59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: Travel Ban in the UAE

Friday, September 22, 2017

Travel Ban in the UAE

If you are an expat in the UAE, it is crucial for you to know the different types of visa ban rules that apply to the region. A visa ban prohibits a person from entering the country or taking up a new job. It is important to know the dos and don'ts to make sure you avoid getting a ban.
Permanent residency ban: This type of ban is applicable to any serious Labour offence considered illegal or absconding. The federal department keeps a record of banned individuals including fingerprint and scanned sample.
Labour Ban: Labour ban is only executed under the following situations:

  • On the expiry of the contract, when on the action is taken by the present employer's end in relation to your employment.
  •  In case, if no new application is applied by a different employer.
  • Termination of unlimited Labour contract before completing 1-year service.
  • Termination of limited Labour contract before the date of expiry.
Immigration ban: This ban denies the entry of the employee in the UAE. The reason depends. It may be a criminal offence, bad debt, bounced a cheque, rape violence, rash drinking, drinking, theft, inappropriate relationship, etc. Immigration ban is also applicable when you have broken government rules and regulations.
Employment ban: This type of ban is also called work permit ban. You can work in the UAE for a limited period of time but can be applied for 6 months or permanently.

Six-month ban: A 6-month Labour ban is an automatic ban which is imposed when you leave your current job without any proper reason. Every employee under Ministry of Labour is automatically banned for 6 months; unless they are exempt from ban due to their new employer status (Freezone, Government), qualification above High School Diploma and salary of AED 5000 for High School, AED 7000 for Diploma holders and AED 12000 for Bachelor’s degree holders.
 If you have 6-month labour ban, there is no restriction for you to enter UAE on visit or tourist visa.
 One-year ban: When you resign any job prior to its completion of the limited contract, this is enforced. When you lose your case filed against labour ministry, this rule comes to exist. In this case, the employer needs to start the proceeding of work permit even before the expiry of the visa. The ban gets automatically activated if a new application is not forward well before the expiry of work permit or visa.

How to avoid getting a visa ban: First thing that you need to assure is that your current employer has executed the proper action for extension of your employment contract, even before it expires. The employer needs to go to the Ministry of Labour. If changing jobs, you need to be sponsored by the new employer or else your labour card gets banned. Lastly, knowledge is power. Always keep up to date with the latest rules about Dubai visa and employment issues, as well as an amendment to labour laws.

Under following circumstances, under the following category there is no Labour Ban
  •     UAE Nationals will not have labour ban or immigration ban.
  •     If you are joining an oil company.
  •     If you are joining Government or Semi-government organisation.
  •     If you are changing jobs within the same Free zone.
  •    If you have completed your contract term under limited contract.
  •     If you have completed 3 years of service under unlimited contract.

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