59A7D41EB44EABC4F2C2B68D88211BF4 U.A.E Visa Rules and Procedures-Law updates -free legal advice: Termination of Employment Contract in UAE – Frequently asked Questions

Monday, November 15, 2010

Termination of Employment Contract in UAE – Frequently asked Questions

1. When the contract is terminated?

It is terminated in the following cases:

If both parties agree on its termination, provided that the worker's consent is given in writing, If the limited contract expires, unless tacitly or expressly extended. If the employer resigned the worker or the worker submitted his resignation in the unlimited contracts, provided that each of them shall notify the other according to the law.

2. Is the contract terminated by worker's or employer's death? - Article (114).

Employment contract shall not be terminated by employer's death, unless the subject of the contract is connected with his own person. But the contract is terminated by worker's death or his total disability, on a condition of providing an approved medical certificate for the same.

3. If the worker's disability is partial, is the employment contract terminated?

If the disability is partial, he can perform other works according to his health condition -an employer shall , according to a request from the worker , shall shift the worker to another position suitable to the worker .. and to pay him the salary given at such position.

* Example: a worker is injured.. His injury is partial as per a medical report.. The worker then requested from the employer to shift him from his current position (builder) to another one suitable with his health condition (guard) - there, the employer shall pay the worker a monthly salary of (guard ) , not a salary of his last position ( builder).


Anonymous said...

I am working with my company for almost 9 months from the release of my residence visa, under unlimited contract, but they are not giving me the salary increment they promised,and the work is very tough so i decided to look for another job, is it posible for me to work with another company, and what legal way should i do??

Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarkatuhu.

im working from 3 months so if the employer wanted to terminate me , he can do or not.

and if termination happen should i have to pay the employment visa charges.

and what other rights i have to resign without loosing my money and what rights company has to not loose company expencess

please guide me as soon as possible.