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Friday, July 19, 2024

U.A.E's New Competition Law: A Game-Changer for Fair Business Practices

Competition Law U.A.E
 The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has taken a significant step towards fostering a more competitive and consumer-friendly market environment with the introduction of Federal Decree-Law No. 36 of 2023. This new competition law aims to create a level playing field for businesses and safeguard consumer interests by prohibiting unfair practices and regulating mergers and acquisitions.

Key Provisions of the Law:

  • Combating Predatory Pricing: Companies are now prohibited from offering excessively low prices for production, transfer, and marketing activities with the intent to eliminate competitors and establish a monopoly. This ensures fair competition based on factors like innovation and quality, ultimately benefiting consumers with a wider range of choices.
  • Monitoring and Enforcement: The Ministry of Economy, in collaboration with local authorities, will actively monitor the market for any anti-competitive practices. This includes investigating complaints and taking necessary actions to maintain a fair and healthy business environment.
  • Regulation of Mergers and Acquisitions: The law establishes a framework for regulating mergers and acquisitions within the UAE's market. This aims to prevent excessive economic concentration that could stifle competition and harm consumers. Specific criteria based on annual sales value and market share will be determined by the Cabinet to assess such activities.
  • Fines and Penalties: While details regarding fines and penalties for violations are still under review, the clear message is that non-compliance will be addressed to ensure adherence to the law's principles.

Overall Objectives:

The new competition law reflects the UAE's commitment to creating a stimulating environment for thriving businesses. By promoting fair competition, the law aims to:

  • Enhance Competitiveness: Encourage businesses to compete on merit, leading to innovation and improved product and service quality.
  • Protect Consumer Rights: Ensure consumers have access to a diverse range of products and services at competitive prices.
  • Foster Economic Growth: A vibrant and competitive market fosters economic development and attracts foreign investment.

Looking Ahead:

The UAE's new competition law marks a positive step towards a more robust and consumer-oriented market. As the regulations are implemented and enforced, it will be interesting to observe the long-term impact on the UAE's business landscape and its overall economic growth. 

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