59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: The Ministry of Labour UAE announced minimum wage limit for different categories of workers

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Ministry of Labour UAE announced minimum wage limit for different categories of workers

The Ministry of Labour on Saturday announced a minimum wage limit for different categories of workers, depending on their qualifications.According to new labour laws, employees under skilled class level 1 (those with a Bachelor's degree) should earn a minimum Dh12,000 a month.Diploma holders, who come under skilled class level II, should earn not less than Dh7,000 and workers who have passed high school should be paid a minimum salary of Dh5,000.
The ministry urged strict implementation of Wage Protection System (WPS) and called on companies to adhere to the salary structure according to the amended classification.With a focus on emiratisation, the ministry has amended a few labour laws that stipulate establishments hire employees under three categories.
According to the new amendment, nationals should not be less than 15 per cent of the total staff of any company.
Similarly, the skilled class (inclusive of three levels) should not be less than 20 per cent of the total employee strength of any company.The ministry has also classified establishments according to the type of employees they hire.
Depending on the percentage of diversity among staff, companies now fall under three categories (first and second and third), and category II includes three levels (a, b and c).
A facility will fall under level (a) if the diversity among employees is at least 25 per cent; under level (b) if diversity among workers is between 25-50 per cent; and under level (c) if the diversity is 50 per cent or more.
A company can be upgraded to second level irrespective of the diversity provided the skilled class is not less than 20 per cent of total workforce. Similarly, companies can be downgraded if they violate labour laws, clarified Labour Ministry.


Anonymous said...

Is this rule for all, i.e. including expats or is this new salary rule only for Nationals?

Anonymous said...


Hope for the Best said...

I thinks not confirm but it is possible that this new law is just for Nationals nor for expats...

if anyone knows about it?

Anonymous said...

If its for both nationals and expats, what's in it for the government? Will they impose income taxes?

Anonymous said...

If this is for all, definitely there will be a domino effect in the cost of living (i.e. rent, food,etc.)..everything else will go up, eventually. Dubai Chamber should look into this matter.

How can the Ministry be sure that companies will fully comply to this minimum wage rule? its easy for companies to change the labour contract in terms of job position and salary which will tally with the WPS. There will be loop holes and gray areas which the ministry should consider and have the preventive measures to avoid cheating companies from non-compliance.

Anonymous said...

it is impossible in privet co. in uae

Anonymous said...

ei, i work in a public hospital in Bahrain. can i come on a visa on arrival scheme in DUbai? please help...

Anonymous said...

i have been given an offer to join as a n office secretary in Abu Dhabi, & i m a graduate so i want to know the minimum salary which should be offer to me by the company.

Anonymous said...

based on what i've read above, if you are a degree holder and your company falls on Category I then your salary should not be less than 12k.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If this is for all, definitely there will be a domino effect in the cost of living (i.e. rent, food,etc.)..everything else will go up, eventually. Dubai Chamber should look into this matter.

How can the Ministry be sure that companies will fully comply to this minimum wage rule? its easy for companies to change the labour contract in terms of job position and salary which will tally with the WPS. There will be loop holes and gray areas which the ministry should consider and have the preventive measures to avoid cheating companies from non-compliance.

Anonymous said...

Attn;Ministry of labor of uae.
please kindly do me a favor in behalf of all my co-worker who are already lift the company WINDS TRADING L.L.C.TEL #04-3535314 IN BUR DUBAI OPPPOSITE ASTORIA HOTEL.
Lots of my co-worker's is resigning due to very less salary even now this company is STILL PAYING low salary or NOT following the rules of the ministry of labor.so please kindly do a checking to this company.I heared that even new hired secretary has the salary of below of the WPS.
I will be eying on this request as soon as possible to stop this company of manipulating the new rules given by you the ministyr of laBOR!!THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

Anonymous said...

The Ministry of Labour on Saturday announced a minimum wage limit for different categories of workers, depending on their qualifications.According to new labour laws, employees under skilled class level 1 (those with a Bachelor's degree) should earn a minimum Dh12,000 a month.Diploma holders, who come under skilled class level II, should earn not less than Dh7,000 and workers who have passed high school should be paid a minimum salary of Dh5,000.
The ministry urged strict implementation of Wage Protection System (WPS) and called on companies to adhere to the salary structure according to the amended classification.is this applicable to all company???but some company is not monitored by the ministry of labor.like WINDS TRADING L.L.C TEL.04-3535314 LOCATED IN BUR DUBAI OPPOSITE ASTORIA HOTEL DUBAI
LOTS of staff resign last year 2010.pls kindly see into this matter.thank you very to the ministry of labor of dubai uae

Anonymous said...

can we have clarification on this questions? I accepted a job in dubai. I left my company which i work for for 6 years. I'm only offered DH 5000 and i'm a bachelor degree holder. Will this adjust to all company?

Would this only affect the nationals of Dubai?

hope we can have answers to our questions.

Anonymous said...

hi i want to know if i have right to claim my plane ticket to my employer,however he cancelled already my residense visa? i dont want to go home I just search another job as a housemaid.my visa expire on march 7,2011.and the reason why they cancelled my visa coz,there moving to there country home.this march,but feb 7 this month he hurry to cancelled my visa,even I didnt yet find a new job. please help me.

Anonymous said...

how long it takes after the cancellation of visa to stay here in uae.and I want to know if ever until 15 days i dont have job do I pay 25 per day? please help me.Im so much worry.

Anonymous said...

Kindly specify if it is for nationals only or for expats as well, as we know that most of the employee in Dubai are expats. And when it will be implemented?

Anonymous said...

Hi !
I am a Master Degree holder and the company in which i am working is a big company but they are paying me just 3000AED. I have an unlimited contract in which the company is not giving me the return ticket to my country as well. Is it fair?? Can anyone guide me what is the real labor law and is my company fair with me or not.

Anonymous said...

Hi I am a ali aslam from fujirah. i want to know about something. i m working in a shop 2 month finish but i don't getting any money so what can i do now.i want my money and take a new visa but how.anybody help me please.thanks

Unknown said...

Anonymous !!!call me please ~~~

Unknown said...

I am working as Supervisor and i hold professional degree. so i would like to know that how much will be my remuneration as per new announcement,WPS. Presently am receiving AED.1600/Month.

Anonymous said...

good day.. Kindly send someone to check Embassy suites hotel located in Sharjah. staffs are paid 1100-1400 only. Some of them has a degree of BSBA Hotel And Restaurant Management. Also Receptionists(Ladies) are on duty 12am-9am, sometimes 9pm-9am.thanks and More Power

Anonymous said...

hi I am a nurse but my salary is only 1500 I am a bachelor. so how come? looks like, Im not in your list and worst when you compare it to housemaid. Im not expecting that much, but atleast the labour of ministry should atleast do action for this situation not only for the nationality here in UAE but , please do something in ALL nationatilties.

Anonymous said...

Life in UAE is being terrible day by day, it's better to leave UAE and make setup in home countries, i hope we'll not die to hunger, the life in UAE just like a SLAVE, you should sell your wishes, your EGO, your friends your Family, because we're taking Salary in shit Dirhams, i'll wish to go Cancel as soon as possible, because i know UAE govt can just give benefits to Investors,

how the hell poor workers passing their lives, they don't want to know ...

Anonymous said...

why this law is not yet happening now? I am bachelor degree but my salary is the same 4,000aed. This law was January 2011, April 2011 now but there's no changes in our salary. Does anyone can answer this question?

Unknown said...

No Hopes, The rules and regulation amending time to time just for namesake. The UAE gov. diametrically failed to ensure that the rules which they made is in practice. And the upper crust can influence System of UAE and they can play as their wish. Rest all submissively suffer the aftermath of Play.. Never Change, Never look down and never do anything to Improve the status of Riff-Raff..

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

How are you ? Sir please can you help me I m applying security company in Dubai but this company not response me and my all documents and security deposit send me please you can help me this matter I hope you good response me.

Thanks & Regards
Asim Aslam
Cell # +923002223065

Unknown said...

i am now in india MY VISA expairy i want to cancel i have no idea can you suguatation and give me ministry of labuor mail id

bisworanjan dash

Anonymous said...

sir i have finished my 3-year contract.i get another oppertunity in dubai.as per the labour law will i get NOC OR what can i do for that?

ali said...


Anonymous said...

I just accepted a job in the UAE, Ajman with a salary of DHS 4000/- per month. My designation is an Engineer, I have an Engineering degree. Does that qualify me into the DHS. 12000 pm slot according to this post? Just wanted to reconfirm. And also does this apply to all the companies be it private or government or any other?

Sonukatha said...

Hi, from your comment it is not clear your designation in the employment contract and also the company in which catogary. without these details cant give any answer

Sonukatha said...

Dear Friend,
You are still working in your visa, if you are canceling the visa no need of NOC to join another company

Anonymous said...

Need for a help,i am working in one company in al qouz and my employer he told me to take leave last may and till now im not working he told me before he will call me if he needs me coz his company is getting down and in our conversation if i find another work he is willing to give me NOC or transferable visa im only 8months working with him and now i found the work he dnt want me to give transferable visa and he said he will cancel me coz he cannot give any visa to some other if he will give me transferable visa,this owner is a big cheater he emply all his staff but the staff is the one paying their visa for processing here i know all his details coz im doing all the documents from his office so i know all what he is doing and he also not giving salary on time he is paying the basic salary in money exchange and the others allowance he is not paying full alwyas delay and if thers a UAE holidays like national days he is not giving he said he is not giving any uae holidays i want to complain for this person but i dnt know how to start.

Jeshin said...

I am working as a senior Audit Associate in a company. i hold a bachelor's degree. My current salary is AED 4,750/-. so what should be my minimum salary???

Anonymous said...

You are holding a degree certificate, but you must verify your labor contract

Anonymous said...


pls read this....

Anonymous said...

i cancelled my visa to get a new job.i am a female.the company told they will give me an adm.manager post.they said that theey gave it for approval in labour.Do I get the visa?

didas said...

Is this applicable to all even for old employees, or just applicable for newly hired employees? please advice me thank you

Anonymous said...

I have resign from my present job and I have sign new contract with another company.
my H.R manager said that to get a my Visa cancellation need to go out from Dubai,So when I go to the Airport I will get my Visa cancellation.
Why I should go out from Dubai to get Visa cancellation?

Anonymous said...

Dear when you resign from present company you must request them to cancel your visa, when they cancel your visa then you can apply for new visa from new employer

Anonymous said...

i have a degree of engineering and currently working in one of the oil & gas company here in uae.the company gave me a monthly salary of 3000 dirhams which is not aligned to the said wage limit.what should i do to make my salary increase to the wage limit?

Anonymous said...

You are joining with the job knowing the salary and based on that signing the contract. Try to work hard and get the better salary or try for another job after 2 year

Anonymous said...


I am on ordinary labour visa(unlimited ) in Dubai, working in a LLC firm for more than 2 years.
I would like to resign and go back to my home country. I am happy to serve to my employer with 1 month notice, but if she is forcing me to serve more than 2 month notice period till the time she will find my replacement. Does she has the right to extend the notice period, or I can submit resignation with 1 month notice period. Can she apply any ban also, if I wish to join again in UAE in next 2-3 months.
Please advise.


Anonymous said...

Dear you can give your resignation with one month notice, if your employer insisting for two month notice you can approch the labour department and ask for help

Anonymous said...

what about insurance companies most of the companies here are paying less than 5000 to there employees those who are holding bachelors degreees where to report

abbas said...

hi, i got an offer in iffco group as a graduate trainee but the are giving me A.E.D 4000.But according to new labour law i should get A.E.D 12000.PLZ HELP ME

Anonymous said...

If you are not willing to accept present offerd salary dont accept the offer, try for other job. Labour law never insisting to pay 12000

Anonymous said...

can somebody check for this company MAID 4 U GENERAL CLEANING SERVICES, because i always here too much complains from the said company including my friend, she worked as secretary there. the working hours is only 8hrs. but they are working from 8am to 8pm.they dont have overtime pay.she is earning only 1740aed only. as per there uae contract ACCOMODATION is free, but why all the employees will pay half of the total amount of the dewa bill. half for the company and half of it will be divided by the total nos of employees. THEY WILL PAY DEWA, NO OVERTIME PAY AND ALL EMPLOYEES THEY DONT HAVE COPY COMPANY OF THERE CONTRACT. please can somebody check to this company. thank you..

Anonymous said...

i cme in dubai as visit visa and then found job, i started to work while my visit visa is not yet over, then at the end of my visit visa i went to kish to exit,then comeback with employment visa with company where i work,but it will be ended on oct.my employer is not good as i thought before' he did not give my salary after after my one month finish until now im almost two months but still i did not yet recieve my salary.do i have the right to leave the company, anyway we dont have yet written contract and i did not yet have the medical.please kindly give me your advice. thank you

Anonymous said...

hi, i finished my contract AUGUST 19 ....and i finished working with my company last week September 7 , and they have cancelled my visa September 4...i did not received my gratuity..anyway my question is until when can i stay here in U.A,E?because my boss told me that i need to exit the country one week after cancellation ...is it true??because i believed it should be one month right?please call me and help me i need help

Anonymous said...

i am working with my boss since 3 years in a Dubai free zone company but he had given me a visa from abu dhabi sponsored by a private Sheikh ...i finished working with them last week and i was shocked because they will not give me gratuity and they told me its the system for abu dhabi , i tried also calling abu dhabi immigration but nobody speak english ...until when can i stay in UAE?THEY have cancelled my visa september 4, 2011

Anonymous said...

Attn;Ministry of labor of uae.
please kindly do me a favor in behalf of all my co-worker who are already lift the company AL DERAA STRUCTURAL STEEL,PO BOX 61546,DUBAI.
even now this company is STILL PAYING low salary or NOT following the rules of the ministry of labor.so please kindly do a checking to this company.

can2thin said...

im in ajman and wanting to leave my current chinese employer,another company wants me to work with them and giving me twice the salary of my present boss...what worries me is if my boss give me a ban...do i have to exit dubai and "do i have to pay the visa money for the employer???

can2thin said...

my boss is chinese and im living with his family...he gives me a 1200aed salary with free room and food then he's cutting every salary 200aed for the visa he speak, if i finish my 3year contract he'll give me back around 7200aed but if not i got nothing...
one more thing his wife is always bugging me off to do some errands on the flat during my rest day.

i am wanting to cancel my visa but afraid of if i have to pay something from my boss with the visa money and ban...

Anonymous said...

hi! good afternoon i want to ask about your advice for what should i do? i work in Dubai for 1 year and 4 month now i will be cancelled and the worst thing is i have a 6 month ban and the biggest trouble is i have a theft case which i am not only the one who's doin it all employees its just im the 1 who cought though i just only did 3x for the amount of 50 i just newly know about this and i just get attempt disgusting yes but i accept that its is my mistakes a stupidity mistakes that i've been influence by them but then its already closed......, please give me alot of options to do for me to stay and work to other company.......,

Anonymous said...

i am working in Abu Dhabi, i hv a Bachelor's Degree & aslo cleared ACMA (Parts) but my company only paying AED 5000/- what can i do to implement this rule in my co.

Anonymous said...

i hope soon will give some action regarding this new rules to those company not given proper wage to the workers.... i go forward soon to the action nor only written..

Anonymous said...

You are holding degree certificate but you accepted the job and salary prescribed by the employer after stamping the contract you cant ask

Anonymous said...

hi all,
this above rule is only for the nationals. this law has been ammended with focus on Emiratisation.
I dont believe that people whine after signing a contract with the company which definitely and clearly states your salary and designation.
and yes putting up some companies name to be monitored , you r making fool of yourself.
no offence

Anonymous said...

i think it is impossible for the expatriates who are bachelor's degree graduate such as nurse to receive an offer of 12,000 uae dirhams unless she has 10 years or more experience and if only the offer would come from a public sector. How about to those new nurses who will be working in a private company? i dont think so.. even in public hospitals a nurse only receives a maximum of 7,ooo dirhams even with more than 5 years experience.

navaid nadeem said...

i have a bachlor degree,im a pakistani,this is my 1st year in UAE,although i have 6years experiece of qatar & my home country.im having 5000AED/month,please advice what should i do??can i move to another firm?will i be banned as i just received my emploment card 3 days bfore

Anonymous said...

Dear, the degree certificate never help you, you opted the job and only 3 days complted with your labour card.

Anonymous said...

It is not possible for Private CO.
Do the Ministry checking private company are really following the new rule, i don't think so.

pat said...

pls help me..im working as a retail staff for 8 months and im not happy with my company anymore because im having a hard time on my transportation they transferred me to abu dhabi coz our sho in dubai already closed but there asking me to do till 11pm unfortunately the carlift in al raha mall is till 10 pm..and my salary is delayed till now i havent received mya october salary..pls..help me...im a lady, bachelors degree graduate with 3000 salary

Anonymous said...

I m in a security company and working since last 2 years in Ruwais Industrial area it is known as TAKREER, 12 hours duty and without leave means all the 30days work and my company pays us only 3420 is it minimum wages? Some my fns gets only 2473 whose duty is 8 hours. Being a dangerious, poluted area why govt hve not taken any action to such company. Even the accomodation is in Sannaiya... Ohh so horrible place.

shahul said...

hai guys am working as a Hse officer in the last two year in UAE and also am a international certificate holder in hse management system.but still my company paying to me 1200AED.is there have a minimum salary for this proffesion? pls help me...

Anonymous said...

hello!!anybody who can help me? FOr the ministry of labor can you plz check this company JK and SONS national store LLC. my cousin is working on this company and he is getting 2500aed a month and they are deducting his salary 350 to 400 aed for there visa and when my cousin take his vacation leave the company didnt pay his leave salary he ask the asst hr but they told to him thats eas free.he will get the leave salary after his 2 years contract but only one month they will pay..can you pls check this company because they are cheating on there employee.. one more thing when he ask his payroll slip its written there personal loan but he didnt apply for a company loan he didnt sign anything..we want to apply for complain but how? even the payslip written personal loan insted of visa deducting.plz check this company thank you..

Anonymous said...

this rule is unbelivable because if a skilled worker or expirienced person if they come to dubai if they join for good offer. later the employer will cheet the employe incontract they will never show the digree and disignition they will show chamberman & chambermmaid they will cheat the government and later they will issue a notice to the employee that your work is not good and degrade them. sudenly a family man or a new person who came to dubai where he will go he have to sign...where is law and what labour inspectors doing they should check all the staff details if you see in the labour court with out properpayment no proper investigation and employee will sufer with out job. employee dont have money to eat and to fightin court there is lot of groopisum and castisum monopoly is going on what is the value of contract if they degrade the payment of person for low payment and make him to sign forsably sudenly what he will do. this is going on why the inspectors dont check properly. this is violation of human rights. maximum cheat the staff and make money.the employer will do this. my sjetion is to check the certificate & along with expirience certificate and the disignition should mention properly. if they want to degrade the contract should be change imidietly and both party should sign. otherwise there will be no value for contract.

thank you
best regards

Anonymous said...

I have got an employment Visa in AUH and i am traveling next week... in the same time i am waiting for result to work with Emirates Airlines!! can i transfer my resident even from the first month of working ???

Anonymous said...

Ministry of labor of uae.
please kindly do me a favor in behalf of all my company worker who are already lift the company ercon middle east switchgear company ajman frezone.
Lots of my co-worker's is resigning due to very less salary even now this company is STILL PAYING low salary or NOT following the rules of the ministry of labor.so please kindly do a checking to this company.I heared that even new hired secretary has the salary of below of the WPS.kindly take action against this co.

yes said...

i have working in sharjah i have completd my bachelor degree i m presently working in sales visa they given only 1500 now i have complited 6 month i have also embarssey attach my certificate can i change the job pls ans

tm ssalongo said...

this is going to change a lot but some companies will not change.pliz we request you yo monitor these changes if are followed.naye tubadde tufa ehh

Anonymous said...

please tell me how to cancel my visa
I will be awaiting your reply. Please
respond soon.

Anonymous said...

i am a BSC NURSE working in MOH hospi tal UAE Since 2005.At that time they were given me inclusive contract post.still the same.But i didnot write the MOH exam yet..My salary is below 4000dhs.Without moh exam also many are promoted to bigger post,even diploma nurses and midwifery 6months courses.This rule will help me? pleas e?

Rando said...

Hi i'm currently working in a company here in dubai for the past one month but the work is much more difficult and the salary is very low, i have experience in other areas and i heard that for my experience i can earn triple the size of what i'm getting here,they give me 2250 with no accommodation no food and targets that can not be achieved is there a way that i can find another job soon???

Anonymous said...

will this new law be applicable also to us expats specially ofws...me also have a bachelor degree,and a skilled worker and working on a semi-government, very big and well recornized company here in UAE...but im only earning 2200aed...when will this be implemented,hoping for answers and reply....thanks

Brijendra said...

12k Salary is for the people who have bachelors degree and want to switch before completing 2 years of service with and employers

it does not mandate as minimum salary.

Anonymous said...

hi i jus want to know somethng plz help me by giving me the right information.
i had been working in a company for almost 10 months but due to 6dhs coin tips that was given to me by guest, i got terminated, i didn't even got second chance .i am waiting for my visa cancellation.
so at this will there be a ban from me from the company and labour office?if so how long? or is it possible for me to search other job or not? please help me. I came here to make my career, I can't ruined my life like this.. please help me.. thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have been working for a company for the past one year. I am on two years visa (1st time in UAE..ow it has been completed. I am master graduate I am working as an SALES MAN. I am getting a salary of only 2200/- AED per month. It is too difficult to survive here with this salary. So I am looking for a better job with a better pay. Can anyone help me by answering that will I get a six months ban if I change my job now ? or What should I do to change my job without getting a six months ban on my visa ?im ready to pay 5000 six month ban,and im afraid the compny will not impose any ban 'is it possible the compny will impose any ban ??

I appreciate for your quick responds.

Thank you for your time.

Anonymous said...

I have been working for a company for the past one year. I am on two years visa (1st time in UAE..ow it has been completed. I am master graduate I am working as an SALES MAN. I am getting a salary of only 2200/- AED per month. It is too difficult to survive here with this salary. So I am looking for a better job with a better pay. Can anyone help me by answering that will I get a six months ban if I change my job now ? or What should I do to change my job without getting a six months ban on my visa ?im ready to pay 5000 six month ban,and im afraid the compny will not impose any ban 'is it possible the compny will impose any ban ??

I appreciate for your quick responds.

Thank you for your time.

Anonymous said...

you will get 6 month ban and it is difficult to change the status. you can try job in any of the free zone in UAE

Anonymous said...

hi my visa is cancelled because of some misunderstnding in short not valid,,im just 10moths in the company 2yrs visa are they giving me a ban or not?pls hepl!

Dileep said...

I am working with in priviate company in UAE under limited contract. I have certain issues with the present employer and would like to change the organisation. I am ready to offer an amble notice period and willing to reimburse the amount incurred during for my employment or even more! Could you please let me know the possible ways that I can avoid the risk of barn from my present employer.

Anonymous said...

hi hello, i came one of new company 6 month back now the company thy don't have work and they are going cancel my visa whats the rule that i can change my visa to other company pls

Anonymous said...

hi hello, i came one of new company 6 month back now the company thy don't have work and they are going cancel my visa whats the rule that i can change my visa to other company pls

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