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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Employee Always Late to Work Not eligible for Gratuity - HR Ministry UAE

Employees who are sacked because of their failure to abide by work timings are not entitled for gratuity, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization.

The Ministry outlined such a rule in a response to a query by an employer who complained that some of his workers persistently fail to come to office on time despite his repeated warnings that their services could be terminated.

In his letter to the Ministry, the employer said those workers ignored his warnings and continued to violate work timings. He asked the Ministry whether he would be committed to paying them gratuity in case he terminates their services.

“Workers whose service is terminated due to job misbehavior after repeated notices by the employer are not entitled for end-of-service benefits or any compensation for the sacking,” the Ministry said, according to Emarat Al Youm daily.

The paper quoted a Ministry official as saying employers must first take measures to ensure discipline by their employees in line with Article 120 of the UAE Labour Law.

The source said such measures include notices and meetings with the non-punctual workers, adding that employers can gradually cut those workers’ wages.

“In case the worker does not respond to such warnings, the employer can issue an ultimatum to the worker that he would terminate his service…after that ultimatum, he is authorized to sack the worker if he fails to comply.”

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