59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: Three-day weekend in the U.A.E effective from July first 2023 to Federal Govt employees

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Three-day weekend in the U.A.E effective from July first 2023 to Federal Govt employees

 The UAE government has announced that federal government employees will be able to opt for a three-day weekend starting July 1, 2023. The new work pattern is part of a broader effort to improve work-life balance and productivity in the public sector.

Under the new system, employees will be able to work 10 hours a day, four days a week. This will give them a three-day weekend, from Friday to Sunday. Employees who choose to work this compressed workweek will be able to do so without any loss of pay.

The new work pattern is voluntary, and employees will be able to choose whether or not to participate. However, the government is encouraging employees to take advantage of the opportunity, as it is seen as a way to improve work-life balance and productivity.

The UAE is not the first country to introduce a four-day workweek. Iceland, for example, has been running a trial of a four-day workweek since 2017, and the results have been positive. Employees have reported feeling less stressed and more productive, and the country's economy has not suffered as a result.

It remains to be seen whether the UAE's new work pattern will be as successful as Iceland's. However, the government is confident that it will be a positive change for the public sector.

In addition to the new work pattern, the UAE government has also announced a number of other measures to improve work-life balance in the public sector. These include:

  •     Increased flexibility for employees to work from home.
  •     Increased opportunities for employees to take parental leave and other types of leave.
  •     Improved health and wellness programs for employees.

The UAE government is committed to creating a more attractive and productive work environment for its public sector employees. The new work pattern and other measures are part of this effort.

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