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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New UAE visa regulation for Kenyans

A new visa regulation set by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) requires citizens from Kenya to have at least a bachelor's degree to travel into the Arab country. 

According to the new regulation, even Kenyan transit passengers will be detained at UAE airports if they fail to prove that they have at least a bachelor's degree. 

"It is unfair for the Dubai government to punish all Kenyans over this misunderstanding," the chairman of Parliament's departmental committee on Foreign Relations and Defense, Aden Keynan, said on Tuesday.

"Mr Wetang'ula and his team must be proactive in their dealings with such crucial trade partners so that such hitches do not occur,” he added. 

The UAE's new visa regulation took effect just four days after the UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah al-Nahayan met with Kenya's high-ranking officials, including the Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki and the country's Foreign Minister Moses Wetang'ula. 

The exact reasons for the new move are still unknown. However, Mr. Keynan said it was in response to the deportation of UAE nationals touring Kenya. 

About 36,000 Kenyans are currently in Dubai for work and business purposes while others use the Arab state as a transit route to other Middle East countries. 


Serah said...

It is Very unfortunate that a whole government could act out of emotion like that. There must have been valid reasons as to why whoever was deported, was deported. There are Kenyans who have been deported by other governments but not one day has Kenya ever thought of closing their ties with them. Dubais 80% of economy growth is made up of expatriates and investors. Some business investors may not have degrees but are really helping in the growing economy of Dubai.it is their loss, dubai is not heaven anyway and long gone are the days where people would give anything to leave the country.Kenyans haven't done anything wrong for Dubai, and Kenya seeking out its best interest for its people should not even be negotiable.There are other countries within the UAE where Kenyans can work and live happily.DUBAI IS NOT HEAVEN. and not every Kenyan wants to live there anyway. if going to USA and living the American dream is not a big deal anymore for Kenyans, Dubai is definitely not worth it. TOAST!!!! TO THEIR LOSS OF HARDWORKING MANPOWER IN THEIR ECONOMY!! CHEERS

Anonymous said...

CHEERS INDEED. Well said Sarah.
I completely agree with you.
Think about what you are doing and do not forget what comes around goes around.
And really, let us get the fool details of why Dubai choose to take this action, on what grounds? Is it Racial or religious grounds, political? What is it?
If it is because the Kenyan authority suspected the Dubai tourist to be terrorists then surely is that justified. How many nations in the world suspect Middle east for that. It is a horrid prospect for Middle eastern people to live with but Kenyans have been victims too.
Hence Dubai, please have a logic action.
If the world is to learn from such actions then we will never ever get any where. This is a chance to get things right.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
And if u choose to Ignore what you are doing is not only Politically weak but also irrational then I hope Karma will not get u back.
Because what ever you u do.......KENYA LIVES ON.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Asking for a degree is not right. All Kenyans must join toughter and represent this matter to U.A.E Goverment

Anonymous said...

I do agree with all of you, but one thing that i really don't understand is what really happened since our goverment seems not to have the perfect answers!
36,000 kenyans are working here, they have respected the rules and we very well know that incase of breaking one you have to face the fact and the most painful thing is that most of us are surporting our families back home you see the degree UAE is asking for some of us are paying for atleast one member of our family to get it..........so what's going to happen to that young girl or boy who is working hard to get his or her degree when you send those people who are funding his education...what happen TO WE CARE lets build the world make it a better place or its just a song that will never come true...!

Keep in mind its just not only 36,000 kenyans who will be affected but way lot way lot.........i just hope UAE government will look at this matter again before implimenting it!

Anonymous said...

Yet again a rule is applied to an entire community without weighing the bilateral damage and considering innocent expatriates residing in the UAE who have contributed heavily to the economic growth. This new rule adds nothing but takes away so much from soo many. UAE being a major business HUB in the gulf should start acting like one !!

Anonymous said...

It is SAD to see the incompetency of some UAE national individuals but it is a TRAGEDY to see the response of a whole Government, to such rush decisions.
I believe that the deportation of the nationals and the fact that Kenya refused to buy the over priced Abu Dhabi oil has allot to do with premature decision they took.
They ask for Degrees, do they themselves have them? Do Dubai have the resources to accommodate Kenyans with Degrees? or they think that Kenyans with Degrees will come and flip burgers? Dubai days of "GLORY" are gone, it is dying a slow and painful death and they think that they can hide their shame with acts like this?
It is bad enough Arabs have a bad reputation, to add this to their list is just sad. I don't vote Kenyans begging Dubai for anything, as if you cave in now, they will squeez us always, let them hold their rule and lets see who is the loser in the end, Kenya lose 40,000 employees but they lose double in transit flights, manpower, innovation and trade.

Anonymous said...

Coming from Egypt, I haven't got much to do with either the UAE or Kenya, but I believe that not only was the UAE's reaction out of proportion, but also Kenya's handling of the UAE tourists (who happened to be part of the ruling family in Dubai) is a sign that there is some form of stereotyping of Middle Eastern peoples done by the authorities in Kenya. Having lived previously as an expatriate in a gulf country, I have experienced the gross unfairness that face expatriates there on a daily basis, but never had I thought that merely being an Middle Eastern tourist in Kenya would subject me to interrogation and deportation, which frankly forces me to rethink placing Kenya on my holiday destination wish-list.

Anonymous said...

Well done UAE. These racist islamophobic kenyans should be banned from all of UAE. UAE can get lots of cheap labor from all over the world. Doesnt need to see face of kenyans who deport muslims from their country.

Anonymous said...

well said after all its not some green card .........they can ask for degree or whatever........but they will never put a Kenyan down.........my Kenya my pride....

Anonymous said...

now wat abt those who are transitin thru dubai cz thy r students,the same still applies?
its not logical coz its a transit point or else it means we dnt fly emirates we use other airlines to get hom

Anonymous said...

This is just another of the unlimited illogical things and rules in the UAE.
This country is killing itself, not only against Kenya, but in front of all around the world.. UAE has a VERY SHORT FUTURE..go back to your camels ppl..

Anonymous said...

Lets face the facts right.....UAE will lose more than Kenya.We wellcome the 40,000 plus kenyans home our economy will surely support you.But what will the UAE do with around 35 billion USD exports to Kenya every year!! and what if Kenya ban goods originating from Dubai to pass through kenyan port destined for East and Central africa?? who will be the biggest loser here??

maccella said...

It is a common sense deal here:as much as the screening in other Airports,kenya is also entitled.Kenya want to be safe also n every one should be questioned on entry.Be HUMAN when you make rules but we are not BEGGING ANYWAY.If Dubai thinks it has ENOUGH,AM SORRY NOT YET.FEAR GOD dont just see what you have!!!!

Abdullah said...

In numerous cases, Some Kenya Authorities people be at Airports or Police sadly by manace of stereotyping Arabs as propagated and confused by Western media ends up mishandling Middle East visitors and in particular Arabs (who think Kenya is a good tourist place to go!. This puts me off.
Having said that I believe that there are many good people in Kenya and generalisation is also wrong. One wrong does not make two wrong!