59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: Health card, insurance mandatory to obtain UAE residence visa

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Health card, insurance mandatory to obtain UAE residence visa

A valid health card or valid health insurance is a prerequisite to obtain a residence visa in the UAE.

The Ministry of Health confirmed that newcomers to the UAE are obliged to have a valid health card or a valid health insurance in order to get a residence visa, reported Al Ittihad newspaper.

The ministry, in a circular sent to all departments of preventive medicine and registration centres, urged them to inform applicants to pay fees for health card or health insurance in order to complete the transaction.

The MoH circular No 1001 of 2013 stressed on the non-issuance of health fitness certificates without the health card or health insurance.

The circular also stressed that no health card or health fitness certificates can be issued without verifying the fee receipt.

Al Ittihad reported that the ministry took this step following manipulation by some companies in the Northern Emirates, which obtained health fitness certificates for workers without issuing them health cards, in order to save money

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