59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: One year ban will continue - Ministry of Labour UAE

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One year ban will continue - Ministry of Labour UAE

The one-year ban for workers who breach contract terms or who absent themselves from work without a legitimate reason before the end of their fixed-term contract will continue, said Ministry of Labour.
According to a report in 'Al Khaleej', workers violating labour laws will face a year's ban though the new rules state transfer of sponsorships is acceptable.

Khalil Khouri, Director of Work Permits in Abu Dhabi, during the weekly session, was replying to a woman's query, who requested her ban be revoked and wanted to know if she could benefit from the new amendments to labour laws.
She said that the company she was working for closed in September 2009 following the death of her employer. So the licence of the facility was not renewed. After more than a year, she approached the ministry and was found to have violated labour law as workers are supposed to inform the ministry within three months from the closure of any facility. Now, as per the new amendments, the period has been reduced to two months.
Meanwhile, the ministry eased the rule on fines imposed on companies that either delay or do not renew labour cards. Khalil Khouri said: "The fines will be paid by the companies and not workers."
Fines for violations prior to 2005 will incure Dh2,000 for each card and for non-renewal of cards between 2005 and 2010 the fine will be Dh5,000.


Anonymous said...

it is possible amnesty open in 2011 in uae plz inform me ????

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know IF there will be a UAE VISA amnesty this year 2011???

I hear that this amnesty has occured periodically over the past 8 years.

Can anyone please advise?

Anonymous said...

Chances are very remote