59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: August 2023

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The best Job opportunities waiting for you in the U.A.E in 2023-2024

 The job market in the UAE is growing rapidly in 2023, with many opportunities for skilled workers. Some of the most in-demand jobs in the UAE include:

picture from YAXIS

1.  information technology (IT) professionals

2.       Engineers

3.       Data scientist

4.       Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Specialists

5.       Cybersecurity Experts

6.       Blockchain Developers

7.       Doctors and nurses

8.       Business professionals

9.       Teachers

10.   Sales and marketing professionals

11.   Hospitality workers

12.   Construction workers

13.   Oil and gas workers

The UAE government is also investing heavily in renewable energy and clean technology, which is creating new jobs in these sectors.

 If you are looking for a job in the UAE, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success:

·         Tailor your CV and cover letter to the specific job you are applying for.

·         Network with people who work in your field in the UAE.

·         Attend job fairs and industry events.

·         Use online job boards and search engines.

·         Be prepared to relocate to the UAE.

The UAE is a great place to find a job, especially if you are a skilled worker. With its growing economy and diverse workforce, there are opportunities for everyone in the UAE.

Here are some specific job opportunities in the UAE in 2023:

Software engineer: Software engineers are in high demand in the UAE, as the country is investing heavily in technology. The average salary for a software engineer in the UAE is AED 20,000 per month.

Data scientist: The demand for data scientists and analysts is growing rapidly in the UAE, as businesses are increasingly looking to use data to improve their operations. Data scientists use their skills in statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to extract insights from data. Analysts use their skills in data mining, visualization, and reporting to make sense of data and communicate its findings to others.

The average salary for a data scientist in the UAE is AED 25,000 per month.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Specialists: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are two of the most in-demand technologies in the world, and the UAE is no exception. AI and ML specialists are responsible for developing and implementing AI and ML solutions for businesses. They need to have a strong understanding of mathematics, statistics, and computer science.

Average salary for AI and MLS AED28,000 per month.

Cybersecurity Experts: Cybersecurity is a major concern for businesses in the UAE, as they are increasingly targeted by cyberattacks. Cybersecurity experts are responsible for protecting a company's computer systems and networks from attack. They need to have a strong understanding of computer security, networking, and risk management. The average salary AED 29,000 Per month.

Project manager: Project managers are responsible for the planning, execution, and delivery of projects. The average salary for a project manager in the UAE is AED 20,000 per month.

Accountant: Accountants are responsible for the financial records of a company. The average salary for an accountant in the UAE is AED 15,000 per month.

Human resources manager: Human resources managers are responsible for the recruitment, training, and development of employees. The average salary for a human resources manager in the UAE is AED 20,000 per month.

Blockchain Developers: Blockchain is a new technology that is disrupting many industries, including finance, healthcare, and supply chain. Blockchain developers are responsible for developing and maintaining blockchain applications. They need to have a strong understanding of blockchain technology, cryptography, and programming languages. The average salary AED 13000 per month

These are just a few of the many job opportunities available in the UAE in 2023. If you are looking for a rewarding career in a dynamic and growing economy, the UAE is the perfect place for you.


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Travelers passports only bear a single name will not be allowed entry into the U.A.E

 According to the UAE Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security, travelers whose passports only bear a single name (i.e. just one name with no middle or surname) will not be allowed entry into the UAE. This rule applies to all types of visas, including tourist and work visas.

However, there is an exception to this rule. If the traveler has a single name on their passport but their father's name is mentioned on the second page of the passport, they will be allowed to enter the UAE.

This rule was implemented in November 2022 to improve the security and identification process at UAE borders. The authorities believe that requiring travelers to have both a first and last name on their passport will make it more difficult for people to travel using fake or stolen passports.

If you are planning to travel to the UAE, make sure that your passport has both a first and last name. If you only have a single name on your passport, you may be denied entry to the country.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when traveling to the UAE with a single name on your passport:

You should carry a copy of your birth certificate or other official document that shows your full name.

You should contact the UAE embassy or consulate in your country of residence to inquire about the latest entry requirements.

You should arrive at the airport early to allow enough time for immigration processing.

I hope this helps!

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The U.A.E Population will touch 11.1 million in 10 years U.N

 The population of the UAE is expected to grow to 11.1 million by 2030, according to the United Nations. This is a significant increase from the current population of 9.4 million. The growth is being driven by a number of factors, including:

High birth rates: The UAE has one of the highest birth rates in the world, with an average of 3.3 children per woman.

Immigration: The UAE is a popular destination for immigrants, who are attracted by the country's high wages and good job opportunities.

Economic growth: The UAE economy is growing rapidly, which is creating new jobs and attracting more people to the country.

The growth of the UAE's population will have a number of implications for the country. It will put a strain on the country's resources, such as housing, water, and electricity. It will also put pressure on the country's infrastructure, such as roads and schools. The government is taking steps to address these challenges, such as by investing in new infrastructure and by developing new policies to manage the growth of the population.

Here are some of the challenges that the UAE may face due to its growing population:

Housing shortage: The UAE is already facing a housing shortage, and the problem is likely to get worse as the population grows. The government is trying to address this problem by building more housing units, but it is a slow process.

Water scarcity: The UAE is a desert country with limited water resources. The growing population will put a strain on the country's water supply. The government is trying to address this problem by investing in desalination plants and by developing water conservation measures.

Traffic congestion: The UAE's roads are already congested, and the problem is likely to get worse as the population grows. The government is trying to address this problem by building more roads and by developing public transportation systems.

Environmental degradation: The growing population will put a strain on the environment, such as by increasing air pollution and water pollution. The government is trying to address this problem by investing in environmental protection measures.

Despite the challenges, the UAE is well-positioned to manage the growth of its population. The country has a strong economy and a stable political system. The government is also committed to addressing the challenges posed by population growth.

Monday, August 21, 2023

The U.A.E Labour Law and new changes in 2022-23

 The UAE Labour Law is a comprehensive set of regulations that govern the employment relationship between employers and employees in the UAE. The law was last amended in February 2022, and the new changes are designed to improve the working conditions for employees and strengthen their rights.

Some of the key changes to the UAE Labour Law in 2022-23 include:

The introduction of fixed-term employment contracts: All employees in the private sector must now be employed on fixed-term contracts of up to three years. This is a significant change, as previously employees could be employed on indefinite contracts.

The abolition of the no-objection certificate (NOC) requirement: Employees who wish to change jobs no longer need to obtain a NOC from their current employer. This makes it easier for employees to move jobs and improve their career prospects.

The introduction of a minimum wage: The UAE government has set a minimum wage of AED 3,000 per month for all employees in the private sector. This is a major step towards improving the living standards of low-income workers.

The strengthening of anti-discrimination provisions: The law now prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality, or disability. This is a positive step towards creating a more inclusive workplace.

The introduction of new maternity and paternity leave benefits: Employees are now entitled to 45 days of paid maternity leave, and 10 days of paid paternity leave. This is a significant improvement on the previous arrangements.

These are just some of the key changes to the UAE Labour Law in 2022-23. The new law is a significant step forward in protecting the rights of employees and improving their working conditions.

If you are an employee in the UAE, it is important to be aware of the new changes to the Labour Law. You can find more information on the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation website.https://eservices.mohre.gov.ae/tasheelweb

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Visit visa holder in Dubai with an overstay fine, received a job offer, may be eligible to have the fine waived

 If you are a visit visa holder in Dubai with an overstay fine and you have received a job offer, you may be eligible to have the fine waived. The following are the requirements for waiving a visit visa overstay fine in Dubai:

You must have a valid job offer from a company in Dubai.

  • The company must be registered with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MOHRE).
  • The job offer must be for a position that is in line with your qualifications and experience.
  • You must pay the full amount of the overstay fine.
  • You must submit a petition to the GDRFA requesting a waiver of the fine.

The petition must be accompanied by a letter from your employer stating that they are willing to sponsor you for a residence visa.

The GDRFA will review your petition and make a decision on whether or not to waive the fine. If your petition is approved, you will be able to obtain a residence visa without having to pay the overstay fine.

Here are the steps on how to apply for a waiver of a visit visa overstay fine in Dubai:

Submit a petition to the GDRFA. The petition can be submitted in person at a GDRFA office or by mail. The petition must be in Arabic and it must be signed by you and your employer.

Attach the required documents. The following documents must be attached to the petition:

  • Your passport copy
  • Your visa copy
  • Your job offer letter
  • A letter from your employer stating that they are willing to sponsor you for a residence visa
  • The receipt for the payment of the overstay fine

Pay the application fee. The application fee for a waiver of a visit visa overstay fine is AED 500. The fee can be paid in cash or by credit card.

Wait for the decision. The GDRFA will review your petition and make a decision within 30 days. If your petition is approved, you will be issued a residence visa without having to pay the overstay fine.

If your petition is denied, you will be required to pay the full amount of the overstay fine before you can obtain a residence visa.

It is important to note that the GDRFA may not waive the overstay fine if you have a history of overstaying your visa in the past. Additionally, the GDRFA may not waive the fine if you have been convicted of a crime in the UAE.

If you have any questions about waiving a visit visa overstay fine in Dubai, you should contact a lawyer or immigration consultant.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The U.A.E Federal Supreme Court introduced a new system to pay penalties

 The UAE Federal Supreme Court has introduced a new system to pay penalties. The system, which was launched on August 1, 2023, allows individuals and businesses to pay penalties online through the court's website.

The new system is designed to make it easier and more convenient for people to pay their penalties. It also aims to reduce the number of people who default on their penalties, which can lead to further legal action.

To pay a penalty through the new system, individuals and businesses will need to create an account on the court's website. Once they have created an account, they can log in and view a list of their outstanding penalties. They can then select the penalty that they want to pay and enter their payment details.

Payments can be made using a credit card, debit card, or e-Dirham. Once the payment has been processed, the penalty will be marked as paid and the individual or business will receive a confirmation email.

The new system is a welcome development for individuals and businesses in the UAE. It makes it easier and more convenient to pay penalties, and it helps to reduce the number of people who default on their penalties.

Here are the steps on how to pay a penalty through the UAE Federal Supreme Court's online system:

  • Go to the court's website and click on the "Pay Penalties" tab.
  • Create an account or log in to your existing account.
  • Select the penalty that you want to pay.
  • Enter your payment details.
  • Select your payment method.
  • Review your payment details and click on "Pay".

You will receive a confirmation email once your payment has been processed.

The new system is available to individuals and businesses in all seven emirates of the UAE. It is a secure and reliable system that makes it easy to pay penalties online.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Introduction of Common Law Could Transform Free Zones in the U.A.E?

 The Dubai government is exploring the introduction of common law in free zones in the UAE. This would mean that businesses operating in these free zones would be subject to the common law legal system, rather than the civil law system that is currently in place.

 There are several potential benefits to this move. Common law is seen as a more transparent and predictable legal system, which could make it more attractive to foreign investors. It could also help to reduce the cost of doing business in the UAE, as businesses would not need to hire lawyers to understand the civil law system.

 However, there are also some potential challenges to the introduction of common law in free zones. One challenge is that it would require the UAE to make significant changes to its legal system. This could be a complex and time-consuming process.

 Another challenge is that it is not clear how the introduction of common law would affect the current legal framework in the UAE. For example, it is not clear how common law would interact with the UAE's commercial laws and regulations.

 Overall, the introduction of common law in free zones in the UAE is a complex issue with both potential benefits and challenges. It is too early to say whether this move will be made, but it is an issue that is being actively considered by the Dubai government.

 Here are some of the specific benefits that have been cited for the introduction of common law in free zones in the UAE:

 Increased predictability and certainty for businesses: Common law is based on the principle of precedent, which means that decisions made by courts in the past are binding on courts in the future. This provides businesses with a greater degree of certainty about the outcome of legal disputes.

Reduced legal costs: Businesses operating in common law jurisdictions typically do not need to hire lawyers to understand the law. This can save businesses a significant amount of money, as legal fees can be high in the UAE.

Enhanced attractiveness to foreign investors: Common law is seen as a more transparent and efficient legal system than civil law. This could make the UAE more attractive to foreign investors, who may be more familiar with common law.

However, there are also some potential challenges to the introduction of common law in free zones in the UAE:

 Complexity and time-consuming nature of the reform: Introducing common law would require the UAE to make significant changes to its legal system. This could be a complex and time-consuming process.

Uncertainty about how common law would interact with existing UAE laws: It is not clear how common law would interact with the UAE's commercial laws and regulations. This could create uncertainty for businesses and make it difficult to enforce contracts.

Potential for conflict with Islamic law: Common law is based on the principle of equality before the law, which could conflict with Islamic law in some areas. This could create challenges for businesses that operate in both common law and Islamic law jurisdictions.

Overall, the introduction of common law in free zones in the UAE is a complex issue with both potential benefits and challenges. It is too early to say whether this move will be made, but it is an issue that is being actively considered by the Dubai government.

 As of now, there are no free zones in the UAE that have confirmed that they will introduce common law. However, the Dubai government has said that it is exploring the possibility of introducing common law in some of its free zones.

 The two free zones that have been mentioned as potential candidates for the introduction of common law are the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM). Both of these free zones are already based on common law principles, so the introduction of common law would be a natural progression.

 The DIFC is a financial free zone located in Dubai. It is one of the most popular free zones in the UAE, and it is home to a number of international financial institutions. The ADGM is a financial free zone located in Abu Dhabi. It is a newer free zone, but it has already attracted a number of international financial institutions.

 If the Dubai government decides to introduce common law in some of its free zones, it is likely that the DIFC and the ADGM will be the first to adopt the new legal system. These free zones are already well-established and they have a strong track record of attracting foreign investment.

 It is important to note that the introduction of common law in free zones in the UAE is still in the early stages of discussion. It is not clear when or if the Dubai government will make a decision on this issue. However, the potential benefits of introducing common law are significant, and it is likely that the Dubai government will continue to explore this option.