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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Changes in Residence Visa Medical Test in U.A.E

The UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) held a press conference to explain the amendments approved by the Council of Ministers regarding the system of residency screening medical fitness.

A senior official from the Ministry explained that the health card requirement for a medical examination for expats has been cancelled.

“In line with our national efforts to develop a system of legislation that will protect the community from diseases and as part of the initiative to update the Medical Fitness Examinations…, the health card requirement for a medical examination for expatriates has been canceled,” said Dr. Hussein Abdul Rahman Rand, Assistant Undersecretary, MOHAP, who presided over the press conference with Dr. Nada Marzouki, Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine.

“After getting the fitness certificate, a person should apply to get either a health card or a health insurance,” said Dr. Rand, adding that “a screening for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C will be conducted for workers in health facilities in order to preserve their health due to their constant interaction with patients.”
Dr. Rand, pointed out that this decision, which has been implemented across preventive medicine centers since February, is in line with recent developments being pursued within the medical field in an effort to update legislation, control the spread of communicable diseases and facilitate residential procedures.

In 2015, 460,904 persons were screened for fitness in the Ministry of Health and Prevention.

Dr. Rand emphasised the Ministry’s commitment to protect the community in light of the increasing number of expats arriving to the UAE as a result of the economic boom, which has led to updating the preventive procedures and regulations to preserve community health

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