59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: Saudi Arabia: New Rules Issued Regulating Foreign National Residency Visas

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Saudi Arabia: New Rules Issued Regulating Foreign National Residency Visas

 Here are the new rules related to foreign national residency visas in Saudi Arabia:

Special Talent Residency Visa: The Saudi Premium Residency Center has announced new expertise requirements for eligibility to obtain the Special Talent Residency Visa. Applicants must demonstrate expertise in scientific research, health care, information technologies, financial services, space and defense, renewable energy, mining, logistics and transport, tourism infrastructure, and food and agriculture.

Here are the key points about this visa:

 Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must demonstrate expertise in scientific research, health care, information technologies, financial services, space and defense, renewable energy, mining, logistics and transport, tourism infrastructure, and food and agriculture.

The applicant’s expertise should align with the specified categories to qualify for this visa.

Duration: The Special Talent Residency Visa has a duration of five years.

It can be renewed for one more term if the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria.

Benefits: This visa holder has the right to live and work in Saudi Arabia without requiring a sponsor. It provides an opportunity for foreign nationals to contribute their expertise to the country’s economy.

Visa holders can freely leave and re-enter Saudi Arabia.

Application Process: Applicants need to submit relevant documents, including proof of expertise, a valid passport, a clean criminal record, financial solvency, and an updated health report. The application process involves meeting specific requirements and demonstrating eligibility.

Significance: The Special Talent Residency Visa aims to attract skilled professionals, researchers, and experts to Saudi Arabia. It contributes to the country’s development by encouraging foreign investment and knowledge transfer.

Remember that this visa is a significant step toward creating a more diverse and dynamic workforce in Saudi Arabia. If you have any further questions or need additional information, feel free to ask!

Exit-Entry Work Residency Visa: The General Directorate of Passports has removed the previous regulation’s three-year ban on holders of Exit-Entry Residency Visas who, having left the country, failed to return before the expiration of their visas. Foreign nationals who violated exit-entry visa requirements can now reenter the country without any restrictions. 

Let me provide you with information about the Exit-Entry Work Residency Visa in Saudi Arabia: 


The Exit-Entry Work Residency Visa allows individuals legally residing and working in Saudi Arabia to travel outside the country and return within a stipulated time.

Types of Exit-Entry Visas:

There are two types of Exit-Entry Visas:

Single Exit Reentry Visa: Allows a single exit from and re-entry into Saudi Arabia within its validity period.

Multiple Exit Reentry Visa: Permits multiple exits and re-entries within its validity.

Requirements for Employees (Self-Exit Reentry Visa):

Passport validity: At least 3 months beyond the visa period.

Iqama (residency permit) validity: 3 months beyond the visa duration.

Maximum visa duration: 30 days.


Log in to your Absher account.

Click on the “My Services” tab.

Select “Passports” and then click on “Visa Requests”.

Choose “Exit Re-entry Visa (Single)”, specify the return date (within 30 days), and confirm the request.

The employer has 10 days to approve or reject the request. If approved, the employee has 5 days to issue the exit re-entry visa.

Requirements for Dependents:

Passport validity: 3 months beyond the visa period.

Iqama validity: The Iqama holder must return 7 days before the Iqama expiry date.

Payment of the exit re-entry visa fee.

No newborn dependents without an Iqama in Saudi Arabia.

No unpaid violations.

Recent Changes:

The General Directorate of Passports lifted the three-year ban on expatriates who failed to return before the expiry of their exit and re-entry visas. This decision, effective from January 16, followed demands from businessmen and overturned the previous Council of Ministers’ ruling.

Conditions include settling traffic fines, having no visa violations, valid visa absence, a passport validity of 90 days, and fingerprint capture for visa issuance1.

Remember that the Exit-Entry Work Residency Visa facilitates travel while maintaining legal status in Saudi Arabia.

Premium Residency Visa Modifications:

Royal Decree No. M/106 introduced two important modifications to the Premium Residency Visa Law:

The age limit for holding a Premium Residency Visa has been adjusted to allow foreign nationals who are less than 21 years of age to apply for this visa. Previously, the age requirement was not less than 21 years.

Foreign nationals holding Premium Residency Visas may now apply for Saudi citizenship, which was previously prohibited. This change opens up new opportunities for long-term residency in Saudi Arabia.

Eligibility for Premium Residency Visa: Let’s discuss the eligibility criteria for the Premium Residency Visa in Saudi Arabia. This visa is designed to attract foreign nationals who wish to live and work in the country without requiring a sponsor. Here are the key points:

 Age Requirement:

Applicants must be at least 21 years of age to be eligible for the Premium Residency Visa.

Clean Criminal Record:

Applicants should have a clean criminal record with no precedents.

Financial Solvency:

Proof of financial stability is required. Applicants must demonstrate their ability to support themselves during their stay in Saudi Arabia.

Health Report:

An updated health report confirming freedom from contagious diseases is necessary.

Legal Current Residency Status (if applying from within the kingdom):

Applicants already residing in Saudi Arabia must provide proof of their legal current residency status.

Benefits of Premium Residency:

Holders of the Premium Residency Visa enjoy various privileges, including the right to invest in the Saudi Capital Market.

They can freely leave and re-enter Saudi Arabia without restrictions.

Remember that the Premium Residency Visa is a significant step toward attracting wealthy foreigners, investors, and skilled professionals to contribute to Saudi Arabia’s economy. 

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