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Monday, October 18, 2010

How to get Labour Permit for a firm in UAE

Once the firm has got the license and a computer card the next step would be Labour Permit. The company would require an approval from MOL to get labourers skilled/unskilled to UAE.
B1-Group Labour Permit
It is a service provided by the Ministry to any firm wishing to bring in more than 50 workers without the need of giving individual details in the first stage. The company should give details of number of workers, nationality and the profession. After approval the company will be granted a period of six months to complete formalities for the approved group labour permit.
Implementation Stages
Stage 1: Approval of group permit
Stage 2: Submission of individual labour permits under an application called (approval for completing the group labour permit procedure)
Stage 1: Approval of group permit
1. Submission of an application mentioning nationality, profession, gender and number of people, along with the prescribed fees and required documents for the approval of group labour permit.
Application Form
Application for group labour permit
• The company will present documents justifying the need for workers (e.g. list of projects, building permits, contracts, etc.)
• The company must have a clear track record free of any violations. Specifically, it must fulfill the following:
 No labour cards un-renewed for more than two months or labour permits un-renewed for more than six months
 The salary security reports need to be submitted (as per the requirement of the Ministry).
 Its record is free from persistent group labour disputes arising from unpaid wages, lack of suitable accommodation, or any other employer obligation stipulated by law.
It should not have employed illegal workers of any kind or if the trade license has not been renewed for two months then they should not have any workers employed in that firm.
• The other firms of the owner must not have on records any labour cards not renewed for 3 months or labour permits not renewed for 6 months or any violations registered against it.
• The authorized person should have a digital signature card
Documents Required
• A valid trade license.
• List of projects as per the contract should include the name of parties, subject, budget of the project, starting date, ending date and service / quality level.
• Copies of contracts, duly translated if in a foreign language, and attested according to Ministry’s regulations, if they are sub-contracts.
• Copies of building permits from the municipal authorities (if the firm is contracting company)
• Copies of ownership or lease agreement for office or workers’ accommodation (for existing workers)
• Copies of ownership or labour accommodation lease agreement (for workers to be imported as per group permit). It is required to indicate the number of rooms and whether they are suitable to accommodate the workers, together with photographic illustrations. In case no accommodation is available, the Ministry may, on approval by the Undersecretary or Assistant Undersecretary, accept an undertaking from employer to provide the same. After the final approval, the permit will be granted subject to the satisfactory report from the Inspection Department.
• List of company’s machinery and vehicles which can also includes transportation rental contracts mentioning the number of buses which need to be approved by the traffic Dept.
• Settlement of expired labour cards, labour permit and license of other firms owned by the applicant attested from Labour Establishment.
• A sketch drawing of firm’s site and workers’ accommodation, along with photos of the company and facilities.
• Company’s pay-roll for the last two months (excluding the month the application is filed and for the month preceding it).
Steps to Follow
1. Type the group permit application for submission, together with the fees and necessary documents (no application will be typed for group labour permit if the firm has any violations as per the records in the Ministry).
2. The application would be approved and attested by the Ministry with an undertaking letter stating that the owner /authorized person would submit all the required documents and abide to all the conditions necessary for the completion of group labour permit procedure.
3. If all the documents and conditions are fulfilled, the application is typed with following documents attached:
 An undertaking by the owner that he takes responsibility of fulfilling all conditions and documents required for group labour permit.
 A statement mentioning work details and percentage of worker.
4. Submit the application with required documents at the counter in the Inspection Department at the Ministry HQ in Abu Dhabi or Dubai or the concerned Labour office.
5. The application is vetted, scrutinized and checked for complete documents . The following documents need to be submitted:
 Statement mentioning work details and percentage of work.
 Copy of contracts (translated in Arabic) and attested as per the requirements of the Ministry in case of sub contract. Copy of building permit needs to be attached if it is a contracting company.
 Copies of ownership or labour accommodation lease agreement (for workers to be imported as per group permit). It is required to indicate the number of rooms whether there are suitable to accommodate the workers together along with photographic illustrations. In case no accommodation is available the Ministry may, on approval of Undersecretary or Assistant Undersecretary, accept an undertaking from the employer to provide the same on approval of group labour permit.
6. The applicant will be given a receipt for the submitted documents and it will mention that he will have to provide any other document if necessary (on request by the staff at Ministry counter).
7. Once all the documents are completed, the firm is notified for the date of inspection to assess the volume of work and ensure the firm’s compliance with inspection conditions. The Inspection Department will then submit its report.
8. The application will then be referred to the Permits Committee for processing and would be either approved or disapproved based on documents and the inspection report. The application then is referred to the Assistant Undersecretary for the final approval.
9. Following the final approval / disapproval the application is referred to the Permit Dept’s. Counter for issuing a letter of approval or apology incase of rejection. If approved the applicant is informed to pay the fees in one installment and to submit individual labour permit.
10. If the approval is subject to any conditions specified by the Inspection Department, the applicant needs to fulfill this condition (before the payment of fees is done).
Where to Apply?
All applications will be submitted to the Inspection Dept. at the Ministry HQ in Abu Dhabi or Dubai or the concerned Labour Office.
Documents Fees (in Dirham)
Group Labour Permit Application Category A Category B Category C
200/worker 200/worker 200/worker

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