59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: New regulations in UAE Labour Law aim to liberalise labour market

Monday, December 20, 2010

New regulations in UAE Labour Law aim to liberalise labour market

The aim behind the new labour law that will come into effect on January 1, is to lessen the control of employers over employees and liberalise the labour market, a top government official told .The source clarified that the new law completely scraps the "no objection certificate" (NOC).
"The new laws allow an employee to transfer his sponsorship after the contract with his current employer expires, but the employee must inform his sponsor that he will not be renewing his contract 30 days before its expiry," he added.
"The employee will be granted a period of 30 days once his contract expires to find a new job and sponsor. This period is basically given to the employee to complete procedures such as the issuance of a new visa in accordance with the Ministry of Interior's procedures and signing the contract with the new sponsor. However, if the period expires and the employee's paperwork is not completed, he will be considered illegal," added the source.Once the employer and employee's pact was regulated by a contract, the ministry would not be able to interfere in matters pertaining to both parties in accordance with Law number 129 in regard to regulating the relationship between both parties.
"When the contract expires, the employee is granted a special permit by the ministries of labour and interior, allowing him to stay in the country for 30 days to complete paperwork and finalise procedures for the new work visa under the new job and employer," the government official said.
Under the new system, if an employee completed the two-year working period, the employer had no right to force an employee to stay on the job and would no longer face a six-month ban, since the new system scrapped the NOC.
Humaid Bin Deemas, Acting Director-General of the Ministry of Labour, told once a job contract expired or was legally terminated, the Labour Ministry would have the authority to allow workers to take up new jobs without the consent of former employers or the so-called NOC.
"Workers, skilled and unskilled, who end their job contracts legally and complete at least two years of service, will get a labour permit outright," he said.Previously, these workers had to complete at least three years of service with their previous employers and had to obtain an NOC letter.Professional and skilled workers in the first three categories according to the Uniform Gulf Occupational Classification would also be exempt from the six-month ban.
He estimated these three categories (the first category with university or post graduate degrees, the second with less than university degrees and the third category including skilled workers with high school degrees) included 800,000 workers.
Bin Deemas said even for unskilled and semi-skilled workers, companies would lose the right to stop them from getting other jobs if the firm failed to honour its legal or contractual obligations, for example, by not paying salaries for 60 days and not offering proper accommodation. Workers, he said, could also take up new jobs if the employer stopped the business for economic or technical reasons and these workers reported the closure to the Labour Ministry within 60 days.
Bin Deemas said the UAE as determined to protect the rights and welfare of the workers as well as their employers "but these rights and benefits will be fulfilled in keeping with the law. It is not the employer's right to approve or disapprove switching of jobs. But it is his right that workers complete the job contract in the event of contracts with limited period".
Concerning fees, Bin Deemas said a resolution would be issued shortly determining a complete set of "more affordable fees".
Previously, workers had to pay job-switch fees, which were determined according to service of the worker, the category of the business among other factors and which reach up to Dh14,000.
The government official added that the goal behind the ministry's new law was to bring the labour market's level on a par with that of Germany, Canada, the US and other Western countries, as well as cancelling the employers' monopoly of the labour market. The new rules defined three cases in which the worker shall have the right to get a work permit without fulfilling the condition of working at least two years with the employer:
When joining his new job, the worker should be classified in the first, second or third professional class and that his salary should be not less than Dh12,000, Dh7,000 and Dh5,000 if he is in the first, second and third class respectively. nNon-compliance of the employer with legal and labour obligations towards the worker or in the event the worker has no role in terminating the work relationship


Anonymous said...

im husband visa and now working in one school in fujairah now,why the husband visa is not intitlle to have a privellege like one month vacation with pay annually,medicare hospitalisation sick leave,,my employer dont give me any privellage like other company im husband visa i spent my visa then when i got this job i pay the half of the amount of my labour card expenses to my employer.why??? im husband visa no any expend my employer to me but why my laboure card i need to pay??? our employer tell because we are husband visa no any privellage why we are the same worker like other right please help me and my co employee...

Anonymous said...

The new regulation in UAE labour law is a welcoming one and we should appreciate the move to scrap the no objection certificate. But I am still not convinced about how these new rules will be applicable to the wider section of the community when it comes in to force. Still a few section of the workforce are deprived of their rights due to unnecessary sponsor interference. For example I am a pre-school teacher on husband visa working in Fujairah. I have a limited labour contract with my employer and I am not getting all the rights like other employees in the UAE regarding paid annual leave, yearly bonus, medical and other facilities. Hence I would like to know the new regulations will help the above or still we will continue like a modern day slave.

Mohammed Ibrahim said...

We must appreciate the new regulation in UAE labour law. I am sad to know that the teachers in some of the emirates are struggling. It should be addressed promptly. A wellwisher.

Anonymous said...

i welcoming this new roles and regulation of the uae law about work visa also i appreciate to Mr. Mohammed Ibraheem he is doing well job.
but onething i want discusse that i feel that every law is only for the Foreigners but not for the locals i mean for the nationals of Uae bcz i already face this problem. as a profession i m a civil engineer & i work with one local contractorfrom 2 years ,before from 6months he didnt pay us the salaries. when i ask him about my salary he amswer me if u want to go to the labour office u can go if u want to complian in pollice station u can he repyled me that they cant do anything to me i will not affraid to them bcz this is our country what we want to do we can do it after that i said to him ok if u dnt want to give my earer but give me NOC then i can apply with another company and he gave me NOC when i apply with one company they process my visa and i recieve release paper from new company for the signing from him he didnt give me sign after that i suffering form problem bcz i dnt have any option bcz alot of peoples told me dnt go to labour office they cant do any thing for you and ur visa will be canceled then what u have to do, now just tell me what can i do now i suffering problems from 8month and my employer didnt recieve my phone didnt contact me now tell me what can i do bcz now his company liecence is expired he did'nt do any thing & also he didnt give me release now plz do something for me bcz i already complete my two years now what option i have my email is pieces_twins@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Hi! i just want to confirm something...i work for a company and got contract for 3 years..i have already completed 2 years and 6 month...i want to change the job but since my compnay is not giving NOC i was waiting for my contract to end. Now since this new law is in place..does that mean i can appyly for other jobs now and need not apply for my contract to finish. Please advice.

Anonymous said...

Hi!i work for a company and got contract for 3 years..i have already completed 1 years and 10 months...i want to change the job so plz confirm me the new rule is apply for my contract or not or i was waiting for my contract to end.Please advice.my email is fisa_rida@yahoo.co.in

anurag said...

Dear sir,
i was having a dubai employment visa and worked on this visa from july 2009 to dec 18 2010. my visa had been cancelled on 18 and i'll be getting new employment visa from a new company.. do i still need a noc from previous employer to lift a ban as per a new visa rules. i did MBA and got provisional certificate attested.. will it help me in any way. or i has to have a noc to get a new visa.
kindly reply me as soon as possible

Anonymous said...

i will just ask.. i am complete my contract this coming feb. 2011 so i resign to my company last december 2010 my company is asking me a 1,000$ penalty for not finishing my contract for 3 years.. is my company have a rights to ask some penalty to me ?? please answer.. here's my email michael_borillo@yahoo.com thanks

Anonymous said...

I've been working with my previous company for two (2) months using my tourist visa then after less than a month (3 weeks to be exact) from the date I got my Employment Visa, since I'm still under probationary period I filed my resignation due to Employer's mismanagement and for not complying with my Employment Offer. I didn't undergo for medical in order to apply for residence and I didn't sign any contract from Labour. During my notice period, I reminded my employer to cancel my Employment visa due to the expiry date since its only valid for 60 days. But sad to say until now I'm still waiting for my cancellation. Is there anything I can do aside from making complain to the Ministry Of Labour because before I'm worried if my employer will not give me the NOC which is requirements when you process the new visa. As per new rules that there will be no more NOC and 6-months Ban for those who had finished their 2 years contract. But I have a different case, I don't have any contract signed from the labour and residence stamped on my passport. Based on new rules, do I have my Ban and how can I lift my Ban since there will be no more NOC required? Also, how my new company can be able to process my new visa. For your additional information, I'm under first category since I have a university degree. Due to the economic condition, my new company (a private sector) can't be able to give me an offer according to the classification of the salary bracket. Please kindly give me your expertise advice on these legal matters. Here is my email ad : rafigueroa3807@gmail.com...thanks & regards!

Anonymous said...

At present, I have been working in this company for 1 year and 3 mos on transferable visa (company's visa) with unlimited contract. My husband is planning to transfer my visa under his sponsorship. My question is, will I be able to apply for a job after my visa has been transfered to my husband's sponsorship? Will the Ministry of Labor is going to issue me a working permit, if I found a job since I did not completed at least two years of my previous employer? Is the new rule applicable only for transferable visas? Could you please give me some advice on what has to be done in this case..hoping for your response. thanks and best regards!

Anonymous said...

Dear sir,
I am just newly hired,and i am just cancelled my visa from my former company.i been finished 3 years working for them and i just got my cancelation last oct.16 2010.i paid 5000 dirham for my ban to my previous company..And now they are prossesing my visa..Do i am still have ban to pay from my company now?as i heard that there is no pay ban now?
Hope to give me an advise....looking forward

More power and regard,
Ms.Lovely Deleon
email add. lovesky_21@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

is it okay for the newly hired staff to start the training even if she or he did not complete yet the medical especially for food handlers?

Anonymous said...

My contract in the company iam working for is unlimited. Am i entitled also on this matter? please help..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sir, i just wanna ask something,.i am about to end my contract this feb. so im planning not to renew my contract anymore, instead i am seeking for another job.I just wanna ask, is there any ban that i will be facing soon? because as they told me i have to pay the ban even if i finish my contract?or if not i need to go back to my country and wait for six months ban? sir i am looking forward to your response,coz this are really confusing me. thank you so much and more power,. here's my email add: ricky_morales05@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Hi! i just want to confirm something...i work for a company and got contract for 3 years..i have already completed 2 years and 11 month...i want to change the job but since my compnay is not giving NOC i was waiting for my contract to end. Now since this new law is in place..does that mean i can appyly for other jobs now and need not apply for my contract to finish. Please advice.
Here is my e-mail: asifalam58@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

dear sir,
i have been working in a company for 6 months on 2 years contract visa,i want to change the job due to their bad policy of not providing any employment card,medical card,they r not providing us anything as they say before except giving overpressure.so i want to know that can i transfer my job here in uae? or can i cancelled my visa? please kindly send me your advice on my e-mail: james_21st@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dear sir;
i have already resign in my company now and give them my one month notice, my general manager already accepted it, but two weeks after i submitted my letter my production manager told me that he will hold my resignation, now i have 9 days more remaining, i work here for 1 and half years already. it that possible they can hold my resignation? what im going to do if they do it to me? my contract is unlimitted and what are the possible compensation can i get? pleas giv me an advice. im working at Abu dhabi, Icad industrial city. nalla0527@gmail

Unknown said...



please reply

Anonymous said...

it is compulsory that our employer will keep or hold our passport? who has the right to keep our passport, the employer or me? please give us a clarification.

Anonymous said...

those person which are not completed his 2 months contract, can he change his Visa.

Unknown said...

respected sir
i am a uae registerd pharmacist working in sharjah , now i completed one year unlimited labour contract , i want to change my present job because i have a good job offer from another companies ,can i work with new employer with out noc and six month ban? please give a better advise thank you

Anonymous said...

Hi! i just want to confirm something...i work for a company and got contract for 3 years..i have already completed 2 years and 6 month...i want to change the job but since my compnay is not giving NOC i was waiting for my contract to end. Now since this new law is in place..does that mean i can appyly for other jobs now and need not apply for my contract to finish. Please advice.

email me jake_71m@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Hi! i just want to confirm something...i work for a company and got contract for 3 years..i have already completed 2 years and 6 month...i want to change the job but since my compnay is not giving NOC i was waiting for my contract to end. Now since this new law is in place..does that mean i can appyly for other jobs now and need not apply for my contract to finish. Please advice.

Please note as per new rules no need of no objection , but it is not clear from your question the contract is limited or unlimited. If it is limited you must wait for the period

Anonymous said...

On 16 December 2010, the official UAE news agency, WAM, published news about the new UAE labour law regarding ban periods (Cabinet Resolution No 25 of 2010 regarding internal work permit at the Ministry of Labour, issued by the UAE Minister of Labour, Saqr Gobash).

Transfer without NOC or ban is only possible if the employee has worked at least 2 years with the employer, and the employee and employer have terminated their relationship "cordially". The WAM report said The resolution says that the new employment permit will only be granted to the worker after the end of his work relationship with his employer without consideration of the legitimate six month period which is usually calculated after the cancellation of the worker's labour card, but stipulates two must-do conditions : firstly, the two contracting parties must have ended their work relationship cordially and secondly, the worker should have worked with his employer for two years at least- the duration of the new labour card which will be issued by early January.
However, an employee can obtain a new work permit without the agreement of the sponsor at the end of the contractual period (2 years minimum?) in 2 cases: First : when the employer fails to honour his legally or contractual obligations. Second, in the condition of expiry of work relationship where the worker takes no responsibility such a complaint filed by the worker against his firm.
Or, there are 3 situations in which a worker can get a new work permit even if s/he has been employed less than 2 years. First: When joining his new job, the worker should be classified in the first, second or third professional class and that his new salary should not be less than Dh 12,000, Dh 7,000 and Dh 5000 if he is in the first, second and third class respectively. Second:Non-compliance of the employer with legal, labour obligations towards the worker or in the case where the worker has no role in terminating the work relationship. Third: Shifting of the worker to another firm the employer owns it or has stakes in it.

Anonymous said...

hi! please help me. I completed 1 year and two months. I want to resign because i find another job,the salary is better than the company i work now..do i have to pay my cancellation or the will pay that company? i need immediate response. thank you!

Anonymous said...

if i get a job in Freezone site without complete my contract limitm shall my employer able to ban for six months ? please advise.

Anonymous said...

please help the lady working in al tawoon basic industrial chemical trading l.l.c. 2 moths now they are not processessing her visa and not telling her the problem of the company why they cannot apply for visa

Anonymous said...

its my one year today working in my company and i want to resign bcz my employer is no good,,9months overtym not giving and always 1month delay 4 the salary..im just afraid bcz maybe they will not give me NOC to find another job,i want to apply 4 another job and its not related to my previuos job..what should i do..? i dont want to go home with no money at all,,,this is my email add cmc_y1405@yahoo.com....can anybody help me..thanks!

Krishna said...

New Rules for Sponsoring Wife Visa as of 01st May 2011

I have applied for Wife-Visa, but as per DNRDA,
4000/- Salary Contract is not enough to get Visa,

Tenant Contract is must before applying Visa.

Please comments on above........!

Anonymous said...

hi.. i was working at home b4 and i am now in my country for 3 months..now there is a company job offers and i applied on it..but the recruiter told me that i am not qualified bcuz i have a 6 months or a 1 yr ban..and my madam's sister told me that she gave me a ban bcuz she just simply hates me when i was doing my job well and was an english tutor on them without receiving the right salary..is the new regulation is really implemented? please help just send me email for your advise asap..crimson_love24@yahoo.com thnx

Anonymous said...

When you are cancelling your employment visa, if you are not completed 2 years legally you are attracting 6 month labour ban, this ban you can lift paying prescribed fees

Anonymous said...

helo sir,i want to ask about pakistani visas or it ban now a days?

Anonymous said...

Pakistani is entitled to get visa in UAE

Anonymous said...

I am newly hired in one big supermarket last April 19,2011 here in Dubai and not yet even signed a contract,done my exit and all and gave me this temporary employment visa it will expire on July 15,2011. The company just asked me recently to sign the agreement or the contract but I refused to, since I am planning to resign due to employer's mismanagement. Ca you help me sort this out,Is it possible to resign to my present employer since I did not sign yet the contract and do I have to pay a labor ban or company ban?and if so,how much?-so that I can find a new employer.Thanks!
'Hope to hear you as soon as possible!this is my email add kathyrentan77@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

You are in employment visa of the present employer, if you are not signing the contract and stamping the resident visa, you are forced to leave the country.

Anonymous said...

My labor card already expired last 30th of June & my residence visa will expire this coming August 9, I submitted a letter to my employer last 20th of July for not renewing my residence visa and to finish my working relation with them due to long time unsolve salary problem & some unexpected departmental changes. But until now my employer didn't tell anything about my letter, because they don't want me to leave the company. Now, what should I do? I'm planning to search new job once my residence visa expired.

Anonymous said...

one of my friend finished 2 year contract with his company,now he is going for vaccation,he dont like to come back, so the can do anything against him? if he didnt come back

Anonymous said...

From your question it is not clear hee signed limited contract or unlimited contract. If it is unlimited contract he will not attract labour ban, if it is limited contrct he must wait for completing the time period or he must compansate the employer

Anonymous said...

i just want to ask if what is the standard normal working hours for the private sector under UAE labor law?as of now we are working split timing 4 hours in the morning and 6 hours at night total 10hrs.

Anonymous said...

i just want to ask if what is the standard normal working hours for the private sector under UAE labor law?as of now we are working split timing 4 hours in the morning and 6 hours at night total 10hrs.Please give me reply on my email.my email is rmci2020@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Administered by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Labour Law in the UAE is loosely based on the International Labour Organisation's model. UAE Law No. 8 of 1980, as amended by Law No. 12 of 1986 (the "Labour Law") governs most aspects of employer/employee relations, such as hours of work, leave, termination rights, medical benefits and repatriation. The Labour Law is protective of employees in general and overrides conflicting contractual provisions agreed under another jurisdiction, unless they are beneficial to the employee.

The Ministry issues a model form of labour contract in Arabic which is widely used, but other forms of contract are enforceable, provided they comply with the Labour Law. End of contract gratuities are set at 21 days pay for every year of the first five years of service and 30 days for every year thereafter. Total gratuity should not exceed two years' wages. Employees are entitled to pro-rated amounts for service periods less than a full year, provided they have completed one year in continuous service.

Trade unions do not exist. In the case of a dispute between employer and employee, or in interpretation of the Labour Law, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs will initially act as an adjudicator, in an effort to resolve matters. If a party wishes to appeal any such decision it can take its case to court. Strikes and lock outs are forbidden.

The normal maximum working hours are eight per day or 48 per week. However, these hours may be increased to nine daily for people working in the retail trade, hotels, restaurants and other such establishments. Similarly, daily working hours may be reduced for difficult or dangerous jobs. Many businesses work on a two shift system (for example, 8am - 1pm and 4pm - 7pm). As in all Muslim countries, Friday is the weekly day of rest. In practice, commercial and professional firms work 40-45 hours a week and government ministries about 35. The weekend for office workers has traditionally been Thursday afternoon and Friday, but a number of organisations have changed over to a five day week with Friday and Saturday as the weekend. During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, normal working hours are reduced by two hours per day.

There are 10 days of public holidays (paid) in any year. The employee's annual leave is two days for every month if his service is more than six months and less than a year. In every completed year of service after the first, an employee is entitled to 30 days annual paid leave. This is in addition to public holidays, maternity leave for women and sick leave.

Overtime is used extensively and additional pay is required for manual and lower ranking staff.

Anonymous said...

I'm two years on sept and I got new job.but my old company asking me to pay them one thousand one hundred dhs because my contract is 3 years.and I have 2 cousins and my company send visa for them,but they didn't come.and they asking me to pay 233o each.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was hired in my country and my employment contract stated (2) two years from the date of joining. My vis employment stated limited for 3 years.I got my vacation 2 months before my 2 years contract.

Two months ago,I submitted my resignation and got cancelled from my former company.I got new employment visa from my new company and I asked the HR manger from my old company if I can have my passport but he refused to give me. He told me that my contract is 3 years due that I finished my 2 yrs contract and resigned after 2 months and I supposed to show him air ticket for an exit and must pay the 45 days penalty. I really don't understand because I signed the 2 years contract.

It is legal that they automatically renew my contract without my knowledge? I din't signed for anything that they must renew eve.

Please Looking forward for your clear advice.

Anonymous said...

If you signed a 3 year Limited contract, when you are resigning from the employment company can claim damages from you.

Anonymous said...

i have complted 3 yrs contract on 30 apr 2011 in my limited visa and renewed for another 2 years from 01 may 2011 to 30 apr 2013.
now i give my resignation letter becuase my employer not fulfilled my verbel offering salary and also my domestic problems.
i have give 1 month notice for termination.
may i pay to the employer for 45 days salary??
may i get my previous gratuvity?

becuase my employer asking me 45 days salary and no grativity is being paid to me
please confirm this is correct
I am leaving this country by end of 30 sep 2011

thanking you

Anonymous said...

hello friends, i came to UAE on last month in an employment visa and joined on duty,within a month i got a new offer in ministry of health and now i submitted resignation before they finishing medical and stamping in my passport.but they are saying ban will affect me for 6 months . is there any option to avoid ban while changing job from private to govrnment sector.? or the ban will lift automatically while switching between private to government job

Anonymous said...

dear sir,
i have been working in a company for 10 months on 2 years contract visa,i want to change the job due to their bad policy of not providing any employment card,medical card,they r not providing us anything as they say before except giving overpressure.so i want to know can i cancelled my visa?(here i am signing companys limited contract whteher i signingning this i would getting bann? or some....) please kindly send me your advice on my e-mail: sbritojohn@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

My (unlimited contract) Visa in UAE was cancelled last July 27,2011,i was left UAE last March 3,2011 then I worked only for 10 months in Abu Dhabi,,now my question is when my 6 months started,,the cancellation of visa or when i left UAE..thanks,,,.I have now offer in Dubai,i want to go back because of my wife..,Please help me this matter.please send here elmer_erana@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Please could someone let me know why there is a ban on maids from bangladesh and when will this ban be lifted. I am asking this because i ws in the process of hiring a maid from bangladesh to take care of my children while i am at work.

kind regards

Anonymous said...

I have been working for a company for the past one year. I am on two years visa (1st time in UAE..ow it has been completed. I am master graduate I am working as an SALES MAN. I am getting a salary of only 2200/- AED per month. It is too difficult to survive here with this salary. So I am looking for a better job with a better pay. Can anyone help me by answering that will I get a six months ban if I change my job now ? or What should I do to change my job without getting a six months ban on my visa ?im ready to pay 5000 six month ban,and im afraid the compny will not impose any ban 'is it possible the compny will impose any ban ??

I appreciate for your quick responds.

Thank you for your time.

Anonymous said...

I am working in a trading company in dubai since 1 year and 1 month on husbands visa. i asked my manager for the offer letter and labour card and he told we will give you. i asked many times, because i dont have any proof that i am working. i was worried because its illegal. so many times i asked my manager for offerletter & labour card.Though i completed 6 months, i didnot get offer letter. and getting everytime same answer.i am working as a receptionist cum sales co-ordinator in this company and getting salary 2500/-dhs.after 7-8months from joing i asked him for offerletter & labour card he told me let the new employee come, we will do for both of you.after completing 9 months my husband had vacation leave(we are not working in one company.)its difficult to leave alone in dubai for 1 month without husband. so, i asked my manager for the leave (i went only for 24 days) and 1week before also asked for my offer letter & card & got answer that once you come from the leave, we will do it. after i return to dubai, i asked him for this card & offer letter, now he is telling me that there is no use of offer letter, you already completed 1 year. i asked him for the card, he told give me NOC from your husband & passport copy, visa copies also & i gave him. i asked him, i completed my 1 year, so what about my pay leave & flight ticket? he told generally, we are not giving return ticket after 1 year. so i will give one way ticket amount. because 3-4 months back you had your leave for 24 days. i told ok. i agree. he is paying my salry cash. when i went to to collect my salary, only 2500/-dhs without flight ticket & pay leave.i was surprised & i asked the accounts guy about my pay leave & one way flight ticket, he told he dont know about it. i went to manager & he told me now take your salary & after getting labour card, your salary will go to directly to the account. i asked for the pay leave amount againg,he told i didnot give promise, i only told you that i will do. again, i got surprised. i took it 50 % positively. i thought, after getting labour card, i will get my pay leave & one way flight ticket amount in my account. today only, i asked him about labour card status. he told me we already applied for the labour card & will get within 2 weeks. so, i asked, i will not get my salary in account. so, you will pay my pay leave & one way flight ticket amount by cash? he told me, listen, i am telling you the truth, now you are not working for us. because you dont have any proof & labour card also. you will be our staff only after getting the labour card. as you are not our employee so, we will not give you the pay leave. and see we are giving you the salary 2500/-dhs. when you joined here, you were fresher & for you we gave 2500/-dhs,you are getting more salary as you are fresher and thats why we are not giving you pay leave.pay leave only you will get after getting the labour card & completing 1 more year.now,i will give you the one way flight ticket. now i am feeling that he dumbed me. and really,i dont have any leagal proof that i am working here. actually, i got call from him, he took my interview on mobile only and asked my email id & he sent me email for walking interview invitation and location map attached. on interview he only told that you can join our company on 5th feb 2011. your salary will be 2500/-dhs. i was not expect for receptionist 2500/-dhs salary.in my company only around 20 peoples are working, including drivers, technicians & staff. should i complaint against him in MOL? but thinking, if they asked me for my details then? complaint to MOL means they will not belive me that i am working here for 1 year that is illigal & they will give fine to me also. it will affect on husband also. i am really afraid. can any 1 please help me for this.what should i do? shall i wait for labour card? or i have to resign? pls tell me. waiting for your reply.