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Saturday, July 1, 2023

The Top 10 UAE Labour Law Questions Answered

 Here are the top 10 UAE Labour Law questions answered:

   1) Does the New UAE Labour Law impact the UAE working day?
Yes, the new law reduces the maximum working hours per week from 48 to 45. The standard working day is 8 hours, with a one-hour break for lunch. Employees are also entitled to a weekly rest day of at least 24 consecutive hours.

  2)  How many days of maternity leave am I entitled to?
Employees are entitled to 45 days of paid maternity leave, of which 15 days must be taken before the expected date of delivery and the remaining 30 days after the delivery.
   3) Is there a maximum duration of my employment contract?
Yes, the maximum duration of an employment contract is 3 years. After 3 years, the contract must be renewed on a rolling basis.
  4)  How many days of sick leave am I entitled to per year?
Employees are entitled to a total of 90 days of paid sick leave per year. Of these 90 days, 15 will be paid at full salary, 30 at half salary and 45 will be without compensation.
  5) What are the notice periods for termination of employment?
The notice period for termination of employment depends on the length of service of the employee. For employees with less than 2 years of service, the notice period is 1 month. For employees with more than 2 years of service, the notice period is 2 months. 
 6) What are the severance pay entitlements for termination of employment?
Employees are entitled to severance pay if they are terminated by their employer without just cause. The amount of severance pay depends on the length of service of the employee. For employees with less than 2 years of service, the severance pay is equal to 15 days' salary for each completed year of service. For employees with more than 2 years of service, the severance pay is equal to 30 days' salary for each completed year of service.
  7) What are the employee rights in the event of redundancy?
Employees who are made redundant are entitled to severance pay and other benefits, such as outplacement assistance. The amount of severance pay and other benefits depends on the length of service of the employee and the terms of their employment contract.
   8) What are the anti-discrimination provisions in the UAE Labour Law?
The UAE Labour Law prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of gender, race, color, sex, religion, national or social origin or disability.
  9) What are the occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements in the UAE Labour Law?
Employers are responsible for ensuring the safety and health of their employees. They must provide a safe working environment and take all necessary measures to prevent accidents and injuries.
  10) What are the dispute resolution mechanisms in the UAE Labour Law?
Employees who have a dispute with their employer can file a complaint with the Ministry of Labour. They can also take their case to the Labour Court.
These are just some of the top 10 UAE Labour Law questions answered. For more information, you can visit the website of the Ministry of Labour or consult with an employment lawyer.

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