59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: Teenage work permit must for part-time work in UAE

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Teenage work permit must for part-time work in UAE

  • From January 2011, teenagers from 15-18 years of age can find jobs in the UAE after obtaining a teenage work permit from the MOL.
  • There are restrictions on the type of work and hours of employment. Ministerial decree 1189 for 2010 specifies 31 categories of work in which juveniles are not permitted to work, including underground jobs in mines, quarries, and other work related to mining; furnaces of melting metals; oil refining; bakeries; asphalt industry.
  • Some reports refer to the work permit as part-time only but it appears that full-time work is permitted.
  • Validity period of juvenile work permit is one year maximum.
The Ministry of Labour official added that teenagers in the age group 15-18 years are allowed to work even with promotional companies, on obtaining a teenage work permit from the Labour Ministry.
The official said that there are certain restrictions on the type of work and hours of employment for teenagers aged between 15-18.
The official said that before employing a juvenile, employers should retain copies of certain documents in the juvenile’s personal file, such as a birth certificate, physical fitness certificate issued by a specialised physician and written consent from the juvenile’s guardian. Further, the employment of a juvenile is prohibited when the job requires night shifts, or is of a hazardous nature or harmful to health, such as underground jobs in mines, quarries, furnaces, oil refining, the asphalt industry and bakeries.
The official said when the working hours of an underage person exceed six hours a day, one or more breaks should be provided. Juveniles are not permitted to work overtime, or on holidays. A juvenile work permit has a validity period of one year.
He said promotional companies without a trade licence are illegal and they cannot employ anyone, including underage people.
“In case the promotional company did not pay for the employee even if they are underage they can complain to the ministry of labour,” the official said.
The official added that if a promotional company is employing underage people without a labour contract they can file an official complaint at the Ministry of Labour with proof that they worked for the company and the ministry will take action against the company.

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