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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Employment ban and ban lifting charges in UAE

The Ministry of Interior used to put an automatic six-month ban on expatriates if they cancelled their employment / residence visas or left their jobs. The decision to lift the immigration ban that came into effect on 21 st August 2005 has brought some relief to expatriate community. It would enable the people to return to UAE on a visit visa even if they got a labour ban. The main advantage of the new decision is that people can still come back and visit their friends and relatives. But expatriates who violated the country’s Immigration and Residence Laws would still face the entry ban.

Article 6 of the Cabinet Decree No. 18 of 2005 annulled Decree No. 30 of 2001 pertaining to the entry ban. The Cabinet also authorized the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to put together necessary regulations to implement the decision on the ban. Subsequently, iris scanning has also been stopped. Besides, the names of expatriates with cancelled visas will no longer be on the administrative lists nor will their passports be stamped with the ban. The ban to enter the UAE will only be applicable on expatriates who violate laws governing the entry and residence of foreigners. Such violators would face the entry ban administratively for a multitude of reasons and in line with existing laws and regulations.

Domestic help have been excluded ‘temporarily’ from the new decision and their case will undergo further scrutiny by the authorities. But, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs will not issue a new work permit to workers whose visas have been cancelled unless at least six months elapse after the cancellation date of the worker’s labour card. The decision came in Article No. 11 of a Ministerial Order Decision No. 826 issued on 11.9.2005 by the UAE Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. The six-month waiting period does not apply to government departments or free zones.
Applying for new work permit while banned
Khaleej Times reported 29 September 2010 that the Ministry of Labour (MOL) said that employers can start processing work permits for banned employees before the ban period is over to facilitate quicker issue of labour cards; it sounds a bit strange since our understanding was that the MOL automatically blocked any new applications until after the ban period had expired. Jassim Jamil, acting Director General, Work Relations Department at the MOL was quoted as saying "This system demonstrates the MoL’s commitment to grant the blacklisted worker the opportunity to search for another job. Likewise, the employer wishing to hire him can initiate a transaction for issuing a new work permit before the end of the ban duration to save time,”
1. Immigration Ban
An immigration ban means you cannot enter the UAE, whether as a visitor or for residency. Other bans can arise if you have been convicted of a criminal offence while in the UAE. Common offences that many expats get into trouble with are bad debts, bounced checks, drinking and driving, drunk in public, inappropriate relationships. Of course, more severe offences such as theft, violence, rape, murder etc will also result in an immigration ban but not so many expats indulge in these activities, and those that do are not usually so surprised to receive a ban.
An immigration ban can also arise if you have broken the rules related to immigration for example entering the country illegally, working without a work permit, absconding (leaving your job without informing your sponsor / employer), overstaying (this last one is not so likely to be a problem, just expensive when you get your overstaying fine).
Criminal offences usually result in a permanent ban and this is monitored via eye-scanning equipment at airports, so losing your passport and getting a new one won't get you back in to the country.
2. Employment Ban
An employment ban, labour ban, work permit ban are all different terms for the same thing i.e. you are not allowed to work in the UAE for a certain period of time.Note that this is an automatic ban on providing a work permit or labour card imposed by the Ministry of Labour (MOL).
Nothing is stamped in your passport but when a new employer hands in an application to the MOL, it will automatically be rejected if a ban is on your computer file. A 6 month labour ban does not affect permission to visit the UAE - you can still enter on a visit visa or tourist visa.

If you have a 1 year or permanent labor ban you might also be restricted from visiting the UAE - check with the immigration department first. A report in the Khaleej Times on 26 August 2010 offered some clarification, saying that those with a permanent work ban in the UAE could still enter on a visit visa - An expat worker who has a permanent ban from working in the country is eligible only for a visit visa, an official at the Ministry of Labour (MoL) said on weekly Open Day at the ministry in Abu Dhabi.
Ban lifting fee
There are some reports (in 2008-2009) that you may be able to pay a ban lifting fee of about 5000-6000 dhs. Other reports and comments indicate it is possible to lift a ban on payment of AED 500 per month of remaining contract duration if leaving before the end of a limited period contract. Official confirmation of a ban lifting fee not found so it could be variable depending on profession, nationality, company, mood of the official you're dealing with, wasta, which emirate. Although the MOL website does still have a document from 2007 outlining the fees and categories of qualifications that are exempt from a ban or can get a ban lifted. It seems to be related to previous ban information but might still apply. Don't count on it but if you have no other choice, it's worth trying.
No ban on sponsor transfer
It may be possible to avoid a ban, or lift a ban by paying a fee, if you transfer from one sponsor to another. This is different from cancelling your residence visa and work permit, then applying for a new visa and labour card. A transfer of your sponsorship will at least need a No Objection Certificate (NOC), possibly payment of a ban lifting fee, and might be restricted to certain occupations. Check with the labour department in the emirate you are working in.
1 year ban
A one year labour ban for Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the rest of the UAE will usually be imposed under the following conditions
• expatriate workers leaving government jobs
• expatriate workers who break the terms of their labour contract and/or the labour law
• expats who lose a case with the UAE labour department against their employer, if they were on a temporary work permit because they had filed a complaint with the labour department (according to a Gulf News report 02 August 2009 and other follow-up media reports) possibly against workers who leave their job within one year of starting (at employer's request)?

6 month ban

A six month ban will be imposed on everyone automatically, unless they cop a one year ban, or fit into one of the exceptions below
No labour ban will be imposed on anyone in one of the following categories
• UAE citizens are not subject to any labour ban (or immigration ban for that matter)
• Expatriate workers moving to a government job will not receive a ban (don't confuse this with workers leaving a government job - they get a double whammy)
• Oil company employees
• Expat workers moving to another employer within the same free trade zone (not to a different free trade zone)
• Expats who have completed a fixed term contract and have given proper notice of not renewing it
• Expats who have completed 1 year of an unlimited contract AND get a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the current employer. It may be a requirement that the new job has the same job title as the old job.
• Expats who are sponsored by their spouse for a residence visa (unless they breach the labour law in some way that brings down a ban).
• Expats who have worked for a company for more than 3 years on an unlimited contract? Unconfirmed. A Gulf News report 01 March 2009 stated that "The ban does not apply if the person has been working in the company for more than three years." Another Gulf News report ("Ask The Law" 12 February 2010) had a reply from Advocate Mohammad Ebrahim Al Shaiba of Al Bahar Advocates and Legal Consultants who said "... if his contract is for an unlimited period, he shall work with the employer for three years, then he may transfer to a new sponsor without the need to obtain a No Objection Certificate from the existing sponsor. This is the current applicable law in the Ministry of Labour..."
Where many expats get tripped up is when they work for more than a year but do not complete the full period of a fixed term contract. They can expect to get a ban even if the company provides them with an NOC.
Exceptions can be made but require a trip to the Ministry of Labour (MOL) to explain your situation and give them a good reason why the ban should not be imposed. A company going bankrupt, or the owner of the company doing a runner or dying are examples of what might prompt some leeway from the MOL. An employee getting into a fight with his or her boss, or not performing satisfactorily, is unlikely to be viewed with any sympathy, even if they claim their boss was being unfair.

If your boss really is being unfair or you have a legitimate complaint, your first step should be to file a complaint with the UAE Labour Department so that there is a documented record.

Other exemptions from employment ban

According to Article 63 of the "General Provision for the Entry Permits and Visas" legal document (as seen on DNRD website), "no new Entry Permit or Visa may be issued for employment except after the elapse of six months from the date of the last departure from the territories of the State", but the following categories of workers are exempted:

• Engineers

• Doctors, Pharmacists and Male Nurses

• Agricultural Guides

• Qualified Accountants and Auditors

• Administrative Employees holding university degrees

• Technicians operating on scientific, electronic instruments and laboratories

• Drivers licensed to drive heavy vehicles and buses, in case the transfer of sponsorship is to a similar party

• Workers in private oil companies when the transfer is between such companies

Unknown if this is current information (DNRD document is undated). Last checked 01 March 2009 but document appears to be more than a year old, so may have been superseded by changes to UAE visa rules in 2008.

Ban lifting fees in UAE

The UAE MOL website (as of September 2010) lists "Transfer of Sponsorship" fees information, with additional fees payable for workers who have not completed their contracts but wish to change jobs (of about AED 3,000-5,000). It's not clear if these fees are applicable only if the worker obtains a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from employer.

Fees are the same those that were implemented during 2006-2008 when workers were permitted to transfer to another employer. As usual in the UAE, nothing is clear. If you want to know about getting a ban, and whether or not you can pay a ban lifting fee, ask the UAE Ministry of Labour helpline. Then ask again the next day to see if you get the same answer.


Anonymous said...

in subject to lift of the ban, the convicted and deported people for small criminal cases is eligeble to apply to UAE ministry of labor to lift the ban with any perticular amount?

Anonymous said...

My Superior promised to provide us with a No Objection Certificate letter (NOC). But, the firm’s trade license was already expired last October 2010. If i was to resign, is an NOC still mandatory to get employment elsewhere in the UAE? What are the legal implications of still working in a firm of which the license is technically expired?

Anonymous said...

is there a posibility to lift or pay house maid bann?how much..kindly reply ASAP..thaks

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how I can go about lifting a lifetime ban put upon me by my employer in dubai..they signed my resignation letter,even paid for my ticket to leave dubai--but did not cancel my visa,as they said they would like me to help them settle in the new person..now i have come to know that they have put a fictitious case on me and a lifetime ban also.How can I deal with this unfair justice meted out to me,when I cannot even enter the country and file a complaint with the UAE immigration?

Anonymous said...

hi. im new here in dubai, arrived sept 2010 and gladly worked starting nov 1,2010. m working in the Jumeirah Lakes Towers area as Receptionist cum Admin. As they say i'm covered in Free zone area(Jebel Ali) My visa will expire on Dec 2013. My internal contract says that if in the 3year contract, ill be resigning then i need to pay the cost of the visa. how is true? i read on your site that for expats like if ill be transferring to the same free zone area then my ban is lifted? please explain. thanks.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how I can go about lifting a lifetime ban

Anonymous said...

I would like to know about a person who finished his one year in a company now he has NOC and wants to change his job,how much fee will he have to pay?

Anonymous said...

now..im working in a company for a contract of 2years.now i finished one year and i got a chance to work with a semigovernment company..i f i cancel my current contract without any noc..i will face labour ban or not?

Anonymous said...

i would like to know if the person can't enter in the u.a.e after 6 months, what will be happened to here. what ban she will face?

Bunny said...

My two friends are currently inside the jail because of a fictitious case filed against them. They were accused of absconding by the employer by contacting them from the accomodation to go to the office to talk. When they got to the office they were surprised by the police who arrested them for the charge of "absconding"
How can the two ladies clear their names before being deported? How can the lifetime ban be lifted? Is there a definite period for the time they need to spend in the jail? Are they still allowed to be able to defend their case?

Anonymous said...

Is it true that if an employee receives a 1 year employment ban (from Abu Dhabi with Unlimited Contract), he cannot process a new employment visa, even if he/she will be working in a freezone?

Anonymous said...

is der any chance to enter uae even life time ban?

Anonymous said...

can u pls advise me... i want to come back dubai but i have lifetime ban. is that possible?

Anonymous said...

is it true that those who are getting salary more than 12000AED,can't be put under the ban even if they stop their contract within the probation poeriode itself?

najeeb said...

I am working at UAE more than 3.5 years, am renewed my visa a few months ago, is ban against me if i cancel the visa?

Anonymous said...

it is possible to lift or pay a houemaid ban?if she permanently ban.she can come with husband visa?

Anonymous said...

hy anyone plz ...befor i have visa house driver then my arbab make tameem on my visa ...i dont know his make tameem but whn i come airport for come my country so whn check imaigration counter so he say me u have tameem on ur visa then i live 13 days in lockup....then my visa finish nd kick me on my country ,,,,now already finish 6 month nd i want come back on visit visa in UAE....so plz tell my can i come or not .....coz in UAE i dont have my any person plz my email id starlovely86@hotmail.com nd my cell num 00923009795205 Faheem thx alot for reply plzzzz

Anonymous said...

i am new here in i arrived may 13 -2011 . i have a lot off cleaning experience about enternal and external and rope access . they cheting me they told my expat salary my previous salary more then better so i leave my previous location at qatar . i cancelled my qatari visa . when i came here they didnot give that salaray they breakdown my salary less then previous location at qatar .i sad how can i get good salary so i dicision if change company will be better . i got new job offer letter my visa will be expire may 2013 this period i want cancelled my visa they need pay visa charge 6500. how is truth?
or no please explain and in this period if i cancelled my visa how many month ban leave from uae. how much pay ban lifting . can i come within days in uae can i joint new company please explain me i am waiting your answer

raji said...

hey im woring in company 2.5 year commplit now risain the company but company rquest put band for me one year how can i lifet the ban that posable or no

MANU said...


anonymous_01 said...

i would like to know how much i need to pay if i cancel my employment visa i have remaining 3months before i finish 6months when i apply my employment visa...after finish my 6months that visa..can i apply again new visa?

anonymous_01 said...

i would like to know....how much i need to pay if i would like to cancel my employment visa with out 6months?i want to change my work or to change employer.

Anonymous said...

Im a housemaid in abudhabi,after 5month work in my employer i run away.after 2yrs the police catch me in dubai.i stay in jail 4 15days.theres a posible that i can comebck in dubai again? I need ur answer asap thanks..im almost 10months her in philippines now..& i have plan to work i uae again..thanks

Anonymous said...

I started to work here in Fujairah last Dec.6, 2011 and until now (Jan 19, 2011) I still dont have labour card, no medicals done, no contract signed yet as well but has Employment visa. Emirates NBD called me and wants to absorb me. How will be my status then, will I receive a ban or what if I will pay, what will happen? (Note. I have no job experiences yet here. This is my first time in UAE.)

Anonymous said...

My contract is already finish and i planing to go vacation if ever im not return back how many month and how much will i pay to work again in UAE?...

Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaikum!InshaahALLAH! !please is anyone can help and advice me of what is the best thing to do of my situation now,last july 13,2010,i bought a 2years visa as servant from a local sponsor in sharjah but i was not meet her personally,only we paid the money through an agent,a friend of my husband, i just stay with my husband and now i got a job offer and i want to cancel my visa,so my husband called my sponsor and ask her to cancel my visa and said ok i need 1500dhs to cancelled the visa,so we gave her my passport and 1000dhs but she told us,she will cancel it after one week,so we smell something fishy,and we found out she reported me as absconding just only 3months after my visa so it means im already absconding since october 2010,we always kept calling her ( my sponsor) to lift the absconding ban but she kept only promising to us and my visa will expire soon this coming july 13,so if i make a case is there a chance for me to lift the ban if we pay the penalty?or i might be facing a lifetym ban here in uae?please,InshaahALLAH help me find the answer and best solution since i want to stay here with my husband legally(not illegal). May ALLAH is most merciful and most mercy!