59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: Travelers passports only bear a single name will not be allowed entry into the U.A.E

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Travelers passports only bear a single name will not be allowed entry into the U.A.E

 According to the UAE Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security, travelers whose passports only bear a single name (i.e. just one name with no middle or surname) will not be allowed entry into the UAE. This rule applies to all types of visas, including tourist and work visas.

However, there is an exception to this rule. If the traveler has a single name on their passport but their father's name is mentioned on the second page of the passport, they will be allowed to enter the UAE.

This rule was implemented in November 2022 to improve the security and identification process at UAE borders. The authorities believe that requiring travelers to have both a first and last name on their passport will make it more difficult for people to travel using fake or stolen passports.

If you are planning to travel to the UAE, make sure that your passport has both a first and last name. If you only have a single name on your passport, you may be denied entry to the country.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when traveling to the UAE with a single name on your passport:

You should carry a copy of your birth certificate or other official document that shows your full name.

You should contact the UAE embassy or consulate in your country of residence to inquire about the latest entry requirements.

You should arrive at the airport early to allow enough time for immigration processing.

I hope this helps!

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