59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: Employee Banned In UAE

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Employee Banned In UAE

If an employee has been deemed an absconder, is the lifetime ban in effect to the whole of UAE or all the GCC countries?

The lifetime ban which may be imposed on the employee, is applied only in UAE, and is not applied in all GCC countries.


Muhammed said...

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Unknown said...

i need to know if i have got terminated from my job in doha nd had an outstanding loan would that create a problem for me to enter any of the gcc countries.What if i am getting a job in dubai or daoha again..Any idea wht's to be done..

Anonymous said...

hi im khen,my visa was already cancelled and in here now in th philippines,and ive been banned now for six month can i re enter in uae by mission visa while im banned

Anonymous said...

hi im khen,my visa was already cancelled and in here now in th philippines,and ive been banned now for six month can i re enter in uae by mission visa while im banned please answer me send me an email according to my question, heres my email swytiz_16@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

iam shanmugam,i came to dubai in visit visa(jan 2010) and i got a job when iam working i was caught by Minstry of Labour and my case is finished they give judgement 1 month sentence and i was depot from dubai they take my eye and finger scans.

first i want to know i will get life ban or 1 year?
Now i got a job offer in qatar is it possible to get employment visa in qatar if i am baned in uae?
in case if i get employment visa in qatar can i come to dubai for bussines meeting or tansit visa?

Anonymous said...

As far as I know, once your fingers were scanned, you can not come to any GCC. It means you already have a criminal record.

Anonymous said...

I worked under dubai airport free zone authority(DAFZA), last year 14th sep 2007 I went for an emergency leave for fifteen days and I extended my leave because it was my annual leave with their permission, but after my leave when I came back to dubai, Dubai airport immigration officers informed me that I was on obsconding according to my company and they took me to jumairah immigration and took my eye scan & they deported me by one year ban.then i came back on visit visa after completing one year but airport immigration did not allowed me to enter dubai,, kindly advice me if i have any other way to come back to UAE by law or fine.

waiting for ur reply

With Regards

Awarding SSC 2019 di TAMAN SURYA said...

i want to get a job in GCC,but 2009 i did determinate from company,they accused me stolen money but not jailed.is it possible to get a job in GCC? howlong is the ban/black list valid/finish?

Anonymous said...

I am Ketan from India selected as a Project Manager by a abu dhabi based company. Right from the beginning I was insecure as I was being transferred within days without reason without any form of identification ie. Labour card, medical insurance card etc. I realised that the projects their General Manager had chosen me for were either delayed or ending and finally I was terminated by my company National Catering Company LLc (NCC) within the probation period of 3 months on flimsy grounds and pretext. I asked for some time to find another job to recover my expenses as i had taken a huge loan of over Dhs.4000 + other expenses (add another 4000), to pay the agent in India, from my cancer suffering retired dad and relatives. The Hr manager told that i would have a month after cancellation. After that the company(employer NCC) did not contact me and neither did I since I was yet to confirm my employment with another company which was soon to be a success.
After a month the company Hr Manager called me and told me I was reported absconding which was not true as they had not contacted me even though they had my phone number and email and one of the drivers even knew my residence as he used to drop me/ pick me up from and to work.I had secured my own accommodation at my expense as I refused to stay in their labour camp which was full of insects, pests and bed bugs, saliva stains on pillows and sperm/ fluid stains on the beds, very unhygienic. They asked me to report to office immediately so that they can take back the absconding complaint & issue me a NOC and ticket. Since i did not want to get into legal hassles I reported to the NCC office they told me that they could not take back my complaint from the Ministry of labour as it cost Dhs.10000 etc.
Later within days that followed PRO took me to the immigration charged me Dhirams 170 for some NOC and I realised it was a life ban.
Is this ban justified when i had not committed any crime? Isn't the company wrong on their part too for not having contacted me? Is it not a case of false reporting ??
The company Pro on taking me to the Immigration for for eye scan and finger printing made me panic and i called the Ministry of labour on 800665 who told me i should first check with immigration first. At the immigration Absconding desk/counter the officer told that the company should take back the complaint from MOL. On asking the Company PRO he told that all the responsible people in the company were on vacation and it was not possible. When i called immigration at 60022222 the adviser suggested that i should go alone without the PRO and submit the complaint to investigations. On the same day the PRO handed my passport at the absconding counter at the immigration and called me to tell that I should not contact him or anybody again in the company for anything. After submital of the complaint to the Head of settlements - Immigration it is almost a 3 weeks and it is yet to be addressed as they are too busy or there is language barrier as I dont speak Arabic.
I have taken ill for the last 1 week from travelling 400kms to and fro to the immigration almost every day.Other than that I am almost bankrupt and even drinking water has become a luxury.
By now pursuing the the authorities I am beginning to be convinced myself, that I am absconding. Does a company have the right to destroy a innocent persons career and life? Are the authorities and law so guillable that they digest one side of the story without investigating or enquiry.
Is there no way a honest, qualified, experienced and sincere person can absolve himself of False charges without prejudice???? Is it possible to know the correct procedure or any information in my case? Whom, where, when and how should I approach to avoid this irresponsible and unjustified ban???? Please help!!!!
I would be grateful and indebted for life.
Regards and well wishes,
+971 556284599

Anonymous said...

I am Ketan from India selected as a Project Manager by a abu dhabi based company. Right from the beginning I was insecure as I was being transferred within days without reason without any form of identification ie. Labour card, medical insurance card etc. I realised that the projects their General Manager had chosen me for were either delayed or ending and finally I was terminated by my company National Catering Company LLc (NCC) within the probation period of 3 months on flimsy grounds and pretext. I asked for some time to find another job to recover my expenses as i had taken a huge loan of over Dhs.4000 + other expenses (add another 4000), to pay the agent in India, from my cancer suffering retired dad and relatives. The Hr manager told that i would have a month after cancellation. After that the company(employer NCC) did not contact me and neither did I since I was yet to confirm my employment with another company which was soon to be a success.
After a month the company Hr Manager called me and told me I was reported absconding which was not true as they had not contacted me even though they had my phone number and email and one of the drivers even knew my residence as he used to drop me/ pick me up from and to work.I had secured my own accommodation at my expense as I refused to stay in their labour camp which was full of insects, pests and bed bugs, saliva stains on pillows and sperm/ fluid stains on the beds, very unhygienic. They asked me to report to office immediately so that they can take back the absconding complaint & issue me a NOC and ticket. Since i did not want to get into legal hassles I reported to the NCC office they told me that they could not take back my complaint from the Ministry of labour as it cost Dhs.10000 etc.
Later within days that followed PRO took me to the immigration charged me Dhirams 170 for some NOC and I realised it was a life ban.
Is this ban justified when i had not committed any crime? Isn't the company wrong on their part too for not having contacted me? Is it not a case of false reporting ??
The company Pro on taking me to the Immigration for for eye scan and finger printing made me panic and i called the Ministry of labour on 800665 who told me i should first check with immigration first. At the immigration Absconding desk/counter the officer told that the company should take back the complaint from MOL. On asking the Company PRO he told that all the responsible people in the company were on vacation and it was not possible. When i called immigration at 60022222 the adviser suggested that i should go alone without the PRO and submit the complaint to investigations. On the same day the PRO handed my passport at the absconding counter at the immigration and called me to tell that I should not contact him or anybody again in the company for anything. After submital of the complaint to the Head of settlements - Immigration it is almost a 3 weeks and it is yet to be addressed as they are too busy or there is language barrier as I dont speak Arabic.
I have taken ill for the last 1 week from travelling 400kms to and fro to the immigration almost every day.Other than that I am almost bankrupt and even drinking water has become a luxury.
By now pursuing the the authorities I am beginning to be convinced myself, that I am absconding. Does a company have the right to destroy a innocent persons career and life? Are the authorities and law so guillable that they digest one side of the story without investigating or enquiry.
Is there no way a honest, qualified, experienced and sincere person can absolve himself of False charges without prejudice???? Is it possible to know the correct procedure or any information in my case? Whom, where, when and how should I approach to avoid this irresponsible and unjustified ban???? Please help!!!!
I would be grateful and indebted for life.
Regards and well wishes,
+971 556284599

Anonymous said...

hi i have credit cards outstanding amout of 10000dhs. i want to know wether i was banned from dubai or not

Unknown said...

Dear All,
I am Farrukh Nawaz from Pakistan i came back from UAE(Ajman)my visa is cancelled in 2007..and my passport stump is
{Bareer not allowed to return to the UAE from the date of departure}its mean this a life time ban,,but plz confirm me that according to new rules my ban is still or finsh my passport number is
AD9612331...conform me on.

Anonymous said...

hi im jo im working in dubai for 5 yrs,but my boss sent me to nigeria for 3 months for business purposes so i was not able to pay my credit card,i just want to ask if im banned to enter UAE or not,,,,

Anonymous said...

i was working in imeco wll as hvac maintanace supervisor due to foot drop i went india on medical leave for 60days but i coulnt come back within the allowed period i had informed it to my engineer.but after 5 months i come back to uae but my maint manger and business develoment manager threatened me they told me to go back to india and they will call me when they require me so i went back to india the same day after that they told me i didnt informed them about my departure so they asked me to sign an appologise letter which was emailed to me i singed it and send. now they r telling they put absconding repot against me my visa is still valid up to november 13 2010h

is it possible to withdraw the absconding report
mol can help me?


Anonymous said...

my friend is having a entry ban in uae through labour and immigration department as he was absconding from employers can he start his own business here and in that case how can he enter uae kindly reply agpk1234@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Im here in my new emloyer for 3 weeks now. base on verbal agreement they will put me under training for 1 month only but when the time is come to sign a contract i read that my salary is 1000 dhs only. they say that i must learn their software for ticketing first before they give 3000 for salary(learning this software will learn. i dont like that because how can i survive with a 1000 alowance? They told me that if I will resign I must pay all the money they use for my visa etc.etc… Can i resign after 2-3 months. what are the steps to do before resigning? what about the ban?pls email me at douno_meilan@yahoo.com.i need you help

Anonymous said...

Im here in my new emloyer for 3 weeks now. base on verbal agreement they will put me under training for 1 month only but when the time is come to sign a contract i read that my salary is 1000 dhs only. they say that i must learn their software for ticketing first before they give 3000 for salary .i dont like that because how can i survive with a 1000 alowance? They told me that if I will resign I must pay all the money they use for my visa etc.etc… Can i resign after 2-3 months. what are the steps to do before resigning? what about the ban?pls email me at douno_meilan@yahoo.com.i need you help

Anonymous said...

Good Morning

I am banned in Saudi Arabia because I run away to my employer, I want to know if I am banned in GCC country please anyone can help me.....thanks alot

alimyon said...


I just want to ask information regarding my entry status in UAE. I was formerly working in RAK but I resigned from my job last October 2010 before my contract ends. I believe that there was a labor ban imposed on me. Would it be possible for you to check my status, my passport number is VV0511545. I would really appreciate your assistance on my query. Thank you.


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