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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Trakhees the organizational arm of Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC) Dubai

Trakhees the organizational arm of Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC), services & facilities contribute to a healthy environment, nurturing business development and keeping abreast of commercial developments spanning the Emirate of Dubai.

Out of its desire to deliver top-class services to stakeholders & customers, PCFC established Trakhees as the entity responsible for licensing engineering & commercial services activities for individuals and companies operating under its umbrella and will enhance the conduct of business, render licensing a smooth and comprehensive process. PCFC manages & oversees a massive portfolio of projects in the diverse fields of real estate, shipping, industrial complexes, investment, and finance, among others. Trakhees licenses and monitors a host of business activities spanning commercial, engineering, environmental, health, and safety fields. In the field of commerce, it provides existing & new customers with licenses, registration and approvals required for the conduct of business. Trakhees can also provide governmental services, such as employment & visit visas, and handle consulate affairs and related services.
In the field of civil engineering, Trakhees provides customers and stakeholders with regulations of the highest quality applicable by PCFC in building design and construction, carried out with sophisticated electronic applications. Environmental, health and safety regulations & guidelines enforced by Trakhees reflect the best international practices applicable.

This document of EHS Division is comprised of (i) Environmental Regulations (ii) Design and Development Regulations (iii) Construction Safety Regulations (iv) Industrial Operations Regulations (v) Ports Operations Regulations (vi) Green Building Regulations(vii) Commercial and Retail Operations Regulations(viii) Fire Protection, Fire Prevention & Fire/Emergency Control Regulations and (x) Food and Health Regulations having the force of law and are applicable to all Business Units of Dubai World and to their clients and stakeholders operating within the jurisdiction of Trakhees-Ports, Customs & Free Zone Corporation. These regulations [setting out standards and specific requirements for ensuring high level of safety of people, property, equipment and environment against the risks & hazards associated with industrial and commercial operations] are issued pursuant to the Article (4) of the Decree No. (22) of 2009 issued by His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Where so cross referenced/expressed, this document shall be read in conjunction with other Trakhees regulations and statutes/laws of the governments of Dubai and UAE

The EHS Division, as an authority, operates under a system of prior and continuous approval and no operation may commence until the facility/operations have been inspected and the authority is satisfied that the facility meets its requirements and is fit to operate. When the authority is satisfied with the facility and operational/ health, safety & environmental controls, then an Operation Fitness Certificate shall be issued by its competent officials. The licensee/lessee are also responsible by the Law under Ministerial Decision N. (32) of 1982 and other federal/state regulations, for the protection of their labor/staff from risks at work, injuries, disease, fire, etc. that may result, and he must take the appropriate precautions to the satisfaction of the authority.
Relevant international codes and standards viz., Health & Safety Executive (HSE- UK), OSHA, NFPA, IAEA, API, IP, ASME, IGEM and ASHARE have been adopted by reference into these regulations to deal with any specific requirements that are not, otherwise, covered by the criteria or the provisions of these regulations.
Inspectors, Officers & Managers of EHS Division are authorized to make visits to all facilities/operations to ensure that the standards and requirements are being met. During these visits, unsatisfactory circumstances may be found, which need correction and these are drawn to the attention of the senior management of the concerned company. Should any company/lessee not respond positively to notifications from EHS, then EHS will be constrained to take necessary actions or apply appropriate sanctions to ensure a safe and clean environment.
All the business units and their clients/stakeholders are advised to study this document minutely; and I look forward to their cooperation to enhance Environment, Health & Safety Standards.
Note: EHS Standards and Regulations are subject to revisions on a regular basis. Please make sure that you are viewing or downloading the latest revisions.

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