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Saudi Arabia - Visa Rules

Saudi Arabia starts application of new visa fees

Manama: Saudi Arabia started on Sunday the implementation of the new visa fees decided last month by the cabinet to boost non-oil revenues.

Under the new scheme, the fee for a single entry visa into the kingdom is 2,000 Saudi Riyals. However, the fee is waived if the visitor is entering Saudi Arabia for the first time to perform pilgrimage or Umrah.

Expatriates living in the kingdom now have to pay SR 200 for a single trip out of the kingdom. The visa is valid for two months, and every additional month, within the duration of the expatriate’s residence permit, costs SR100, the Directorate General of Passports said.

Prior to the amendment, the visa cost SR200 for six months for all expatriates and one year for students.

A multiple-entry visa now costs 500 Saudi Riyals and it is valid for three months. Each additional month, within the duration of the expatriate’s residence permit will cost SR200.

The fee before the amendment was SR 500 for six months for expatriates and one year for wives of Saudi citizens.

Non-resident expatriates, including domestic helpers, will now pay SR300 to enter the country with their sponsors instead of the SR50 they paid before the introduction of the scheme.

Multiple entry visas will now cost SR3,000 for a six-month visa, SR5,000 for a one-year visa and SR8,000 for a two-year visa.

The fee for a transit visa will be SR300 and the fee leaving the Kingdom through a seaport will be SR50.

Bilateral agreements, including an accord with Bahrain, regarding domestic helpers accompanying their sponsors will not be affected by the new scheme.
Saudi Arabia to introduce expat 'green card'
 Saudi Arabia will introduce a "green card" system within five years to allow resident expatriates in the kingdom to have more rights in order to improve its investment climate, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said on Monday.

Speaking in a television interview, he said planned sweeping reforms, of which the proposed green card is one, will be implemented even if oil prices rise back above $70 a barrel and pledged to end Riyadh's dependence on crude revenue by 2020.

The Saudi government on Monday approved a plan for vast economic reforms dubbed ‘Saudi Vision 2030’ to substantially reduce the Opec powerhouse’s reliance on oil, the official SPA news agency reported.

The plan, details of which were to be announced later Monday, focuses on privatisations, further reductions in subsidies, the sale of part of state oil giant Aramco and the creation of a giant $2 trillion Sovereign Wealth Fund, SPA reported.

Saudi Arabia's new "Vision 2030" reform plan will not require major spending but will involve restructuring, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said, adding that spending on infrastructure projects would continue.

Prince Mohammed added that the government would restructure the Housing Ministry to help more citizens buy homes, said subsidies should not go to the rich, and said he aimed to reduce unemployment among Saudi nationals to 7 percent from 11.6 percent.

He said Saudi Arabia plans to set up a holding company for military industries that would be fully owned by the government at first and listed later on the Saudi bourse.

"We are now about to establish a holding company for the military industries 100 percent owned by the government that will be listed later in the Saudi market," Prince Mohammed told Al-Arabiya TV.

"We expect it to be launched by end of 2017 with more details."

Investment fund will turn kingdom into a global player

Saudi Arabia's new investment fund will turn the world's top oil exporter into a global investment power, Mohammed bin Salman said.

He said in an interview on Al Arabiya television to announce sweeping reforms known as Vision 2030 that the kingdom's existing Public Investment Fund had made returns of 30 billion ($8 billion) riyals in 2015.

Asked by Arabiya whether he thought the management of PIF would be too autocratic, he said there would be an elected board that would make investment decisions for PIF.

Saudi Arabia cabinet approves Vision 2030 reform plan

Saudi Arabia’s cabinet agreed to implement a broad reform plan known as Vision 2030, which is expected to involve sweeping change to diversify the economy beyond dependence on oil exports, state media reported on Monday.

“We hope citizens will work together to achieve Saudi Vision 2030," King Salman said in a brief statement carried by state television.
Saudi is to sell less than 5 per cent of oil giant Aramco in IPO: deputy crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.

• He expects the value of Aramco to exceed $2 trillion as the kingdom prepares to sell part of the company in what could be the world’s largest initial public offering. The valuation of Saudi Arabian Oil Co. hasn’t been completed.

• A new investment fund will turn the world’s top oil exporter into a global investment power, deputy crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman said. The kingdom’s existing Public Investment Fund (PIF) had made returns of 30 billion riyals ($8bn) in 2015. Asked whether he thought the management of PIF would be too autocratic, he said there would be an elected board that would make investment decisions for PIF.

• “We plan to set up a $2 trillion sovereign wealth fund … part of its assets will come from the sale of a small part of Aramco," he said.

• The Saudi stock index recovered from early losses and was up 1.8 per cent after the reform was outlined.

• A “green card" system will be introduced within five years to allow resident expatriates in the kingdom to have more rights in order to improve its investment climate. Sweeping reforms, of which the proposed green card is one, will be implemented even if oil prices rise back above $70 a barrel, prince Mohammed said.

• Plans for a military industries holding company fully owned by government at first and offered in IPO by end of 2017.

• The reform plan will not require major spending but will involve restructuring, prince Mohammed said, adding that spending on infrastructure projects would continue. He said that the government would restructure the housing ministry to help more citizens buy homes, said subsidies should not go to the rich, and said he aimed to reduce unemployment among Saudi nationals to 7 per cent from 11.6 per cent

Saudi new rules boost options for NGOs
 Manama: The minimum number of people required to form an organisation has been reduced from 20 to ten under new rules for non-government organisations (NGOs) in Saudi Arabia.

The rules also stipulate that the time taken to officially approve the organisation must not exceed 60 days, Social Development Ministry Undersecretary Abdullah Al Sadhan said.

“The new rules include several developments and advantages that will have positive effects on society,” he said. “Under the new rules, charity societies and foundations will have their own council and a fund to support organisations will also be set up to help develop their capacities and guarantee their sustainability,” he was quoted by Saudi news site Sabq as saying.

The new rules also allow companies, institutions and banks to establish charity societies, he added.

“The rules allow the formation of family funds as well as agreements with government and private entities to offer services or programmes,” he said. “NGOs can also receive donations after the approval of the ministry,” Al Sadhan said.

Under the new system, the Ministry of Social Development oversees all the NGOs, including private foundations.

“The ministry will be tasked with issuing, amending and renewing licences for the societies, except those of a scientific nature that are set up in universities,” Al Sadhan said. “The ministry will also oversee moves to merge NGOs and will work on spreading a culture of volunteerism and achieving social cohesion.”

Al Sadhan added that the ministry was working on the details of the bylaws ahead of presenting them to the NGOs for discussions and feedback.

The Saudi government this week approved the new rules amid expectations they will improve the work by NGOs in the kingdom.

“The new system will serve development and social objectives and will regulate private charity work,” Majed Al Qasbi, the social development minister, said. “It will also contribute to overall social development and to the participation of Saudi citizens in developing society,” he said

History of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 
 The 30th f Shaaban 1427, corresponding to the 23rd of September 2006, will be the 76th anniversary of the Kingdom's National Day. In this day in year 1932, history has recorded the birth day of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This came as a result of a long and hard struggle led by King Abdulaziz bin Abdurrahman al Saud within a period of 32 years after recapturing Riyadh city, the capital of his ancestors that was on the 15th of January 1902.

A Royal Decree to unite all parts of the Kingdom was issued on the 17th of Jumada Al Uola 1351 the new name given to the kingdom was "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia". King Abdulaziz chose the 23rd of September to be celebrated as the National Day of the kingdom.

Seventy five years have passed, full of achievements in this country, the corner stone of which was laid by the late King Abdulaziz and hid decedents continued to do so after him.
Growth of King Abdulaziz
King Abdulaziz was born in Riyadh city in the year 1876, his father was Imam Abdurrahman bin Faisal bin Turky bin Abdullah al Soud. He was taught by Sheikh Abdullah Al Kharji a well learned man from Riyadh City. He learned many chapters of the Holy Quraan. Later he learned the whole Quraan, Islamic Theology from another teachernamed Abdullah bin Abdullatif Al Al-Sheikh.

When he was young, King Abdulaziz was fond of horse riding, he was known to be very brave, courageous, daring and was of good manners.He accompanied his father in his journey to the Badiyah. He was greatly influenced by the nomad life he led after leaving Riyadh City. Abdulaziz was only twelve years old when he arrived in Kuwait with his father. He spent about ten years there during which period he learned the holy Quraan, learned about politics and learned about how to lead soldiers in the battle field.
The beginning of the new era:-
King Abdulaziz was in his twenties when left Kuwait leading a handful of his relatives and aids towards Riyadh, by then he was about 26 years old. The Arab peninsula was in a mess. But on the 15th of January 1902 King Abdulaziz was able to enter Riyadh City victoriously and the Arab peninsula witnessed a new era. He took over both the political and religious powers when his father, Imam Abdurrahman bin Faisal stepped down for him. This took place in the Grand Mosque after the Jumaah prayer.

Gradually, the new King started to unite Najd area beginning with southern Riyadh when he defeated his opponents in an area called Dalam near Kharj thereby taking over all towns of southern Riyadh including Kharj, Al Hareeq, al Aflaj and Wadi Al Dawasir.

King Abdulaziz then went to Al Washam area and conquered its capital city Shagra and then went on to Thadiq and the capital of Sudair Al Majmaah. This was culminated in uniting all these areas under his rule and became part of what is known as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

King Abdulaziz was able to conquer Gasim area in the 1321/1324 after several minor battles but the last and decisive one was Raudat Mahannah on the 14th of April 1906.
Uniting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

on the 17th of Jumadah Al Uola 1351, a Royal Decree was issued declaring all parts of the Kingdom united, under the name" Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" and his title was King of Saudi Arabia. King Abdulaziz chose Thursday the 21st of jumadah al Uola to declare that unity. Now this is the national Day of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

During his reign, two crossing swards and a datepalm between them was chosen as an emblem for the newly established Kingdom.

The flag of the kingdom was also chosen, it is a green rectangle in the center were written the words "No god except Allah and Mohammed is his messenger in white, and under it is white sword.

From the beginning, King Abdulaziz, organized his kingdom in a modern way. He delegated authority and formed a government for Hijaz area after conquering it. He then created the non-existing office of General Prosecutor and appointed his son Prince Faisal to head that office that was in the year 1926. He also assigned to Prince Faisal the Chairmanship of the Shuora Council which was a consultative council. In December 1931, another decree was issued establishing a council of deputies. King Abdulaziz, then formed several ministries to run the government. Diplomatic relations with some countries were established and ambassadors, councils, commissioners and ministers were also appointed.

King abdulaziz also supported the Palestinian issue and when the Arab League was established in Cairo in 1945 the Kingdom was among its first members. Among the first achievements of King Abdulaziz was his project to settle the Nomads. They were settled in villages and agricultural lands. An army of volunteers was formed out of these settled nomads. King Abdulaziz worked hard to improve the social and economic conditions of Saudi Arabia. He gave his instructions to establish new schools and institutes and encouraged book publishing especially Islamic books. He also expanded the Prophets mosque and supplied it with waster and medical services to serve Pilgrims.
A strong :

In 1937, oil was produced in commercial quantities in the Eastern Region thereby increasing the wealth of the country which in turn contributed to the development of the Kingdom and its welfare. The Saudi Arabian Monetary Fund was then Established. The King also ordered that agricultural equipment should be bought and distributed among farmers. Asphalt roads were also constructed and a railway line was also established to link Riyadh with Dammam. A network of telecommunications was established together with the Saudi Arabian Airways in 1945. a pipeline was constructed from the Arabian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. Saudi Arabian Broadcasting Station was also established by the King in 1949. to fight disease the king ordered the establishment of Hospitals and provide heath services in the different parts of the kingdom. Immigration law was enacted to regulate the immigration and regular residence in the kingdom. Therefore it is clear that King Abdulaziz (IP) succeeded in laying the foundation stone of a strong government in the Arabian Peninsula whereby it's constitution was based on the Holy Quraan and the saying of Prophet Mohammad (BUH) and as a result the country became one of the most peaceful and prosperous in the world for a long time to come.
Reform and development
 King Abdulaziz did not sufficed himself with what he achieved earlier, but he continued to develop it and improve on it in all aspects and by will of God he succeeded in laying the firm bases for a good Islamic System that is concentrated on responsibility and good governance. So ministries and governmental organizations were established to continue this development. New innovations were imported to replace the old systems. The judiciary was based on the Sharia system therefore various courts were formed. It was also known that King Abdulaziz has achieved a lot in the field of security, law and order, he was serious in applying the law and punishing anyone who tried to bring disorder in the kingdom so much that the Kingdom became very famous security wise.
Care For Pilgrims:
Pilgrims in Saudi Arabia who believed to be the Guests of Allah, were served with the best services and a law governing pilgrimage was enacted and the king himself supervised it's implementation to prevent anyone from exploiting them especially in transportation and accommodation services. The king was keen in seeing that food and water were provided to them in sufficient quantities.

King Abdulaziz was keen to spread Islamic education and knowledge, he fought ignorance everywhere in his Kingdom by supporting teachers, preachers and private schools and culminated this by establishing education department to oversee education in the kingdom .
King Abdulaziz did not only concentrate his efforts in the internal building only but he worked hard in the external area too. He established strong external relations with other friendly and brotherly countries based on clear objectives and steadfastness to principles according to Islamic teachings. King Abdulaziz therefore strengthened relationships with brotherly Arab countries and worked hard to unite their stands on international issues and solve their internal differences through dialogue and agree on objectives that would guarantee them the liberation of their occupied territories and keep their rights.
Establishing Sharia Law:
 The main objective of King Abdulaziz was to establish the rule of Islamic Law in the kingdom according to the Quraan and the teachings of Prophet Mohammad. This objective was achieved fully by King Abdulaziz because up till now the Kingdom is governed by the Sharia law. The Kings speeches and sayings prove this. Among what he said is " I depend on whatever I do on Allah who there is no God but him, I depend on him overtly and covertly, I believe that He is going to support us because of this dependence on Him. I am making Jihad to see to it that his word is supreme" .

He also said in the opening speech of the first Shoura council in 1349H. "All of you know that the base of our governance is the Islamic Law, therefore you are free to pass bills and enact laws that you believe suitable for this country, and these laws must not contradict the Islamic law because laws that are contrary to the Islamic law will not be of any benefit to any one. It is really bad and damaging to enact law against the Sharia laws which was revealed to our prophet Mohammad.
Before King Abdulaziz, there was no security in the Arab Peninsula, even pilgrims suffered from highwaymen who attacked them and took their property, the Othman Empire imposed some sort of taxes to protect pilgrims to be paid in gold to highwaymen so that they would not attack pilgrims but still some attacks occur from time to time. When king Abdulaziz came to power and applied the Sharia law he was able to reinforce law and order in the country and the robbery gangs have disappeared forever. An interesting story was being told about the security in the Kingdom, it was a story of a lost came loaded with goods and foodstuff which moved from town to town without being taken by any body until the owner found it. The kingdom therefore witnessed an ideal sort of security that has not been seen in most countries in the region by that time.
Islamic Solidarity
King Abdulaziz as a good Muslim leader who obeyed Gods instructions that Muslims should be brothers to each other, was the first Muslim leader to call for Muslim solidarity, therefore the first General Islamic conference in the history of Islam took place, it was called upon by king Andulaziz in 1345.

The policies which were laid down by king Abdulaziz on uniting Muslims stands and solidarity became the underling principles for the Kingdoms policies thereafter. Among his sayings on this issue "the most beloved thing to me is that I want to see Muslims united in their stands, to see them love each other and also to see Arabs loving each other, pursuing the same objective and follow the same way that leads them to the good.
Personality of King Abdulaziz:
King Abdulaziz was a unique leader of his time for he had a strong character that could be described by the following:
  • . He was a strong believer in God and he depended on him in all his deeds.

. He used to have a good experience in the religious affairs, because he learnt the Quraan by heart and also learned by heart many of the prophets sayings together with the knowledge of the Islamic exegesis and applies all this knowledge practically on the way he governed throughout his time of rule. He used to sit with the well-learned people overnight and discussed religious affairs with them

. as a sagacious leader, King Abdulaziz was very wise in approaching any problem that faced him no wonder his choice of solutions in most cases was right.

. King Abdulaziz was also known to be very courageous, he lead his soldiers very successfully in all battles he fought.

. he was also known to be a highly capable military man who drew successful plans and implemented them courageously where he was able to win battles by exploiting his enemies mistakes.

. King Abdulaziz had a good knowledge and experience of Bedouin and urban lives in the Arab penesula and he also knows well the Arab tribal lineage, he could even know the tribe of a man by the first sentence he pronounces, therefore he used to treat his people according to the society they belong to.

. King Abdulaziz was very steadfast on the religion of Islam he is never apologetic in applying Islamic rules, but in spite of that he was a very kind and sensitive person.

. He was kind to all his subjects; to him all people are the same.
His death:
 King Abdulaziz died on the 2nd of Rabie Al awal 1373, corresponding to the 9th of November 1953, after a very long struggle that influenced the Islamic and Arab worlds, and after he established his Modern I Islamic kingdom which used modern day ways of live without violating Islamic rules and principles aiming only to serve Sharia and Muslims everywhere.
In line with glory
. The 15th of January 1902, corresponding to the 5th of Shawwal 1319 is a mile stone in the history of the kingdom, it was the date King Abdulaziz conquered Riyadh and from that day the struggle continued to regain the kingdom of his ancestors.
. King Abdulaziz had spent more that 30 years struggling with his men to establish his kingdom by uniting its dissident parts based on the teachings of the Holy Quraan and the teachings of his prophet Mohammad (PBUH). A Kingdom that would later contribute greatly to the establishment of principles of peace for the benefit of humanity.

. the kingdom of Saudi Arabia was among the first members of the Arab league in 1945, king Abdulaziz supported Arab countries to gain independence which by then were under the colonial rule, especially the Palestinian issue.

. The king and the people of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia are very proud of serving the Two Holy Mosques and to serve their pilgrims.

. among the very important facts that impose themselves when one is evaluating the Saudi experience is the unyielding determination and the strong will to modernize and develop this country sine the time of king Aabdulaziz until the reign of the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz. The Kingdoms history is full of high achievements in all it's stages, the country was well developed, it's economic infrastructure was well established in such a way that it was put among the most developed in the world, in addition to the development of the citizens the provision of good education. The high status of the kingdom has contributed to the activation of its role in the international arena through the UN which it was among its founding members and the other UN organizations.

. the kingdom of Saudi Arabia has great economic and political contributions which suit it's role among the international community in addition to it's role and position among the Islamic and Arab countries which drew the respect of more than a billion Muslims allover the world.

. the leaders of this country since the time of the founding father King Abdulaziz until the time of king Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz got the respect of the peoples of the world because of the role it is playing in the international arena.
Quoted from the saying of Kings of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
King Saud Ben Abdulaziz Al Saud:

Islam came to transfer us from underdevelopment and humiliation to the highest degrees, and we became the most integrated people and we were the leaders and the righteous to Allah.

Gathering of Muslims word, unification of their rows and reunion of their indifferences is the greatest, which a Muslim is working to achieve. I call all Muslims to gather their rows on right and unify their work to be like bricked wall.
King Faisal Ben Abdulaziz Al Saud
All Muslims in general and the Arabs in particular should join each other, understand and hold with Allah cord. It is impossible that Islam contradicts with progress, as it is the religion of development, glory and dignity. Let us take the Pilgrimage (Hajj) as an opportunity to seek the way to the progress of Muslims
King Khalid Ben Abdulaziz Al Saud :
Because the strong believer is better than the weak one, we are keen to build up a sound economy of which its foundation is the Saudi citizen on whom we are building the capability to face the dealing challenges with the age achievements. This capability has ranked the highest performance. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is proud to put all its capacities and recruits all its energies for the service of the pilgrims of the Holy Mosque who come to their country between their brothers.
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahad :
 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the Islamic nations; as it is from them and to them. It was established to raise the call for Allah. Allah has honored it by the service of his House and the Mosque of his Prophet. This is why the responsibility is increased. Its policy has become distinguished. Its policy and duties increased. While implementing these duties internationally, it performs Allah orders.

We do not allege the progress but I confirm that this country depends firstly on Allah and then on the Islamic religion. Anyone depending on the right Islamic religion, he will have his share from progress and seeking the interest of his citizens in all aspects.

Anyone who makes a comparison between what we are in: scientific, construction and medical renaissance and what we were in the past when our country was desert, he can not believe that during this record time this blessed renaissance has set up. It is due to Allah virtue and then to our holding with the Holy Qura`an and the Prophet's sunnah

Types of Saudi Visa
All visitors require a visa to enter Saudi Arabia, and visas are only granted to those with sponsorship in the country. Tourist visas are granted only to selected groups on a limited basis, and all visitors to Saudi Arabia are required to have a valid passport with at least six months validity, in addition to the appropriate visa and a return ticket, with all necessary documents.

Due to the strict requirements of Saudi Arabia, women entering the Kingdom alone must be met by a sponsor or male relative and have confirmed accommodation for the duration of their stay. Additionally, entry may be refused to any visitor judged as behaving indecently, according to Saudi Arabia law and tradition.

If you are going to be working in Saudi Arabia then you will need a Saudi Arabia Work visa or a Business Visa. There are 5 main types of Visa that you can apply for when looking to enter The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) for either work or just to visit;

Business Visa, this is for business men working for companies outside Saudi Arabia so that they can come into the Kingdom to work with or for a Saudi company. The duration can be one, three or 6 months. It can also be used by companies to bring you into the kingdom to work on a short term contract or to try you out during your trial period, although this is not what the visa is for.

Work Visa, this is for those that have been offered a contract to be working in Saudi Arabia, you will require to have medicals and submit educational certificates, all of which have to be legalized. Use an agent to do this as you will have to complete a large amount of paperwork.

Holiday Visa - It is available, but unless you are Muslim with family in Saudi Arabia to sponsor your visit you are unlikely to get it! They do however want to develop the tourist industry so it will be interesting to see how this develops.

Dependent visa for Saudi Arabia (KSA), this is for the family of those that have an approved work visa. Please note however that only legalized marriage will be recognized, you can't bring your girlfriend even if you have been together for 20 years.

Umrah/Haj Visa, this is for those that wish to visit to make Umrah/Haj, religious pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca). This is only for Muslims and the visas are limited by number and through approved travel agents only.
Country-Specific Requirements
Applicants from all countries require a visa to enter Saudi Arabia, except for:    Nationals of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and United Arab Emirates.    Transit passengers continuing their journey by the same or first connecting aircraft within 18 hours, provided they hold  valid onward or return documentation,  do not leave the airport and make no further landing in Saudi Arabia (except nationals of Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Nigeria who always require a transit visa).
Processing Times

When applying for a Saudi Arabia visa, processing time and fees are very dependent on the visa class, as well as the nationality of the applicant and the time of year.  Both the time taken to process the visa application and the cost are subject to change, but by having an understanding of each Saudi Arabia visa class and seeking professional assistance when making an application, you can be assured the most time and cost efficient process possible

 Shura Council Law
Royal Decree No. A/91
27 Sha'ban 1412/ I March 1992
Article One:
In compliance with Allah Almighty words:

[Those who respond to their Lord, and establish regular prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation; who spend out of what we bestow on them for sustenance] "Shura Sura (ChapterXL11), Verse 38". And [It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently with them. Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted , they would have broken away from about thee : so pass over ( their faults ) , and ask for ( Allah's ) forgiveness for them ; and consult them in affairs ( of moment ) . Then, when thou hast taken a decision, put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)] "Al-Imran Sura (ChapterIII), Verse 159".

And following His Messenger Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH) in consulting his Companions, and urging the (Muslim) Nation to engage in consultation. Shura Council shall be established to exercise the tasks entrusted to it, according to this Law and the Basic Law of Governance while adhering to Quran and the Path (Sunnah) of his Messenger (PBUH), maintaining brotherly ties and cooperating unto righteousness and piety.

Article Two:

Shura Council shall hold fast to the bond of Allah and adhere to the sources of Islamic legislation. All members of the Council shall strive to serve the public interest, and preserve the unity of the community, the entity of the State and nation interests.

Article Three:

Shura Council shall consist of a Speaker and One hundred and fifty members chosen by the King from amongst scholars, those of knowledge, expertise and specialists.

Article Four:

It is stipulated that the member of Shura Council shall be as follows:

(a) A Saudi national by descent and upbringing.

(b) A person well known for uprightness and competence.

(c) A person not less than 30 years of age.

Article Five:

A member may submit a request to resign his membership to the Speaker, who in turn shall bring it before the King.

Article Six:

Accountability of a member shall be done on failing to perform duties, and shall be trialed according to rules and procedures to be issued by royal decree.

Article Seven:

On vacancy of a member position, the King shall choose a substitution and a royal decree shall be issued to this effect.

Article Eight:

No member may exploit his membership for his own interest.

Article Nine:

The membership shall not be combined with any governmental post, or with the management of any organization, unless the King deems it necessary.

Article Ten:

Speaker, Vice-Speaker, and Secretary General shall be appointed and released by royal decree. Their ranks, rights, duties, and all their affairs shall be defined by royal decree.

Article Eleven:

Prior to assumption of their duties, Speaker, members and Secretary General shall take the following Oath before the King:

“I swear to Allah Almighty to be loyal to my religion, then to my King and Country, and not to reveal any of the State’s secrets, to preserve its interests and laws, and to perform my duties with sincerity, integrity, loyalty and fairness.”

Article Twelve:

Riyadh City shall be the seat of the Shura Council. The Council may convene in other locations within the Kingdom if the King deems it appropriate.

Article Thirteen:

Shura Council term shall be four Hijri years, effective from the specified date in the Royal Decree issued for its formation. A new Council shall be formed at least two months prior to the end of the current Council. In case term of the current council ends before a new formation; current Council shall remain active until the new formation is accomplished. Numbers of the newly selected members shall not be less than half of the current Council.

Article Fourteen:

The King, or whoever may deputize, shall deliver an annual royal speech at Shura Council on State's domestic and foreign policy.

Article Fifteen:

Shura Council shall express its opinion on State's general policies referred by Prime Minister. The Council shall specifically have the right to exercise the following:

(a) Discuss the general plan for economic and social development and give view.

(b) Revising laws and regulations, international treaties and agreements, concessions, and provide whatever suggestions it deems appropriate.

(c) Analyzing laws.

(d) Discuss government agencies annual reports and attaching new proposals when it deems appropriate.

Article Sixteen:

A meeting of Shura Council shall not be valid without a quorum of at least two-thirds of members, including Speaker or whoever may deputizes. Resolutions shall not be considered valid without members' majority approval.

Article Seventeen:

Shura council’s resolutions shall be submitted to the king who decides what resolutions to be referred to Cabinet. If views of both Shura Council and Cabinet agree, the resolutions are issued after the king approval. If views of both councils vary the issue shall be returned back to Shura Council to decide whatever it deems appropriate, and send the new resolution to the king who takes the final decisions.

Article Eighteen:

Laws, international treaties and agreements, and concessions shall be issued and amended by royal decrees after being reviewed by the Shura Council.

Article Nineteen:

Shura Council shall form the necessary specialized committees amongst its members to exercise power within its jurisdiction. Further, it may form ad hoc committees to review any item on its agenda.

Article Twenty:

Shura Council’s committees may seek non-council members assistance of whomever fit upon Speaker's approval.

Article Twenty-One:

Shura Council shall have Steering Committee composed of Speaker, Vice Speaker, and heads of specialized committees.

Article Twenty-Two:

Speaker shall submit to Prime Minister requesting accountability of ministers. A minister shall have the right to participate in the deliberation but not the right to vote.

Article Twenty-Three:

Shura Council shall have the jurisdiction proposing a draft of a new law or an amendment of enacting law and study these within the council. Speaker shall submit the Council’s resolution of new or amended law to the king.

Article Twenty-Four:

Speaker of Shura Council shall submit a request to the Prime Minister in providing the Council with documents and data in possession of government agencies, which the Council deems necessary to facilitate its work.

Article Twenty-Five:

Speaker shall submit an annual report to the King regarding Council’s work in accordance with its regulations.

Article Twenty-Six:

Civil service laws shall be applying to Shura Council employees unless the regulations provide otherwise.

Article Twenty-Seven:

The King shall allocate Shura Council special budget. The budget shall be spend in accordance with rules issued by royal decree.

Article Twenty-Eight:

Shura Council’s financial matters, auditing and closing accounts shall be regulated by special rules issued by royal decree.

Article Twenty-Nine:

Shura Council regulations shall define the functions of the Speaker, Vice Speaker, General Secretary, bodies, methods of meetings conducting, work management, committees' works and voting procedure. The regulations shall also specify rules of debate, responding principles and other matters conducive to order and discipline within Council, so Council shall exercise jurisdiction for the Kingdom welfare and nation prosperity. These regulations shall be issued by royal decree.

Article Thirty:

Amendment of this Law can only be made in the same manner of the promulgation.

for more info http://www.shura.gov.sa


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