59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: UAE Villa Residents Alert: Hassantuk is Now Mandatory! Is Your Home Protected?

Sunday, February 11, 2024

UAE Villa Residents Alert: Hassantuk is Now Mandatory! Is Your Home Protected?

 As of January 1, 2024, the Hassantuk fire alarm system became mandatory for all villas and townhouses in the United Arab Emirates. The Ministry of Interior implemented this regulation to improve fire safety measures in residential properties and protect lives and property. Here's what you need to know about Hassantuk: 

What it is: Hassantuk is a wireless fire alarm system that connects directly to the UAE Civil Defense. It includes smoke detectors in every room and heat detectors in the kitchen.

How it works: When a fire is detected, the system sends an alert to the Civil Defence, along with the precise location of the fire. This allows firefighters to respond quickly and effectively.

Who is responsible for installing it: Homeowners are responsible for installing the Hassantuk system in their villas. There are a number of companies that offer Hassantuk installation services.

The deadline: The deadline for installing Hassantuk was January 1, 2024. Homeowners who have not yet installed the system may face fines.

Here are some of the benefits of having a Hassantuk system in your villa: 

Faster response times: The Civil Defense can respond to fires much more quickly when they are alerted by Hassantuk.

Increased safety: Early detection of fires can help to prevent them from spreading and causing serious damage.

Peace of mind: Knowing that a fire alarm system protects your home can give you peace of mind.

If you live in a villa in the UAE and you have not yet installed a Hassantuk system, I urge you to do so as soon as possible. It is a small investment that could save your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Is there any fine for not installing Hassantuk:

Yes, there are potential fines for not having Hassantuk installed in your villa in the UAE. Here's a breakdown: 

Initial Warning: If you haven't installed Hassantuk by the deadline, you'll first receive a warning from the authorities.

A fine of Dh1,000: If you still haven't installed it after the warning, you'll be fined Dh1,000.

It's important to note that these are just the initial penalties. There may be additional fines or penalties for:

 Tampering with or disabling the system: This could result in another Dh1,000 fine.

Failing to respond to verification calls: If the Hassantuk system detects a fire and the command center tries to verify it by phone, but you don't answer all three attempts, you could be fined Dh200.

Remember, installing Hassantuk is not just about avoiding fines; it's about protecting yourself, your family, and your property from the dangers of fire. 

Here are some resources for more information about Hassantuk: 

Ministry of Interior website: https://home.moi.gov.ae/en/index.html

Hassantuk FAQ: https://home.moi.gov.ae/en/index.html

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