Please advice in detail, because same problem is being faced by many skills persons in Dubai.

Anonymous said...

If the contract of the worker is with a limited period and he submitted his resignation before expiry of the contract without the reasons provided for in article (121)., the worker shall compensate the employer for What he has sustained from damage sue to revocation of the contract through compensating the employer by half of remuneration of the last three months or the remaining period from the contract , or whichever closer , unless otherwise provided for by the contract.

* Example: a worker with a limited period contract for (3) years .. he worker two years and ( 11) months … and he submitted his resignation , here, he shall compensate the employer by a half of remuneration of the last three months or the remaining period from the contract , or whichever closer from them , unless otherwise provided for in the contract

Leo said...

Our bank where we work has issued a circular reducing the airfare allowance for expatriate staff. According to my employment contract, I am entitled to 5 tickets, one for myself, wife and 3 children. According to the new policy I wll get the equivalent of 2 tickets. What does labour law have to say about that?

nuhasi said...

Dear Sir,
I am working in a construction company from 12/04/2006. Initially my contract was with Jabel Ali free zone and when it expired in June 2009 and company asked me to sign a letter to change the contract from free zone to DNRD Dubai without giving any gratuity and given me a letter on 14/06/2009) mentioning that " please be acknowledge that the below mentioned leave and gratuity entitlement will be carried forward to your payable account with our organization since we are going to change your visa status from Jafza to Dubai naturalization and residence department with effect from 10th June 2009". I had signed the new contract (limited) on 15/08/2009 effective from 03/08/2009. Sir I just want to know that my service will count as continuous or not and how the gratuity will count if I resign from service now.

Best Regards,

Abdul Rasheed Sait

Anonymous said...

I was working for a company from Feb 2000 till August 2010. Then had to travel back to my country due to pregnancy problems (with a leave letter from the doctor). Returned back to dubai in April 2011 on husbands sponsership.

Labour contract (Limited)mentions executive secretary, but my last job was sales. After my return to dubai, when i call the company & ask them for my settlement they say first you have to get the outstanding payment then we will give you your gratuity. I have not signed any document that I will collect the money first from the customers then take my settlement. Secondly my boss has closed the company and asking me to join his another company. My last salary was AED 8000/month. kindly let me know how to go about it to get my settlement.

Anonymous said...

As per your contract your designation is diffrent. Please contact ministry of labour and get their advise, they will advise you how to proceed

Anonymous said...

Abdul Rasheed Sait,
You are continuing your employment. Please keep the letter issued to you, when any issue with the employer contact labour department with the papers you will get releaf

Anonymous said...

how about the unlimited contract,if the company terminated the contract? i worked for 2 years & 11 months in my company,they terminated my contract due to lay off.
just want to know my dues,What is the basis for the computation for my end of service?

Anonymous said...

my company issued my Employment visa last july 2009,after undergo for medical my Labour card released and it will expire on September 2012.i and my employer have some case last 2009 then the ministry of labour cancelled my employment contract then when i go to immigration for my cancellation i found out that i dont have a residence stamp in my passport,since my company did not give any copy of my documents ever since they issued a employment visa and released my labour card,
i just want to know who is responsiblr to pay of my over stay fine in the immigration office?

Anonymous said...

With notice period specified in UAE Labour law (usually 30 days) then the amount is according to the following:
Employed for less than 1 year - no gratuity
Employed between 1-3 years - 7 days for each year of employment (1/3 of the limited contract amount)
Employed between 3-5 years - 14 days for each year of employment (2/3 of the limited contract amount)
If you employed longer than 5 years - 21 days for each year up to 5 years, and 30 days for each year after 5 years (same as for limited contract holders). Maximum limit is of 2 years’ worth of salary.
Unless the employer has not fulfilled their obligations according to the UAE Labour Law, or the employer has assaulted the employee (Article 121 conditions for permission to leave employment without notice). You might have to file a case with the Ministry of Labour in the UAE to claim your gratuity in this case.
Gratuity is calculated on base salary only, any additional allowances are ignored

Anonymous said...

Sir/Madaam! I'm working in a new establish but booming hotel but the owner refused to distribute service charges to his employees. His reason is he spend the service charges for the staff accommodation and food allowance of his employees. Is it reasonable on dubai law that he will not give the service charge? Please help me. Kindly send your answer on darwinsonas@yahoo.com.

Anonymous said...

the owner of our company said that duty hours on ramadan will be 7 hours and he dont care if we go and sue him.
what can we do?

Sonukatha said...

Six-hour a day work for private sector during Ramadan
The rule applies to all workers regardless of their religion, whether they are fasting or not.
"As per Article 65 from the Federal Labour Law, the working hours are reduced by two hours during the month of Ramadan to six hours (36 hours per week) from eight hours (48 hours per week). Based on this, the working hours for those working in commercial establishments, hotels and even security, are also reduced to six hours a day," he added.
However, a worker could be employed for more than six hours daily during Ramadan if the extra hours are considered as overtime and he or she is compensated for it by 25 per cent of the basic pay per hour during day, and 50 per cent during night, Dr Al Hosani clarified. He stressed that establishments in all sectors are supposed to honour and implement the rule. Each company is allowed to organise its working hours to serve its best interests, but on the condition that workers are compensated for the overtime hours, which should not be more than two hours a day.
An official source at the Ministry of Labour, meanwhile, has said the company officials must place signboards or issue notices indicating the reduced working hours for all workers during Ramadan. Notices must be in all languages spoken by the employees or labourers at the particular establishment, and must be placed in such a way that they are visible to all staff.
He called on the workers to report the establishments to the ministry or labour offices across the emirates if they are forced to work for the regular working hours during the month.
He said the ministry would intensify inspections at the establishments during this period, and the violating firms would face penalties as per the labour law

Anonymous said...

well we are working for 7 hours now and we are not getting any over time...
can the inspectors come to our office to see them selves?
if yes give me a contact where I can send the address

aji mohan said...

I am aji mohan working in abudhabi i want change my job to another compony i already finished more than 3 year and i give notice period 30 days after that my company saying they can not cansel now i have wait but my new company required me very urjent so what is the best option for me

Qaiser said...

I am working in a company in Abu Dhabi from 4 months but this company has not given me my entitlement position so I am loosing my career growth.I have a contract of 2 years in this company.I am Mechanical Engineer & having 4 years experience in Construction and Planning on different projects and sites in UAE & Oman.But my this employer has kept me in Procurement & in Store management.Here MBA can do good job so I am loosing my Career. If I gets another job in Free Zone, may I accept this offer either my previous employer banned me for period of 1 year for breaking contract.is it possible to get new visa in free zone whether i m banned also.IS FREE ZONE IS BANNED FREE ?

Anonymous said...

you can try in free zone, getting visa in free zone you must cancel your present visa

Anonymous said...

Hi ajii Mohan,you can contact labour department for advise and they will help you

Anonymous said...

Hello is it true that once the residence visa is canceled and the passport doesn't have a stamp of the new visa, the ex employer cannot give my gratuity? I am looking for this law in Dubai federal law but ican't find it.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sir, I was working with Computer Showroom since last 4 & 1/2 years, i had taken a Loan from the company, in Feb.2011 before going on leave for 15days my Director asked me to give Local Bank's Chq as well as Home Country Bank's Chq as a SECURITY CHEQUE, in GOOD FAITH i gave two Open dated & Blank chqs to the Company. After coming from Leave everything was going on smoothly, On June 12th around in afternoon time my boss came to me & told me to get out of the Showroom & not to come back till he calls me back with that he asked me to repay the Loan which i took from the company. Say in July 2nd week i paid 75% of the Loan amount & for Balance 25% of the Loan amount i asked him few months as i was not having fund that time, i wrote him around 10 emails but he never replied back. One day in the month of July 2011 i received call from his employee telling that come & sign your Visa cancellation form, i went & signed the same & after two months i sent him a mail regarding my Visa Cancellation Status that time he told me that everything is finished & pay my balance loan amt & take your Passport so i said that give me few months i will repay your money back, but he disagreed & thinking that i will have to pay overstay charges, i went & lodge a compalin with Immigration dept on 2nd of Oct.2011, on this basis immigration officer called up my boss that time he told that he wants to make Police case on me & he need time, so immigration officer gave him 3 days time & in that three days time he deposited my open chq. (which was given as Security Cheque) with my TOTAL LOAN TAKEN AMOUNT, on 3rd day i went to immigration again that time i came to know that he has deposited & bounced the chq.& he has opened Police Case on me. The very same day i got next interview call & interviewer told me that they are ready to takeover my liabilities of Balance Loan amount, on this basis i sent mail to my boss that i need to settle my account for the balance loan amount (No Reply) & i called him up twice, thinking that he will talk to me (Telling Hello - Disconnected the Line) & i sent him Sms (No Reply) till today. Please advise me What to do & Where to go or anyone is there to help me out (I have to visit my family as my father is not keeping well since last 3 months hearing all this), I dont understand when i am ready to settle the account, why he is not coming forward, i feel this is nothing but ONLY HARRASMENT. Pleae someone help me out.
Hirachand Lalka

Anonymous said...

i work as domestic helper here in dubai.i am 8 months here not yet have labour card my madam didn't make it.she just pay the extension visa for me.since i dont have yet a visa i want to go back in philippines but my madam wanted me pay back her expenses for me.but the pproblem is she broke also the contract coz she didn't make me a working permit since i arrive me here..so do i need to pay 14,000 dirhams?os i need to consult this first to the labour about this money matters...hope u can give me advice..thank you..or u can email me gracesweetmary26@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

hi iam amjadkhan i want any job uae pls my +923439867927.my skyp id sudais_amjad.thank you

Anonymous said...

hy i have tamim now....how i can finish my tamim....plz help me ....nd contact with me starlovely86@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

.sir i have visa before house driver....then my arbab make tameem...coz that visa i purchase 9000 dirham just for driving licence not for work....i dont know my arbab nd arbab dont know me,,,,,3rd person says u give me 10000 dirham more otherwise i ll do bed action so i dont give his more money then 3rd person say my arbab then make tameem coz 3rd person his good friend.....now i want my tamim finish...i want come backso i hope u ll do my help i ll pay u all ur fee....thx alooooot Faheem
and this my num plz if u need more information so plz send just 1 sms so i ll call u ....no.00923009795205 , starlovely86@hotmail.com

Amit said...

Hi there, I have recently been made redundant on the grounds of our company facing losses and can no longer support me. I had some questions regarding my Gratuity and some other benefits. I work in Dubai Media City and hold its employment card.

Anonymous said...

I worked before as a domestic helper for 2 years finished contract, my employer filed me a case abscond and i ask him before an noc but he refused to give me when im apply to other company i cannot process due to my case i want to work or find another job to support my 4 kids. i talk to him before to lift my case but he said you find a way to solve your problem. for how many times i ask him but nothing happen will you pls help me or advice me so that i know what im going to. thank you so much..

Anonymous said...

Dear it is not clear from your issue why the employer filed absconding against you. After completing your contract period I think without the consent from the employer you are working with other company. Without cancelling the visa or without getting NOC from your existing employer, UAE law not permitting the employee to work with other employer. contact your employer and request him to withdraw the absconding petition

Anonymous said...


Before my visa of Rak Freezone until Oct 2011 after that company cancel the visa and issue me the new visa of LLC company based in dubai having common partner in both companies ( LLC and Freezonecompany) I have completed approximately 2 years

I want to know regarding immigration and Labour Banned as I have completed 2 years with common partner but visa of 2 different organisation with common partner in it can I get the benefit of having common partner as I have to switch over from present job

Anonymous said...

hi i need an advice, im working in the company before for more than 1 yr and after that the company closed due to economic crisis, my problem is until now i did not process my children visa coz the company is not capable of giving visas becoz we dont have office anymore, my first child is going to 3 yrs old already and still she didnt have a visa. now my employment visa will expire this coming march 2012. is there a way to reduce the fines so that my daughter will freely stay here in uae?

Anonymous said...

Hi have a good day!!....Im working as maintenance in one pizza company one day me and my operation manager have a bad conversation for small problem at that time he told me to cancel my visa even my visa is almost 2 months old only in short I work only in 2 months in that company,and he told me and also to the other branches manager and staff that he don't want me to see from now on to all any branches meaning he dont we me to continue my work that said company,my concern is,is it okey that my manager have the right to cancel my visa? and if my visa will cancel is ti true that I will render a 6 months ban here in UAE?my other complain are that said company are not giving a pay slip to their staff and they are giving a lot of deduction which we dont know for what it is? until now I did not come to my work duty for 4 days because of what he said that he dont want me to see in that company,so please help me and give me the right answer to my question,thanks and more power!!

Anonymous said...

I worked at Emirates for 5 months and I had to resigned while I was in my home country on sick leave and then leave. I came here to get better but apparentely there is nothing wrong with my ears, I just cant fly that ofter, so I cant be a cabin crew. They now claim me to pay 7000 dhs for being during probation. But i am resingning due to a health problem. They have all my medical background they know I goit stuck in many countries because of that and that I even got a perforation in my drumb to be able to fly back from one of the destinations. How can I claim them not to charge me? should i take it to any court? is it in any law written that due to sickness you can quit? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Dear sir/madam,
i am working for a metal industries here in rak, i already working here for more than 6 months, my problem is they are not giving our salary on time. for almost 3 months they did not yet give our salary almost all of the employees are asking for there salary but then we are just getting answers from our boss by teling us they will give payment if they already received check it was december 2012 when they are telling us those lines but until now they are not giving salaries.our families back home needs our remitance also and we also have other payments here??i dont know what should we do to get our salary because we dont have enough knowledge for our rights wat s the necessary action we need to do?

Anonymous said...

Hi, how are you doing? My visa was cancelled by my employer. My visa cancellation is valid until 30 march 2012. Now 21 march already. I don't have any new jobs. Can I extent it? Or, I have to exit to my home country? Or, if I got a new job in these days, can I exit to the nearest country as just exit before I have new entry visa? And how can I apply the visit visa? I would like to know the requirements and procedures for it. Or, please advice me what should I do. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

hi ,i am working in company 1 year and 7 month, now i have better offer . can i resigh and join new company, and my contract its unlimited

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just want to ask, do I have to pay anything to my Company if I file a complain against them??They are not giving our salaries on time,2 months delayed. I also want to ask if I can obtain a new work permit if I file a complain??Please advice with the consequences that I would face if I do it..I am only 3 months working with them and still under probation. Some of the employees have 3 months delayed salaries. Please help ASAP. Thank you..

Anonymous said...

Hi! Me & my co worker was working in a cargo company since June 2011. The company give us a copy of the system visa as we are waiting for our visa to be stamped on our passport. But to our dismay,till this moment our visa is not yet stamped on our passport.We don't have labour card and insurance card since we have started working there.For how many months that we always follow up about the status of our visa, they're just telling us "don't worry","no problem".They always promise us that they are working on that. And because of our situation,we want to ask the help of Labour Department. Are we working legally? We have all the proof that we are their employees. Please help us and kindly give us advice about our situation.Thank you

Anonymous said...

Hi! Me & my co worker was working in a cargo company since June 2011. The company give us a copy of the system visa as we are waiting for our visa to be stamped on our passport. But to our dismay,till this moment our visa is not yet stamped on our passport.We don't have labour card and insurance card since we have started working there.For how many months that we always follow up about the status of our visa, they're just telling us "don't worry","no problem".They always promise us that they are working on that. And because of our situation,we want to ask the help of Labour Department. Are we working legally? We have all the proof that we are their employees. Please help us and kindly give us advice about our situation.Thank you

Anonymous said...

Hope you are holding employment visa. Within 60 days time from the arival date the employer must stamp resident visa for the employee and take labour card for the employee. Before stamping the visa the employee must under go for medical test.

Anonymous said...

I am new in this company, working as a waitress for 4 mons now, I only signed an offered letter but no contract was being given by my employer for me to sign, but I know it was a 2 yrs contract... Now, I received a good news to an old friend in Canada that she can help me find a job there..What if one of these days, she find me a job in Canada, can I resign? Should I pay the visa that my employer payed? I there a possibility that I can go from here to Canada???

Rakcauae said...

I worked at Emirates for 5 months and I had to resigned while I was in my home country on sick leave and then leave. I came here to get better but apparentely there is nothing wrong with my ears.

handymandubai said...

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