59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: 5 Important Common Questions the U.A.E Resident Needs to Know the Answers

Monday, May 20, 2024

5 Important Common Questions the U.A.E Resident Needs to Know the Answers

 1)Question: I have a residency visa in the UAE, but I am still waiting for my Emirates ID card. I would like to know if I can travel out of the country without an identity card.

U.A.E Residents

Answer: You can travel out of the UAE without the Emirates ID card as long as your residency visa has been issued. UAE immigration will be able to see your visa status electronically.

It is advisable to bring a copy of your Emirates ID card application form with you in case immigration asks for proof that you have applied for the ID. You can also show them the online application status if available.

2)Paternity leave in U.AE is it possible to add this leave to my annual leave?

Answer: Yes, you may be able to add your paternity leave to your annual leave in the UAE. Cabinet Decision No. 1/2022 allows combining parental leave with annual leave

Paternity leave in the UAE is for 5 working days for both private and public sectors. This leave applies to fathers employed by both private and public sectors and can be taken any time within the first 6 months of the child's birth.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Approval needed: While regulations allow it, you will still need to get approval from your employer to combine your paternity leave with your annual leave.
  • Notice period: Make sure to notify your employer well in advance about your intention to use both your paternity leave and annual leave together.
  • Documentation: You will need to provide proof of your child's birth to avail of paternity leave.

3) I have an offshore bank account – will I have to close this account when I move to the U.A.E

Answer? No, you generally do not have to close your offshore bank account when moving to the UAE. The UAE does not restrict residents from having offshore bank accounts.

However, it's important to be aware of UAE regulations regarding reporting foreign income. You may be required to disclose your offshore accounts and any income earned on them to the UAE authorities.

4) Is it possible to sponsor my mother-in-law and father in law in U.A.E?

5) Is it possible to take a Resident visa from GCC countries for a U.A.E  resident without canceling a U.A.E visa?

Yes, it is possible to sponsor your mother-in-law and father-in-law for residency in the UAE, under the Parent Residence Visa program. There have been some recent changes to the eligibility criteria, so here's what you need to know:

  • Minimum Salary: You will need to meet a minimum monthly salary threshold to be eligible. This amount is higher than what's required for sponsoring a spouse or child.
  • Financial Support: You no longer need to be the sole financial support for your parents-in-law, as was previously required. However, you will still need to demonstrate sufficient income to cover their living expenses.
  • Sponsored Together: You cannot sponsor just one parent-in-law. The application needs to be for both of them.

 No, it is generally not possible to hold a resident visa from another GCC country while being a resident of the UAE. UAE residency visas are typically tied to employment or sponsorship within the UAE.

If you are considering working in another GCC country, you would likely need to apply for a work visa in that country. This would likely cancel your UAE residency visa.

Here's why:

·       Tied to Sponsorship: UAE residency visas are linked to your employer or sponsor in the UAE. Having a residency visa in another GCC country would indicate sponsorship or employment outside the UAE, which would conflict with your UAE visa.

·       Specific Country Requirements: Each GCC country has its own immigration regulations. To obtain residency in another GCC country, you would need to meet their specific requirements, which would likely involve canceling your UAE visa.

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