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Monday, November 15, 2010

Cancellation of the Limited Contract By Employer And Worker -in UAE

Termination of Employment Contract in UAE – Frequently asked Questions
First: cancellation of the limited contract by employer:

4. My contract is a limited contract and the employer dismissed me without a legal reason, am I entitled to compensation for the injustice dismissal? … Article (115) :
If the employer dismissed you and revoked the contract without the reasons provided in the article ( 120) , he shall compensate the worker by a pay of (3) months or the period remained from the contract , whichever is shorter … unless otherwise provided by the contract.
* Example: a worker with limited contract started from 10/1/ 2005 and expires on 9/1/ 2008 … and the employer dismissed him without a reason or justification in 3/2/2007 .. here, the worker is entitled for a compensation against the injustice dismissal , payment for ( 3) months.
* Example: a worker with a limited contract started from 10/ 1/ 2004 and expires on 9/ 1/ 2007 .. the employer dismissed him without a reason or justification in 3/12/ 2006 .. here, the employer shall compensate the worker for the injustice dismissal for the remaining period of the contract. Namely, he was dismissed in 3/12/2006 before his contract expires in 9/1/ 2007 .. so the remaining period as from date of dismissal to the date of expiry of the contract is = (37) days … and it is the period for which the worker is entitled for compensation by the employer .. ( this is the explanation for phrase of " the remaining period from the contract).

5. Is the compensation for injustice dismissal calculated on the basic salary or the total salary?
Compensation is calculated on the total salary received by the worker According to the article (115) in which it is mentioned the word (remuneration) … and the remuneration is provided for by the labor law, … article (1). (Remuneration):
" All payments made to the worker on a yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, piece work, or production or commission basis. Remuneration shall include raise of living and include as well any grant given to the worker as a reward for his honesty or efficiency if such amounts are provided for in the contract of employment or in the internal regulations of the establishment or have been granted by custom or common practice to such extent that the workers of the establishment regard them as part of their remuneration and not as donations”
Second: Revocation Of The Limited Contract Of Association
6. My contract is a limited contract and I submitted my resignation before my contract expires, shall I pay a compensation to the employer for revocation of the contract? … article (116):
Where the contract is broken by the worker before the limited time. Worker should by 45 day from his total salary or the residual period of the contract whichever is shorter
7. I worked with the employer for two years and my contract is limited by (3) years and I obtained a work opportunity at another place …. Is the employer entitled to deduct (45) from my dues for non- completion of the contract of employment?
According to What has been mentioned into these questions:
In all cases and according to the article (116): If the contract of the worker is with a limited period and he submitted his resignation before expiry of the contract without the reasons provided for in article (121)., the worker shall compensate the employer for What he has sustained from damage sue to revocation of the contract through compensating the employer by half of remuneration of the last three months or the remaining period from the contract , or whichever closer , unless otherwise provided for by the contract.
* Example: a worker with a limited period contract for (3) years .. he worker two years and ( 11) months … and he submitted his resignation , here, he shall compensate the employer by a half of remuneration of the last three months or the remaining period from the contract , or whichever closer from them , unless otherwise provided for in the contract.
8. My contract is a limited and it has not been expired yet , may I submit my resignation and serve for one month of notice ?

As for the limited contracts, there is no one month of notice … because the one month notice is for the unlimited contract -therefore , the worker shall compensate the employer by a half of remuneration of the last three months or the remaining period from the contract , or whichever closer from them , unless otherwise provided for in the contract.

* Example: a limited contract started from 4/3/2005 and expires on 3/ 3/ 2008 , and the worker submitted his resignation in 5/6/ 2006 - here, the worker shall compensate the employer by a half of remuneration of the last three months or the remaining period from the contract , or whichever closer from them , unless otherwise provided for in the contract.

9. I submitted my resignation before ( 6) months from expiry of my limited contract and the employer wants to deduct a remuneration of 45) days , is he entitled for so ?
As per the article (116) from the labor law … the employer is entitled to deduct from the total remuneration - due to your revocation of your contract of employment with no reason
10. a worker with limited contract which will be expired after one year, submitted his resignation due to his personal circumstances : ( family problems at his home country) or ( he obtained another job) shall he pay the compensation amount ?

Yes, the employer is entitled to demand the worker for the compensation amount, because these are personal matters
11. How the compensation is calculated, on the basic or total salary?
It is calculated on the last remuneration received by the worker.


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Anonymous said...

My contract is a limited contract and I submitted my resignation after my contract expires, shall I pay a compensation to the employer for revocation of the contract?

Anonymous said...

My contract is a 03 years limited contract i have completed 14 months, since last 05 months my employer do not pay my salary on time he paid 01 time in 02 months now i want to resign shall I pay a compensation to the employer for revocation of the contract? and what about gratuity am i eligible for that or not

Anonymous said...

My contract is a 3 years limited contract i have completed 9 months,My salary is 3,000 Basic+ 2,000 other allow.=total 5,000 AED.i have my wife & kids on my sponsorship. since last 6 months my employer want that i cancel my family res. visa & send them back but don't understand why? now 2 days before he gave me 2 options - 1.resign yourself & pay a compensation to him. 2.work in 3,000 dhs salary. Even my employer do not pay my salary on time, also i take flat on rental base that contract finish after 4 mths & already i paid for next 2 mths advance, my deposit is with them what can i do now? now i want to resign & go back to my place shall I pay a compensation to the employer for revocation of the contract? and what to do about my rental flat?

Anonymous said...

My contract is 2 years, after one year i decided to resign. How long shall be the noticed period, and do i have to pay the 45 days?

Anonymous said...

My limited contract is for 3 years and i worked for 6 months after which i had to come back to my home town for medical reasons. Now i was said that if i do not enter UAE for 6 months, my visa will get cancelled automatically. Now i need 6 months for my medical after which i can go back.Can i get an extension of one more month so that i can go back after 6 months? and what should i do about it?

Anonymous said...

My contract which is sign in my country is one year and its already finished and i don't want to renew it again but my contract visa is limited can i go back to my country with out paying penalty to my employer.