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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kenya moves to resolve visa row with the UAE

NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 21 - President Mwai Kibaki has now ordered Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula to travel to Dubai and resolve the visa row between the two countries should the mission in Abu Dhabi not sort it out by Friday.

Mr Wetangula assured the country on Wednesday that he was in constant communication with United Arab Emirates officials and was working to have the new requirement for Kenyan visa applicants traveling there to possess degrees scrapped.
The Minister who spent hours in a meeting with the President earlier in the day said that in the last two days he had secured the issuance of pending work permits for Kenyans and renewal of those that had expired.
“I want to give an assurance that Kenyans who work in Dubai are under no threat of losing their jobs. Our mission in Abu Dhabi has been following the matter very successfully,” he said.
The new requirement is a retaliatory move by the United Arab Emirates after Kenyan authorities arrested and deported four of its citizens on suspicion of being terrorists. There were reports that some of the suspects arrested were from a royal family in the UAE.
“I don’t want to call this a crisis as it has been referred. It is an incident borne out of another incident which we have overcome by now and we want to move on into the future,” Mr Wetangula said.
It is estimated that over 36,000 Kenyans work in Dubai in the hospitality and construction industries. Thousands others frequent the free port city on business trips. Since the introduction of the new rules dozens of business people have been denied visas to travel there.
Many Kenyans pass through the country while heading to other parts of the world.The Minister confirmed that in the last two weeks two ministers and dozens of Members of Parliament had also been denied visas.
The business people especially in the textile industry have complained that they are losing millions of shillings in the crisis.
“For the business people who travel regularly I can only give you an assurance that the matter is in the hands of government and our counterparts across the Red Sea are fully committed to a very sound relationship between us.”


Anonymous said...

u know what fuck UAE,That place aint heaven....

Anonymous said...

Lets hope Mr.wetangula has a degree too.
The UAE people gonna need kenyans in future.
The Arabs Should scrap that annoying requirement unless looking for a job.
They are not ALL educated or not all of them have even higher education.

Anonymous said...

you kenyans need to focus on yourselves. these guys from the UAE had quite rightly refused to pay bribes. that was their only crime causing deportation.

Anonymous said...

you should not say waht the fuck U.A.E that Place

if U.A.E is fuck plsce then way you guys are looking career in our country
why all kenyans are doing Business or looking Opportunities with us
we proud our self and we know our self that we dont requirment anything from kenyan country or kenyan people
as if we need any thing in our contry we get as much as we can and we get more then that
better then your pour contry kenya
all kenayns are pours and its t pour contry we know our self that all of you must come in the future to our contry for many thing we know our self that our contry as alot of thing

realy if i could be a big person i will require all kenyans can not inter United Arab Emirates or All GCC country without thay Banking Account bust have 40000 to 45000 thousand U$.Dollar to inter the Arab country

Anonymous said...

you should not say waht the fuck U.A.E that Place

if U.A.E is fuck place then way you guys are looking career in our country
why all kenyans are doing Business or looking Opportunities with us
we proud our self and we know our self that we dont requirment anything from kenyan country or kenyan people
as if we need any thing in our country we get as much as we can and we get more then that
better then your pour country kenya
all kenayns are pours and its t pour contry we know our self that all of you must come in the future to our country for many thing we know our self that our contry as alot of things

realy if i could be a big person i will require all kenyans can not inter United Arab Emirates or All GCC country without thay Banking Account must have 40000 to 45000 thousand U$.Dollar to inter the Arab country

Anonymous said...

M.r Saif Khalfan DxB boy

you should not say waht the fuck U.A.E that Place

if U.A.E is fuck place then way you guys are looking career in our country
why all kenyans are doing Business or looking Opportunities with us
we proud our self and we know our self that we dont requirment anything from kenyan country or kenyan people
as if we need any thing in our country we get as much as we can and we get more then that
better then your pour country kenya
all kenayns are pours and its t pour contry we know our self that all of you must come in the future to our country for many thing we know our self that our contry as alot of things

realy if i could be a big person i will require all kenyans can not inter United Arab Emirates or All GCC country without thay Banking Account must have 40000 to 45000 thousand U$.Dollar to inter the Arab countrys

Anonymous said...

I think we both need each other. Pride comes before a fall. UAE need Kenyans as much as Kenyans need it. Think twice and think wise.

Anonymous said...

M.R Saif Khlafn DXB boy

you right but i dont think that United Arab Emirates need something to kenyans
as kenyan they need many thing in United Arab Emirates
now every thing gose up and down

what i;m saying its not Necessary to do anybad thing to U.A.E National,,,,,, the things is the pour country kenya they dont have innaf funds to pay to they are people thats way all kenyas they cant go any where without stole people thing tipsss, rabiush thing witch is not Unnecessary for humn been

but my mind is thinking and thinking alot

that all GCC country should not Allowed Kenyans to inter the country until they are funds must be 40000 to 45000 thousand US dollar
in there are banking Account or 10000 to 30000 US dollar

Anonymous said...

M.R saif DxB BOY

what do you think

Anonymous said...

wooooooow,you need some english classed my dear and please spare our country.

Anonymous said...

Please Mr. Saif.

I wonder if you've ever been in a class. No any more comments for you. You are a hero! I believe you aint know the meaning of this phrase.

Anonymous said...

y'all need go back to school............

Anonymous said...

For those who think UAE needs Kenya, think again!UAE can get workers from many other countries. Kenya has to stop listining to stupid foreign (western) brain-washing before it spoils it's tourism and alienate them good foreign income.

Anonymous said...

Well, after reading some of the posts here... one thing is for sure - its not the Kenyans that need the degree's.

Anonymous said...

Well, Arabic is their language not english... And why would he 'need' enlish classes?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its 2011 and we still have Visa Problems, so please UAE Goverment stop punishing innocent Kenyans who have no Idea why because you have issues with our Government. I promise yuo non of the govenment and top people come to work in Dubai, they just Tour so you are punishing the poor rather middle class who came to work to better their lifes! Kibaki do your thing

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