59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: UAE Ministry of Labour will stop granting work permits to establishments not complying with judicial rulings

Sunday, November 23, 2014

UAE Ministry of Labour will stop granting work permits to establishments not complying with judicial rulings

Saqr Ghobash, Minister of Labour, recently stated the Ministry of Labour will stop granting work permits to abstaining establishments if found not complying with final judicial rulings.

He pointed out that owners will be granted 30 days ultimatum to resolve court issues to avoid work permits blockage on their other facilities as well.
The suspension decision encompasses various types of work permits including labour recruitment, work permits and work transfers, family visa and temporary work permits and work permits for minors.

Humaid bin Dimas, Assistant Under-Secretary of the Ministry’s Labour Affairs, said, "The ministry has almost completed the data inventory of all abstaining facilities, in collaboration with the departments to ensure the smooth implementation of the resolution and achieve its desired goals."

"The suspension of work permits to abstaining establishments that refrain from implementing the final judicial judgments with regards to the labour issues, comes within the framework of country’s policies that are aimed at strengthening laws and respecting the verdicts issued by the judiciary system."

Bin Dimas noted, "The suspension decision supports the ministry's strategic plan to protect labour rights, and provide all forms of protection for workers, while ensuring the interests of employers are met in accordance with the national legislations, and in conformity with the international conventions and standards."

He pointed out that the decision, which was issued by the Labour Minister, constitutes one of the tools used by the ministry to enforce the adherence to the legislation, adding that the role of the ministry in labour disputes does not stop by just referring complaints not be resolved amicably between both sides to the court, but also contribute to the implementation of the verdicts.

It suspends the work permits for non-compliant establishments through cooperation with the courts.

"The Ministry of Labour’s policy in granting any facility a work permit for foreign manpower is based mainly on the extent of the employer’s commitment to labour laws by providing labour rights protection, providing basic living requirements and foremost pay them on time," bin Dimas said.

He also mentioned that the ministry will lift the suspension on the facilities after obtaining a request by the judge, stating that they have implemented the court verdict

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