59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: Workers with valid labour card and residency visa can apply for temporary work permits in UAE

Monday, March 7, 2011

Workers with valid labour card and residency visa can apply for temporary work permits in UAE

Earlier rule of mandatory completion of one year with an employer before requesting for a temporary work permit lifted
All workers with a valid labour card and residency visa can now apply for temporary work permits. The earlier rule which required workers to complete one year with an employer before applying for a work permit has been lifted, according to a report in 'Al Khaleej' newspaper.
However, the Ministry of Labour will issue permits only to those workers who meet the conditions stipulated by the ministry.
Eligibility criteria for obtaining a temporary work permit include a valid residency visa and labour card. Also, the application request must possess authorised signatures of both the current establishment and that of the seeker.
However, the ministry will also consider cases wherein the current employer has breached the contract with the employee; has not paid salary for more than 60days; or if the worker was not told of the planned closure of the firm; or if the company has stayed closed for more than two months.
In case of closure of company the worker is required to inform the ministry and obtain approval to that effect from the Department of Labour Inspection officials before applying for a temporary work permit.
The permit will be valid strictly only for a period of six months or until the validity of the labour card, which ever comes first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you pls help me...
I joined my current company last April 2010
and my visa was processed last May 2010

I am going to be 1year to my company, If i will be transferring to another company, what will be the procedure?. What should i consider?

Pls help me.