59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: No hike in minimum salary for family visa in Dubai

Monday, May 5, 2014

No hike in minimum salary for family visa in Dubai

The news in some English language newspapers claiming an increase in the minimum salary requirement for sponsoring family members, has been denied by Major General Mohammed Ahmad Al Marri, the Director of General of the Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) in Dubai.

He assured in a press statement that there are not any new restrictions and the directorates and all its branches are still receiving and processing applications smoothly.

Any amendments of the rules should have been issued officially in a statement by the Ministry of Interior prior to implementation in Dubai and the rest of the emirates at the same time, he clarified.

He stressed the importance of getting news from official and credible sources to foster professionalism that local newspapers enjoy.

“Our departments are characterized with high level of transparency in every matter that concerns clients. And, this is our methodology and approach in the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai,” he added.

Conditons for sponsorship

Article No. 31 regarding sponsorship of the wife by an expatriate husband sets the following conditions:

1.    The sponsor should have a valid work/ residence visa.

2.    He should submit a marriage contract attested as per the rules in his home country and the consulate that represents his country overseas or by the embassy of the country that had issued the marriage contract in the country in addition to  attestation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

3.    The monthly income of the sponsor should not be less than Dh3,000 plus accommodation offered by the employer and Dh4,000 without accommodation.

4.    The sponsor should submit a salary certificate attested by the authorities concerned.

5.   The same rules are applicable for expatriate women ‘specialist’ employees seeking to sponsor their family members.

6.   The following categories are exempted from the salary provision and they can sponsor only their family members:


Mosque imams

Drivers of school, college and university buses.

Heads of families can sponsor unmarried daughters and sons below 18 years or those studying in colleges and universities in the UAE..    

Universities and colleges can sponsor their students provided:

1.    The student should register for regular study and not affiliation.

2.   The sponsoring educational institution should undertake responsibility about the student’s sponsorship and his exit from the UAE after finishing his studies. The institution should also inform the authorities when the student finishes studies or leaves the country.

3. Government departments and authorities should directly apply to obtain sponsorship for foreigners who are offered training provided.

a)    The department should be a public entity.

b)    The trainee should have deputed by an official entity in his home country.     

c)    The department that offers the training should comply with its responsibility of the departure of the sponsored person after finishing training and cancellation of his residency visa.

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