59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: Visa and residency procedures for the students enrolling in the Universitys in Ajman

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Visa and residency procedures for the students enrolling in the Universitys in Ajman

To issue a residency visa for students enrolled in the University, they are required to present the following documents:
A clear copy of the passport sealed by the Deanship of Admission and Registration. The Passport validity must not be less than 6 months,
A recent colored photo,
Visa issuance fees of 135 AED(in normal cases),
Residency visa cannot not be issued for Palestinian students holding Egyptian documents.
To issue a residency visa for students upon entering the State by means of a University sponsored visa, they must present themselves at the Direction of Public Relations directly after arriving to the State; and are required to submit the following documents:
The original passport of less than 6 months validity,
The original residency visa specifying the date of entry,
The results of a medical examination issued by the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Ministry of Health,
The results of fingerprinting issued by the Police General Department in Ajman
2 recent colored photos,
Residency fees of 150 AED(this procedures takes 10 working days and is valid for one year only),
A letter of no reliabilities delivered by the Department of Finance at the University, for receiving the passport.
To issue a residency visa for students by transferring of sponsorship from family to the University, they are required to present the following:
The original passport of a validity not less than 6 months,
Application of transfer of sponsorship at the Department of Naturalization and Residency, signed and sealed by the former sponsor,
A notification to concerned parties issued by the Deanship of Admission and Registration at the University, addressed to the Naturalization and Residency Department in Ajman, to prove that the student will continue their studies,
The results of a medical examination issued by the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Ministry of Health,
The results of fingerprinting delivered by the Police General Department of Ajman,
2 recent colored photos,
Residency issuance fees of 150 AED(the procedure takes a 10-day work, and is valid for one year only),
A letter of no reliabilities delivered by the Department of Finance at the University, for receiving the passport

To renew students' university sponsored residency, students are required to supply the following:
The original passport of a validity not less than 6 months

A notification to concerned parties issued by the Deanship of Admission and Registration at the university, addressed to the Naturalization and Residency Department in Ajman, to show that the student will continue their studies,
The results of a medical examination issued by the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Ministry of Health,
The results of fingerprinting issued by the Police General Department in Ajman,
2 recent colored photos,
Residency issuance fees of 150 AED,(this procedure takes a 10-day work, and is valid for one year only),
A letter of no reliabilities delivered by the Department of Finance at the University, for receiving the passport.

To issue a residency visa for the students by the transfer of sponsorship from their family to the University, they are required to present the following:

The original passport of a validity not less than 6 months,
Application of transfer of sponsorship at the Department of Naturalization and Residency, signed and sealed by the former sponsor,
A notification to the concerned parties issued by the Deanship of Admission and Registration at the university, addressed to the Naturalization and Residency Department in Ajman, to show that students will continue their studies,
The results of a medical examination issued by the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Ministry of Health,
The results of fingerprinting delivered by the Police General Department of Ajman,
2 recent colored photos,
Residency issuance fees of 150 AED,(this procedure takes a 10-day work, and is valid for one year only),
A letter of no reliabilities delivered by the Department of Finance at the University, for receiving the passport.

To cancel the students university sponsored residency, they are required to furnish the following:
The original passport,
A letter of no reliabilities issued by the Finance Management and Training Center at the University,
A 35 AED fee for printing the application form of cancellation (the cancellation period takes at least two working days),
A student whose residency is cancelled is given 30 days to leave the State if, and only if, the residency is valid at the time of cancellation,
In the case of the expiry of a student's residency at the time of cancellation, the student is to pay a fine resulting from the delay, submit a leave declaration after paying a tax of 100 AED, and leave the State on the same day of cancellation,
To transfer the students' sponsorship from the university to their working party, they are required to supply the following:
First - in the case of the transfer of sponsorship to a government working party:
The original passport of a validity of less than 6 months,
A letter of no reliabilities issued by the Finance Management at the University,
An application of transfer of sponsorship at the Department of Naturalization and Residency, signed and sealed by the new sponsor and the University,
A copy of the labor ID of the new sponsor "credit signature" of the Department of Naturalization and Residency; and payment of 35 AED for printing the cancellation form.
Second- in the case of sponsorship transfer to a non-governmental working party, the following applies:
In accordance with the laws in effect in the State, students shall not transfer their sponsorship to a private working party, except in case of cancellation of his/her residency from the sponsoring of the University and the issuance of a new employment visa on the sponsorship of the new sponsor.


Anonymous said...

Hai I Am Rakesh, Working in a company in Dubai as Engineer and my monthly salary is:
Basic salary = Dhas. 3500/-
Site Allowance = Dhs. 500/-
Transportation = Company vechile
Accomadation = 1 bhk flat (company provided)
In my visa the proffession is mentioned as Sales (Sharjah visa) have it possible to take my wife in family visa.

Anonymous said...

i can help for taking the family visa,lost passport etc...if anybody need help pls write to me through violincage3@gmail.com