59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: A new life insurance plan to protect Indian expat workers in the U.A.E

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

A new life insurance plan to protect Indian expat workers in the U.A.E

 The United Arab Emirates recently announced a new insurance scheme specifically designed for Indian workers. The scheme called the Life Protection Plan (LPP), offers financial security to their families in case of a worker's death.

Here are the key features of the LPP:

  • Compensation: The LPP offers compensation of up to Dh75,000 (around USD $20,445) to the beneficiary in case of the worker's death due to an accident or natural causes. The compensation amount varies depending on the chosen premium plan.
  • Eligibility: The scheme is open to Indian workers aged 18 to 70 years working in the UAE.
  • Affordability: The LPP aims to be accessible with annual premiums ranging from Dh37 to Dh72.
  • Repatriation Coverage: The plan also includes Dh12,000 to cover the costs of repatriating the deceased worker's remains back to India.

This scheme fills a gap in employment benefits for many blue-collar Indian workers in the UAE. It provides their families with some financial support during a difficult time.

Here are some additional details about the Life Protection Plan (LPP) for Indian workers in the UAE:


  • The LPP launched on March 1, 2024.
  • Enrollment is facilitated through the Indian Consulate in Dubai, which partnered with major UAE companies recruiting blue-collar workers and two insurance service providers.
  • It's unclear yet if individual workers can directly enroll, as the current information suggests the program operates through employer participation.


  • Compensation: As mentioned before, the compensation ranges from Dh35,000 to Dh75,000 depending on the chosen premium plan.
  • Premium Plans: There are three premium options:
    • Dh37 per year - provides Dh35,000 in compensation
    • Dh50 per year - provides Dh50,000 in compensation
    • Dh72 per year - provides Dh75,000 in compensation
  • Repatriation Coverage: The plan offers Dh12,000 to cover the cost of repatriating the deceased worker's remains back to India.
  • Claim Process: Specific details about the claim process haven't been widely reported yet. However, it's likely claims will be handled by the chosen insurance company upon notification by the employer or beneficiary.

Important Considerations:

  • This is a relatively new program, and details might evolve over time.
  • It's crucial for individuals to consult with the Indian Consulate in Dubai or their employer for the latest information and enrollment procedures.
  • It's important to understand the complete terms and conditions of the specific LPP plan offered by the chosen insurance company before enrollment.

For further details and inquiries, it's recommended to reach out to the Indian Consulate in Dubai or your employer's HR department. They can provide the most up-to-date information and guide you through the enrollment process if applicable.  

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