59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: Passports do not need to get bail in Dubai

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Passports do not need to get bail in Dubai

Suspects involved in certain misdemeanours will be able to keep their passports in their possession and not have them confiscated by prosecutors thanks to a newly launched smart initiative.

Suspects, who involve in particular misdemeanours, can start obtaining an electronic bail without having to keep their passports or those of their guarantors in the possession of the Dubai Public Prosecution as per the ‘Smart Bail’ initiative, Prosecutor General Ali Humaid Bin Khatem told.

“This new initiative was put into practice as of January 2018 at Jebel Ali Police Station. The ‘smart bail’ initiative allows suspects involved in minor crimes and/or their guarantors to keep hold of their passports without depositing them in the custody of the prosecution or police. However, an electronic order will be issued and circulated to all ports banning the involved suspects from leaving the country,” Bin Khatem told.

The initiative applies on suspects involved in misdemeanour cases of crimes such as bounce cheques, cursing/insulting, breach of trust, drinking alcohol, assault and petit embezzlements and thefts and other minor offences, he elaborated.

 “As per the smart bail, the suspect will not be asked to hand over his/her passport but they will not be allowed to leave the UAE. This initiative acts as an ‘electronic guarantee’ that the suspect attends the prosecution’s investigation or the trial. We do not want any more passports to be physically given to the prosecution in such misdemeanours … it helps in reducing the cost of managing those passports since we have had an average of 30,000 to 40,000 passports to handle per year,” said Bin Khatem.

The number of detainees will be reduced and the ‘smart bail’ initiative will permit such suspects, according to the prosecutor general, to practise their normal life inside the country.

Deliberating further, Bin Khatem said: “Suspects involved in such misdemeanours will be able to renew their residencies or their passports despite being involved in legal action. This initiative was mainly launched to satisfy our clients as much as possible. For instance, guarantors will not have to hassle anymore and have their passports kept in custody.”

He told that the ‘smart bail’ initiative will be put into practice across all the police stations in Dubai ‘very soon’.

“This initiative will make the lives of suspects involved in such misdemeanour cases easier. It falls within the Dubai Government’s plan to turn to a smart and paperless government,” concluded Bin Khatem.

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