59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: January 2017

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Abu Dhabi sets up Personal Status and Inheritance Court for non Muslims

His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs and Chairman of Abu Dhabi Judicial Department, has issued a resolution setting up a Personal Status and Inheritance Court for non-Muslims in Abu Dhabi.

The move is in line with the strategic goals of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of the judicial procedures and ensure access to services for all segments of the society. This will also ensure prompt justice and strengthen the culture of tolerance and acceptance of others by creating institutional infrastructure.

Chancellor Yousef Saeed Al Ibry, Under-Secretary of the Department, said an integrated action on all the social, educational and institutional levels, is required to spread the culture of tolerance in the judicial domain.

He also pointed out that the UAE legislative system practically promotes the culture of tolerance and acceptance of others values at the judiciary level, in harmony with the prevailing norms in the community.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

UAE industries where you can change jobs any time

The Labour Law recognises that certain professionals shall be free to change their employment at any point in time. This is in accordance with Article 2 of the Ministerial Order No (13) of 1991 on 'The organisation of the transfer of sponsorships of non-national labours the rules governing the same' which states:

"Non-national labourers may be allowed to transfer one job to another and hence transfer of their sponsorship if they fall under the following categories:
a) Engineers
b) Doctors, pharmacists and male and female nurses
c) Agricultural guides
d) Qualified accountants and account auditors
e) Qualified administrative officials
f) Technicians operating on electronic equipment and laboratories
g) Drivers who are licensed to drive heavy vehicles and buses, in the case of transfer of sponsorship from a private firm to another or from a private firm to another or to a government department."

Thursday, January 5, 2017

UAE issues new rules for online payments

The UAE Central Bank on Wednesday issued new regulations for "stored value digital payments".

In a statement, the central bank said that the rules were finalised after an extensive consultation process over many months with the relevant stakeholders.

The objective of the regulations is to facilitate 'robust adoption of digital payments across the UAE in a secure manner', it said.

The Governor of the Central Bank Mubarak Al Mansoori said: "The issuing of these regulations is a landmark in supporting the government of UAE's vision to position the country as a global leader in digital services, via a knowledge-based and innovation drove the economy. The regulations are also designed to foster financial inclusion in the UAE."

The statement said that the regulations specify four licence categories under which entities can provide digital payments services. They are: (a) retail; (b) micropayment; (c) government; and (d) non-issuing.

"Each category is subject to a particular set of regulatory requirements with a view to providing protection for the UAE Payment System and Consumers," it said.

"The central bank recognises that Fintech development will play an important role in shaping the future of the financial services industry in the UAE. The central bank stands ready to support this innovation," the statement further said.

"The central bank will continue to take a lead role in implementing this new regulatory framework for digital payments with the aim of positioning the UAE as a global leader in trusted digital payments services, which are accessible to all consumers in the UAE," it said.

Unique opportunity to partner with Malayalam Romantic Film Project

Unique opportunity to partner in the making of a refreshing romantic Malayalam movie. Renowned filmmaker Shashilal Nair will produce and direct this project in the beautiful state of Kerala India. A wide variety of Rewards is offered to those who participate in the project. Shashilal has arranged that this project will offer genuine and hands-on training in the various facets of filmmaking - camera, lighting, set design, choreography, dialog, editing, music and lyrics, direction, production, acting and playback - so if you are interested in learning any of these skills first hand from a successful and senior experienced film producer-director - now is your chance. Besides the legendary direction skills of Shashilal, the film project has signed super talented and successful music director Karthik Raja, who is the son of musician maestro Ilaiyaraaja. Karthik's chart-busters include Ullaasam, Naam Iruvar Nammaku Iruvar, Kadhala Kadhala and Dumm Dumm Dumm among others. He also debuted in Hindi films with Grahan which won him the R.D. Burman award for the best new talent.

About Director "Shashilal K. Nair"

Shashilal K. Nair is an Indian film director and producer. He begins his career as an assistant in films like Shankarbharanam, Sargam and Kaam Chor. He made his directorial debut with the film Bahy Ki Awaaz in 1985. Which was described by the Directorate of Film Festival as a "Strong comment on bride burning and dowry", and since then has directed eight motion pictures, which include Karamdaata (1986), Parivaar (1987), Angaar (1992), One 2 Ka 4 and Ek Chhotisi Love Story (2002). For his special effects in Angaar, he received the National Film Award for best Special Effects, for "his absolutely convincing miniature work in the film".

The movie is set in the backdrop of Kerala. It is a love story. At this stage, the story line is highly confidential. All that can be shared is that it is destined to be a super hit. Shashilal, Karthik and team certainly know how to entertain the audience!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Anti-Fraud Law got approval in U.A.E

A new law aimed at combating counterfeit goods and other commercial fraud has been approved by President His Highness Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

The new law, issued by Shaikh Khalifa on December 12 and published in the official gazette, replaces the Commercial Fraud Law and is intended to enhance the existing intellectual property rights (IPR) enforcement mechanism.

The law, which took effect immediately, imposes tougher penalties on counterfeiters. The maximum penalty under the new law is a jail term of up to two years and/or a fine of as much as Dh1 million.

Legal experts said the law enhances brand owners’ rights, citing articles that make it an offence to possess counterfeits, even where the IPR holder is unable to prove that the counterfeiter intends to sell them.

A federal committee to combat commercial fraud will be set up. It will have sweeping powers to close down offending businesses, be they inland or in free zones, and bring to task officials of these firms, once the existing draft bill turns into law, according to Federal National Council.

The law will cover fraud in goods, contractual jobs and services offered by businesses across the UAE, including free zone companies.

The committee, which will report to the Ministry of Economy, will work out anti-fraud strategies and policies, study reports of fraud submitted by competent authorities and take decisions on it. Subcommittees with powers to close down offending businesses for up to two weeks; order confiscating of goods and reach a settlement with businesses involved or refer cases to the court will also be created in each emirate.

Subcommittees will follow up destruction, recycling or return of confiscated goods to exporters. Substandard goods may be seized for a month by these committees and a decision to get these goods released is taken by the court after a settlement is reached over how goods may be disposed of and the fine paid.

The new law reserves the maximum penalties for pharmaceutical and food products, but even those who deal in counterfeit goods outside of these categories may be fined up to Dh250,000. The authorities are also empowered to close stores that sell counterfeit goods, and repeat offenders may have their trade licences cancelled.

“Anyone who deceives or attempts to deceive another party by means of fraud in human food, animal feed, medicines, crops or natural products may be punished. Anyone promoting by any media means or possessing fraudulent and/or deceitful products may also be punishable under this law,” states the law.

The same penalty would be imposed on offenders who fail to obey decisions by subcommittees regarding human food, animal feed, medicines, crops or natural products. Legal experts said a jail term of up to six months and a fine amounting to two times the price of the goods involved would be imposed in case of other fraudulent goods. The only law on commercial fraud which was in practice in the country was drafted in 1979. It called for a maximum jail term of two years and maximum fine of Dh10,000 for cheating a customer by delivering goods that are different to what is ordered
Legal experts said the law is meant to step up efforts to fight fraud and trade in fake goods, with unscrupulous inland and free zone traders facing up to two years in jail, a Dh1 million fine and being named and shamed at their cost.

Traders in counterfeit goods will be penalised even if buyers knew about these goods ahead of the transaction, stated the law.

The law empowers the court to order confiscation or destruction of food, medical drugs, crops and tools. Under the law, the court may also order publishing the convictions in two local Arabic and English dailies with the convicts bearing the cost.

The court may also order the business of offenders to be closed down for up to six months. If a business is a department store, only the offending department will be shut down. Repeat offenders may face revoking of their trading licences and double penalties.

Fraud may also be applicable in cases where products have been adulterated or an attempt to adulterate products is detected.