59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: ID registration procedures online in 7 languages

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

ID registration procedures online in 7 languages

Expatriates wondering about the procedures to register in the UAE national identity can now see them online in seven languages that involve the bulk of the country’s eight million people, according to the ID issuers.

The Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) said it had just introduced these procedures on its website in Arabic, English, French, Persian, Chinese, Urdu and Hindi so all residents in the country can have access to them before heading for registration offices with the required documents.

“This move is within a number of new measures taken by the Authority to upgrade services and ensure that all residents are registered,” said Abdul Aziz Al-Maamari, marketing director in EIDA.

More than three million Emiratis and expatriates based in the UAE have been registered in the national identity, an ambitious project launched by the country a few years ago to create an accurate demographic data base.

EIDA had set a registration deadline at the end of June but it is expected to be extended again as millions others have not registered yet.

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