59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: GCCs urge set out duties for workers' recruitment agencies-99th annual conference of the International Labour Organisation

Sunday, June 6, 2010

GCCs urge set out duties for workers' recruitment agencies-99th annual conference of the International Labour Organisation

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states stressed on Friday that the proposed international agreements on domestic workers should discuss the duties of recruitment agencies that brought the workers from abroad.
According to Kuwait's newswire Kuna, this came in a speech by Director of the General Immigration Department of Kuwait's Interior Ministry, Major General Kamil Al Awadhi, on behalf of the GCC states, at the 99th annual conference of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
He said that it was important that recruitment agencies brief the domestic workers about their rights and duties, as well as the culture of the societies that they would be working in.
Al Awadhi stressed that domestic workers in the Gulf countries lived in the houses of citizens and were treated as members of the families at which they worked.
They get proper accommodation and meals, he pointed out.According to Kuna, the GCC states coordinate with each other and exchange information on policies regarding dealing with workers, the minister said.The member states issue joint regulations and review them regularly, he highlighted, emphasising that GCC countries were keen on preventing human trafficking and on protecting the rights of foreign workers in compliance with international conventions, the newswire added.
Al Awadhi said that the increase in the number of domestic workers in the Gulf region created great challenges that were dealt with seriously.Kuwait is representing the GCC states at the conference that will conclude on June 18.
The Kuwaiti delegation taking part in the event is headed by Minister of Social Affairs and Labour Dr. Mohammad Al Afasi, Kuna added.

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